Friday, October 28, 2011

Working hard....and working hard

I was thinking of my dad recently. Well...truthfully, I think about him all the time.

I wonder what he would think of me, my life, and my children. I know for a fact that he would get a kick out of my girls. Aspen is a sweet, huggy love, and Avery is just like me, which would give him great pleasure.

I know my dad didn't get me...but he totally got me.

I have such strong memories of him. He worked so hard for everything.

When I think of who he was, and how hard he worked; my only regret is that I didn't 'get' it at the time.

He was skilled in everything from sewing, to fixing cars to woodworking, electrical and masonry. I knew back then that he was special. I didn't know any other dads that had his capabilities. He was also good at math, history, physics...and cooking.

Oh...and sprinklers.....
it seemed every weekend there was a sprinkler that needed fixed. (Even though he put the boys to that!)

Our house was always busy fixing or cleaning. We all had to pitch in and help out. There was a lot to do and five kids to help out.

I wish I spent more time hanging with my dad and learning some of his trades. I truly had no concept.

When I think about people today who work hard, I can't help but think of my dad and see everyone coming up short.


As a patent Attorney who had five kids and all those trades under his belt....the man never rested.

Today we have all sorts of service workers who charge nominal prices to do the things we either don't want to do, or don't have time to do.  How lucky are we, right?

But I think something is profoundly lost in the handing it over to someone else.  I never thought I would be embarrassed to say I don't have a cleaning lady.  At one time I was one of only a few who didn't. Can you imagine?  Being ashamed that you are the one cleaning your own house (or in my case "not cleaning" as it were).

My husband is one of those "hirers".  He finds more value in is time so he lets someone else do things for him.  Even cleaning his car.  Last time, I have to say I actually found the value in his thought process.  As I sent the girls out to clean my car (because they have fun getting wet), I came out and saw spots everywhere.  They can't reach the windows, let alone the roof.  So as the spots had already dried, I was in trouble. I was gonna have to start all over again.  So I took it to the drive through and figured I would use their vaccuum and get it done quicker.  Not only did the stupid carwash scratch my car; when I went to vaccuum the hose was too short, I would have had to turn my car 3 times to fit the hose in my car.  So in the end, I went home, dried off my car and used my own vaccuum to finish the job.....ughhhhhh.....  But it was done.

There are times it is nice to have someone else do something for you.  But there is a lot of value in being able to do it yourself.  I miss all that my dad had to offer.  There is a true sense of pride in looking at a job well done and knowing that you did it!  When we hand our jobs to everyone else, we cut ourselves short in some way.

Not that I wouldn't hire everyone to do everything for me if I had enough money.

I'm just sayin'......!!!

Happy Friday!!!

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