Thursday, May 31, 2012

Watch out!

I think Blogger is sick of me.  The last two days I have logged in, it's tried to kick me out.  But I'm persistent and I refuse to give up!!

I'm writing my blog the night before.  I have had such a crazy day, I can't wait!!!

Every so often, things go "wonky".  Today was that day!

Everyone has filters that stop them from saying what isn't appropriate.  Normally, they are a God send.  But for some reason, on this day, they were way lower than they should have been!!  And I have NO IDEA WHY!!!!!

I hate those days!

I was completely on fire and saying whatever came to mind!  Someone should have stopped me!  I sounded like a stalker to those who don't know me well.  And to those who DO know me, I sounded unstable!!!

I don't know why it happens sometimes, but it does.  And I have to be honest.  I really didn't care!

I wish more people were a little more forward sometimes.  We spend so much time protecting ourselves from who we are or what we think, that by the time we formulate our sentences, they are so far removed from who we are that there is no point in speaking.

That said, I still wish someone held me back.
But my brain was working so fast, it was impossible to anticipate.  Even I had no idea what was coming next.

Ever have a day like that????

I wish I had an explanation, but the truth is, it happens sometimes.  I don't know why and I can't control it.  And... I'm okay with it.

It's the end of the day.  I'm exhausted from all I have spewed.  I hope I didn't offend anyone.  And if I did, I do apologize.

I am pretty sure I have A.D.D. but I refuse to be officially diagnosed.

Until then, I will be committed in what I am.....   A "Squirrel" person!!

It seems to work for me.  And people seem to accept it.

Until I calm my brain, it's best to steer clear of me.

Hope you day goes better than mine did.

Until then.....SQUIRREL!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Taking advantage

So, wow....  I'm loving this weather.  For some reason this week, I'm feeling really free and happy!  (Strange I know!)

My brother came to visit last week and we took a trip to the hollywood sign in LA.  As we were in our cars heading out, he was a little....ummmm.....grumpy (?) as you say...  I recognized this right away, because as we were growing up, anytime we went somewhere, it was frought with high emotions.  Usually yelling to get out of the house (trying to organize 7 ppl was no easy feat).  And sometimes, it would end in us just staying home and not going anywhere afterall.  Very disappointing.

Similarly, when our own family packs up to go and Chris is involved, emotions run high.  He is extremely organized and doesn't understant last minute lolligagging.......  I, on the other hand am very lax and figure, if I forget my toothbrush, I won't die, so who cares! (this drives Chris NUTS!).

So for some reason, our family has followed the same pattern from when we were children.  Strange huh?  (totally not!)

As I sat in my car listening to my brother repeat patterns, I found a little humor in it.  I heard his concern, he was feeling the pressure to get us to our destination on time.  I smiled and said, "Let ME guide the way!  It's not a big deal!"  He looked at me with furrowed brow and yelled across to my car, "When did YOU get so happy?"  For some reason I found this a humorous question.  I certainly don't consider myself "Happy" as much as I do "Grateful" for every day!

Yesterday I decided to check out Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna.  I have heard about it for years but never actually went, and as yesterday was absolutely gorgeous, I decided to go for it.  My intrigue was the "thousand steps", I was going to use it for a bit of a cardio workout.

When I got to the location, I realized why very few people go here.  Parking is non-existent!  But thankfully, I found the back end of a spot and took advantage.  However, I had to creep up on the car in front of me, hoping they had enough room in the front to get out.  OR...that I would get back first.

As I approached the steps and looked down, I immediately see how it got its name:
Going down was no problem.  I bounced down and landed on the sand.  As I looked around, I was in awe of what I saw....a VAST open beach with VERY few guests. 
I instantly fell in love!  This is exactly when I need when I want "me" time. 
I walked the length of the beach to check it out.  Afterall I was in workout clothes, I may as well make it look like I'm USING them....
At the end of the beach visions crossed my mind....PHOTOSHOOT!!!!
How pretty is THIS??? 
At this point, I'm quickly realizing I have a little slice of heaven.  It was a beautiful day in a beautiful location and I couldn't be more tickled.  So I planted myself on the sand for an hour and watched the skimboarders master the rhythm of the waves.  There were about 6 guys, varying in age.  They were all jockeying for the best wave, but respectful of each other.  There is never a collision.  It was so much fun to watch. 
One guy (late teens) jumped in the water with a video camera to catch his friend in the water. And then they switched.  I could have stayed there all day.
Next to me was a dad with two small kids.  One about 4 and the other not even 1.  He laid in the sand while the kids played.   I watched the baby take handfuls of sand and shove it in his mouth while dad tried to catch a nap.  How many times have I seen that before?  LOL
After a while, I decided to put my workout clothes to task.  It was time to leave and conquer those steps.  Going down was cake.  Going up shouldn't be to bad.  Should it???
And then I saw this......

