Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Opinions and Epiphanies

Yesterday, I got a call from a photographer friend about an upcoming wedding.  In our conversation he mentioned how he was photographing a couples engagement that night.  It was a couple who was in a wedding I assisted  him with.  It is one of the bridesmaids who is now getting married.  I loved this girl, she was spunky and fun.  So I asked if I could meet him for the shoot.

We met at a lake, where they had a picnic set up complete with wine and flowers.  As I got there, they were in full swing, laughing and having fun.  It's so great to work with people who are just there to enjoy the moment.

I had formed opinions about these people that were totally wrong.  The longer I spent with them I realized it was a second marriage for both of them.  Which answered so many questions in my mind.  These people didn't act like parents.  Or did they?

It turns out the bride has 3 kids, one as old as 17.  I was blown away, because she is so youthful.  He has 3 kids that are a bit younger.  He is a very patient and quiet man. 

The more time I spent with them and the more their story unfolded, the more connected I felt with them.  I understood their joy.  It was different than I thought it would be.  It was definitely richer.  And it appeared as a love that would last.

Just like everyone else, they had issues that life throws you.  But as I listened to them talk about their kids, they sounded like a unit.   Which is fantastic for a second marriage.  Blended families can be a challenge!

I know many couples who have yet to unite when it comes to parenting.  And as a result, the kids play the parents against each other.  It is a skill inherent in children, I swear!

I liked hearing their struggles.  Or more so, how they listen to and respect each others point of view.  I'm much more open when one opens up to me.  False people make me hesitant to show who I am.

As the night continued and we talked over dinner, it was so comfortable and easy.  I was told by the photographer that I will be his assistant at their wedding.  I was very excited by this.  There will be a lot of emotion there, and as I now know the dynamics of the family, it will be a much richer experience.  I will be able to put faces to the names we talked about.  The dynamics will unfold and I will be able to capture it on a deeper level.  A level at which I am comfortable.

My best weddings are the ones where I get to know the families.  And as I love to sit back and watch families connect, those are the best shots to capture.  If I didn't get to know them, I wouldn't know what I was looking for.

At the end of the night, I felt very content.  Though this shoot was not in my plans, I'm glad I got to squeeze it in.  I am so happy for this couple and so excited for their wedding.  It will undoubtedly be a rich and emotional experience.  And knowing her, filled with lots of laughter and tears!

I'm so blessed with what I do!

Happy Wednesday!

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