Saturday, October 29, 2011

Good to bad in an instant

Last night was a really nice evening......and then it went downhill fast.

As parents your lives move in a flash. It is time spent shuffling kids back and forth in between working and trying to keep the house together. You almost feel like two people passing in the night. There is a lot of juggling going on.

So, a date night is something that comes few and far between.

Last night we called in the grandma and asked her to pick up the girls from dance so we could steal off to a movie. A $2 movie.

I dropped off the girls at dance and me Chris at the theater in separate cars. I still had my spider web makeup on my face, because I'd didn't have time to wipe it off and reapply my makeup.

We decided to see the Change Up. Chris and I rarely agree on movies, but we do agree on some characters. Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds are on our list. So we went. Even though we knew it got panned by critics. We were happy if we laughed just once! (go in with low expectations; that is what I say! No where to go but up.)

Though some parts of the movie were beyond crude (and I mean beyond crude), we laughed a lot! Totally worth the price of admission! (at $2 I don't care if it is just a nap...)

Afterwards we went to Boneheads and split an appetizer and a dinner. It was amazing!

And then we walked around and talked a bit. And not all about the kids, which was great. He caught me up on his work, and we talked about my work, and we really had a nice time. I even made him sit down while I threw my legs over his and sat for a while. I am surprised he didn't start twitching.

It was so nice to not be running around. It has been a long time.

As usual, we got anxious to get the girls. We went and picked them up from grandmas, and as usual, they were hiding under her coffee table when we came in. I will be so sad when they don't fit anymore.

After we for home we laid down upstairs and all watched Zookeeper with Kevin James. Not my first choice, but it was more about spending time together as a family. It was nice, once again, to just chill.

What a great night!

Then, as we were getting the girls off to bed, Aspen (who is under the weather) starts crying hysterically because she can't find her retainer. Panic started happening because I told her if she loses her retainer, I will have to take her off dance team to pay for it (never imagining I would have to use that card).

This is where everything changed. We stopped everything and scoured the house. She though she left it on a paper towel and that it got thrown away. She was frantic and coughing like a seal, because she is starting to get sick.

It was awful. The mood in the house turned, and as we ran through the house digging through everything we were no where near the happy content family of a few minutes ago.

Eventually we found the retainer. But the damage was done. She couldn't calm down, and she went to bed thinking we were angry with her. And we weren't. We were sad that the night took a turn so quickly.

I woke up this morning and snuggled into bed with her. I kissed her and let her know I loved her. All is fine in the house today and we are all working on costumes and 'stuff'.

Don't take for granted those precious moments: because just like anything else, they are fleeting.

Happy Saturday!

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