 Now, what you see in the picture is about 1/3 of the steps.  I got about 1/3 up,before I started slowing down; about halfway before I decided to catch my breath...and at the top, I prayed to God that the pain in my chest wasn't a heart attack.  Thankfully I survived.
I took a few minutes to let my heart rate relax.  I think it was in serious shock.  My cardio needs work!  But it was all worth it, and I would do it again!

When I think back to my brothers question, "When did YOU get so happy"....I realized that I had made a choice.  For every moment I have, I can be in a bad mood, I can react badly....or I can sit back and realize, (as mom always says) "This too shall Pass".  And in the midst of it passing, I will do my best to enjoy every single moment I can!  

Why? You ask?......   Well I say Why NOT????

Happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fighting food

I'm realizing more and more how bad food affects our lives.  I have a kid who could easily be diagnosed with ADD after a sugar-laden breakfast.  I literally watched one day as she transformed from a focus kid to one that was bouncing off the walls.   I had to track back to what had happened in the previous 20 minutes and I realized she had chocolate Silk (soy chocolate milk) and granola balls.

Boy did I have a realization there.  But not only with her, but with myself as well.  I know when I eat processed foods, I don't feel as healthy as I do when I am making better choices.

So then, why is it so difficult to stay away from all the processed foods we have?  Why do we continue to bring them home?

Food of today is far removed from when we were growing up.  It is all so mass produced that the quality is iffy at best.  Did you ever wonder why we "suddenly" have all these allergies?  They are crawling out of the woodworks.

Even Fruits and Veggies aren't the same.  The nutrition level on these foods is greatly diminished.  We can eat an apple twice as big and not get the same health benefits as we did back 'when'.

I have a couple of members who have come from different countries.  They have all been here less than a year and have all wound up in Weight Watchers wondering what happened to them.

One was wide eyed as she talked about the level of variety that we have here in the states.

In all their years in South Africa and Ireland, they never had a weight problem.  Within a year, they are sitting in our chairs wondering what the hell happened???

That should speak volumes (pun intended) to most of us.

It's not just the abundance, but the quality.  The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.  It's actually kind of scary.  I'm finding wisdom in terms like 'organic',  and 'No GMO' and even "Grass fed".

There is a book that I read not too long ago called  "The End of Overeating".  It's a wealth of information.  I was really disgusted at the food industry when I read it.  But it's a great read!!

I find myself envying people who have their own gardens.  We have tried.  We have almond, avocado, mango, blueberries and tomato plants.  So far, in the last two years, I have gotten 2 tomatoes, 5 blueberries and a sour apple.  The apples are the only promising thing.....

Be aware that if your child is showing signs of ADD, take a look at your food.  An egg goes much farther for my child than a low sugar cereal.  Her attention is better and she is less impulsive.

I'm not here to make you paranoid, but aware.  It's been bugging me for a long time and I think I need a revolution in my house with our food.

I think I'm best to start with a list and NOT shopping when I'm hungry.  That one always takes me down. 

It's at least worth taking a look......yes???

Let me know what you find.  This conversation bears digging deeper......

Happy Tuesday

Monday, May 28, 2012

How much?

How much do you give?  And when do you know?

I saw First Position yesterday.  It's a documentary about ballet and the hours put in for the very slight chance you will make anything of yourself.

Great documentary.  But is raised a lot of questions in my mind.

As this ballet thing is all new to me; I find myself completely fascinated by it.  The documentary showed the many aspects of ballet and the extreme measures these people will go to for their art.

But as I saw the road ahead of us (and we are really only at the beginning of it) I wonder how much we can put in, if we continue down this path?

Some of the costumes alone were absolutely ridiculous in price.  $1500-$3500 for a tutu.  Or....100 hours of sewing time if you choose to go it yourself.  For ONE TUTU!!!!

Ballet shoes can be a one-time use item for the professional or near professional ballerina.  At $80 a pair (avg), the sky is the limit here.

And that doesn't even touch on the lessons, the privates, the choreography.....

