Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Places

The other day I sat home and I cleaned things that no one would see. Or that they just ignore. There are so many nooks and crannies in a house to clean and it would appear if it is ignored, it doesn't exist.

But it does and I couldn't take it anymore.

Aside from the cleaning, I baked, cooked and PRE-pared tons of food, because I am tired of hearing 'We don't have anything to eat!'. Well, now we go plenty.

I ended up handing out most of my muffins, because for some reason they don't always get eaten and I end up throwing them away and I wasn't in the mood to waste food.

So when I got up yesterday morning and realized there were only a few left for my kids, I hi-tailed it to the store to get some ingredients to make some chocolate muffins (not the healthiest choice). And I baked at 9pm at night. thing I realize about myself is when I bake; something is up! It would appear that I am stressed on some level or feeling like I am losing control, so I do something I am good at....BAKE!

I need a sense of accomplishment and so I achieve something when I create food that my family loves! And handing it out also makes me happy, because now I am sharing and making someone else happy.
It is not the healthiest reaction to stress, but it is not a bad one either.

I was talking to someone yesterday who is so immersed in stress and her only solace is her daughter. (She is also contemplating divorce, so she has very little joy). That is a lot of pressure her little girl unknowingly has on her. What if her daughter does something wrong? Now her whole world is crumbled.

I encouraged her to take mental breaks in the day. Find your happy place, if you will.

I have pictures in my office that I took, and they are big and hanging right in front of me.  Whenever I see them  I can feel the air, and smell the smells of the location, as if I am actually there.  It gives me a moment of solace!  It's so important to take moments for your self preservation in this life of stress that we lead!

I have found my moments of solace in various ways.  Being an anxiety sufferer, I have had to learn to cope and bring myself back to calm.

And though all my tactics may not be healthy for others...they are healthy for me!!!

Find your happy Place!
Happy Friday!

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