I saw the sacrifices that some of these people made for their kids.  Some families actually moved to be closer to Ballet.  (As in moved the WHOLE FAMILY and bought a new house).

It was very interesting.  My heart went out to each of these aspiring dancers in hopes they would succeed to the highest possible level.  But many won't.

So it raises the question; not for just ballet, but for any sport......How much do you give?  What do you sacrifice?  How do you choose?

As a parent you want to make the right decision for your child.  We have the ability to stand behind them and lift them up as high as they aspire to go.  But what if they don't make it?  (yes....I did just ask that question).  Or better yet, what if they quit half way through?

I'm all for supporting my children, but I'm a little nervous to what extent.  We are already sitting at a crossroads for one of them and we aren't totally sure how we can pull it off.  It's very possible we can't.

My hat is off to the parents who gave it all to their kids.  I hope in return the payoff was worth it. 

I would like to sit down and talk to a few parents who have trudged the path before me and get some advice.  Because as I sit now; with the documentary in my mind, I find myself wondering, "Well, now what?"

Either way it comes with a price.  My pocketbook, or my daughters feet.  One way or another somethings gotta give.  And at this time, I'm not sure which that will be.

Certainly, time will tell.

Happy Monday

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Long Blog....

Finally taking a minute.  We are throwing a last minute brunch for family and my house is in need of.....well, let's just say it's in need!  And as my kids spent the night with their cousin, and hubby is busy preparing the food, because that is what he does; I'm picking up and fixing that which is 'in need'.

Brunch is a funny thing.  Who ever thought of it?  Are we supposed to eat breakfast before brunch?  And if not, what happens if you wake up at 6:30am like I do and brunch isn't until 11?  I always wondered the brilliance of the idea.  But whatever.   The time just seemed to fit, so we did it!  My little brother wants to leave by noon, and a 10ish brunch fits the bill.

I love when we do these things, because my husband is such a foodie, he wants to make sure everyone is fed.  So on the menu today is omelettes, overnight french toast, cheesey hash browns, bacon, sausage and I'm topping it off with banana bread, which is baking now. 

And as always he says, "I'm not sure we're gonna have enough food".  Cracks me up every time!

I told him there is always cereal, so fear not.  I know at least two of us who are happy to jump on the Cinnamon Life bandwagon!

As I was getting ready this morning, I had to finish up final dishes.  Chris was still asleep, so it was just me and the dogs.  Kara always stares at me intently, in case I shift from dishes to food.  Somehow she has become such a beggar!!   As I finish the dishes, she is propped in the dining room eyes fixed on me.  I turn off the water and as I approach her with wet hands, she is already squinting.  She knows....  I step closer, she drops her nose a bit, and I flick her with water. 

She is pretty well trained that I'm going to do it. It just cracks me up that she doesn't run away.  She just sits there and takes it from me!  That's family, I guess, right???

So, the dishes are done, floor swept, and one table cleared off.  Just need to work the next.  I'm hoping we have enough room for everyone.  My cousin and her son are coming as well and he may be bringing his girlfriend.  We may have to squeeze into the back yard.  But it's a beautiful day, so I may jockey for my position before anyone gets here.  (is that rude?)

It's been a nice weekend so far.   Last week I was jonesing to go to L.A. and this week we got the chance!!  We walked up to the Hollywood sign with Mic and family.  It was so nice.  As we walked up the hill, "Uncle Michael and Aunt Christine" told stories about Bode Ghost Town (where we plan to go this summer).  The girls were intrigued with the stories and begged for more. 

I swear, I'm ready to sell the house and just start camping across america.  Every time we take a road trip, my girls are so great to engage in the surroundings.  But when with family, and hearing stories, it is just a richer experience.  I love being a fly on the wall!!!  I flashed back to when I was a kid with my aunts and uncles.  They were always full of stories.  My aunts are instrumental in my cooking abilities.  I learned a lot from them!

So, suffice it to say, I'm glad we are getting together this morning.  Family is awesome and I am thankful to be able to invite them for a great meal (that I'm not cooking).  LOL

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blog blog blog

I often question myself about this blog.  What's the point?  Where am I going with it? Why bother?

Who cares?

I get up every morning and I ponder what I will write about.  Sometimes it's current events, sometimes mindless garble.  There is never any true direction with it.  If anyone is still reading it, I'm impressed....and intrigued.

Sometimes I have absolute conviction; I'm doing it so others will see the "me too" and feel better about themselves. Better, because many times what I write is a ridiculous quip about laughing at my kids at the inappropriate times, or yelling at them and feeling bad about it.

There are lots of "Me too's" when it comes to parenting! 

As I write, I sort of clock out.  I don't think too much about it, I just write whatever pops into my head (which is why it's so random).  But I don't really stop to think about the consequences, until they come up!

I was having a conversation not too long ago with one of my daughters friends.  She mentioned that she reads my blog.  (I have had other kids say they read my blog as well).  I asked her why she would read it (being that I'm a "boring old parent").  She said it was interesting.

I instantly ran through my mind thinking about things that I write.  And though most of it is benign; my fear is negatively influencing anyone. 

But I know that when I write, my goal is to be very non-specific so that readers can reach their own conclusions as much as possible.  I do my best not to be judgemental (though I can't deny I have opinions) and I try not to rant.  Though I could neither confirm nor deny that I have! ;)

The other consequence of my blog is that when I talk to people, and I relate a story; often times I get, "Oh ya...I read that on your blog!"  And then I pout!  Because now, I have nothing to talk about.  And the backside of that is, though they have heard about ME.....I have heard NOTHING about them!

Occupational hazard....

But the bottom line is, I kind of don't care who reads my blog.   Though I want to share with the world that we all have 'not proud' moments, and that many of us share the same feelings in life; the truth is, I write this for me every day.  EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

And sometimes it is a bother, because when I sit down, I literally 'got nuthin'. 

But what has happened since starting my blog just over a year ago is that my writing has influenced and brought to life much of my thinking.  I'm going to contemplate and overanalyze everything anyway.  To write about it helps me sift it out sometimes.  And there are a lot of times I need a lot of sifting!!!

To publish it is one extra step.  The bottom line is, I'm not afraid to share.  I really have nothing to hide.  Sometimes that backfires, but it's not going to change who I am or what happened.  If someone finds comfort in commiserating with that, then it's a job well done!!!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Leap of Faith

Funny things happen when you take a long time to make a decision.  It took me a year to decide Thursday nights needed to be changed.  I stayed for my members, I stayed out of fear that I would lose other meetings, I just really hemmed and hawed about it.

My photography business is where I need to focus my attention; it's my passion.  And I owe it to my family to move forward with it.

I will continue the rest of my schedule with Weight Watchers.  I haven't made any other changes.

Now, quitting one night may not sound like a big deal; after all it's just one night. However, what it represents is more the point.

With my kids being young it was easy to stay focused in one area.  But as the kids get older, it's more important that I position myself for greater things.  I have been approached by multiple people who wonder why I am not photographing full time.  I had to stop and start asking myself that same question.

It's a life change.  I'm smack dab in the middle of it! 

Life changes are hard.  They literally redirect the course of your life.  This could go good....or bad!  (I am anticipating good, of course!!)

Ever hear the saying 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'?? (Who comes up with these sayings????)

Well, the truth is, Weight Watchers has been 'a bird in the hand'.   Photography is "Two in the bush".

Crazy, huh?  I haven't been ready to take the plunge.  But now is the time.

As I left my last meeting yesterday, I had a sense of calm.   Everything will be all right.  I have total confidence.

Now, that doesn't mean that everything will go exactly as I hope.  But I do believe that whatever happens.....everything will be all right!

That, my faith.

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dance and stuff

So we are doing a dance.  A moms dance.  And we are competing in a few weeks.  Yes....I said competiting.  I'm not sure for what, but I am not in it to win it.  At this point, I just want to get through it.

Talk about putting yourself out there and pushing your limits.

For months, just about 18 moms from the dance studio decided to enlist in a moms hip hop dance.  There were times when we all questioned our sanity.  Wondering who did we think we are in signing up for this?  What were we thinking? etc......

We are a few short weeks away from being on front of judges.

Last night, we got our costumes.  I think reality is setting in.  This IS really gonna happen.

And I dare say, I'm getting excited!

I doubt we will hit it out of the park, but we WILL show up and we WILL give our best.

I have watched this group of moms go from complete confusion, frustration and ambivilance, to determination and focus. 

When you take yourself out of your comfort zone, funny things happen.  Your once comfortable world becomes a little shaken, and doubt starts to creep in, along with fear and other fun emotions. 

But as you keep going through it all, the fears and doubts start to diminish as competence grows.  This is true in any arena where we push ourselves beyond our own comfortable limits.

I'm very proud of all the moms for sticking it out and feeling ridiculous with me.  When I look around at these other women, I can't help but feel a sense of pride, knowing they have their hearts in the right place. 

I have yet to try on my costume, but I know when I do, that I will be right back in that uncomfortable, "Oh what have you done" feeling.  And regardless of how I feel, I will go through it and accomplish what we set out to do.

Over the past few months, I have gotten to know these women on a personal level, and it's been great working with them.  Quitting was never an option for us.  We will show our kids that no matter what; even though we are uncomfortable and uncertain, we will see it through to the end.  We will show them, that we may not be the best, but we gave it the best we got!  Just as we expect them to do!!!

I can't wait to unveil our first performance.  After that, it will be gravy.

We have tread the uncomfortable zone a few times and come back again.  All that's left to do is perform.

We got this!!!
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I love commiserating.  Nothing worse than feeling you are alone.

Last night a friend came by to drop something off.  I met her at the car; and there we stayed for an hour or so.  At one point, I went into the house and grabbed a few glasses and we had wine in her car while we chatted.  A drive by so to speak!!!

Our lives get so busy that these are the moments we get to enjoy as we steal the minutes in the day.

We commiserated about how as the kids get older, we moms pay the price in not being able to see each other.  And we agreed that as kids get older, they get more expensive and the ways to finance them are becoming elusive.

As our kids get older, we start to feel a little more obsolete in their lives every day as they become more independent.

This inevitably leaves us with the feeling, "What about us?"  Where do we stand and what should we do!?

I have seen many mothers get to the point that they want their own lives back, just a little bit.  Some want jobs, but don't know where to turn.  Their identity has been wrapped up in their kids for so long that their ability to individuate has become a bit hampered.

I remember as I was going back to work, I was in search of new clothes that were "professional" looking.  One of my friends told me that her old business suits were up for grabs if I was interested.  She had invested in them a while ago and didn't want them to go to waste.  I told her I would be glad to look at them and was appreciative for the offer. 

As we went into the archives of her life and started pulling out the suits; it was apparent that she hadn't been in the workforce for quite a while.  The suits had shoulder pads. 

She didn't seem to recall that the suits were so out of style.  But we had a nice laugh at how the styles had changed in the years since motherhood took over her life!!!

It all goes so fast, doesn't it??

Only a mother would get this and laugh about it.  Commiseration is a good thing.  If you have no one to share with, then you feel alone.  And when you feel alone, you feel hopeless.

It's nice to know we aren't the inventors of our own feelings.  If you are feeling it, then it has been felt before.

So if having a glass of wine in a car that is parked in front of my house is the only way to go to feel connected again.....I'll take it!

It was the funnest night I have had with her in a while!!!

Steal the moments and make them count!!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Being judged

I did it.  I put myself out there.  I don't do that very often.  As a matter of fact, I HATE the thought; but I did it.  We'll see what happens.

I submitted my work for consideration in a magazine.  It's a contest.

I do my best NOT to be judged, I try really hard not to judge others.  And here I just through myself in front of a bus and I'm waiting to see if I get hit.  And I think in this case I actually WANT to get hit.

What a wierd feeling.

I have been told for years to enter competitions for my work.   When you enter competitions with photography, usually there is a critique and a score.  Based on that information you can build from there.  This is where you learn.

It has been my intention, for years, to enter.  But in fine fashion, I have gotten too busy to do so and usually miss the deadline.  Until now......

I guess we will see what happens.  But in this case, my work could end up in a magazine.  THAT would be cool, wouldn't it.  To actually be published!!!  (I have been published before but it's been a few years).

Many of the photographers who tour have entered competitions, won and gotten recognition.  Sponsor support them, and they get paid to do it.  How cool would that be? 

But you have to start somewhere.  And for me, that somewhere is now.  With a competition.  To be judged.  Which I hate. 

Growth means being uncomfortable.  Growth means doing it anyway. 

Hopefully, I will get at least a little recognition.  But if I don't, I might be a little more critical at what I submit.  When you throw yourself into a crowd, you will have to hope to be seen.  In this case, I think that would be a good thing.

But I guess the judges will let me know....... or not.

Fingers crossed.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hang on we gooooooo

It's Monday.

I just wanted a few extra minutes in bed.  Just a few......

But now as I sit here, I feel like I am on a  treadmill that is running on high trying to catch up.  Because I slept in, so did the kids.  It would seem that my laziness gave them permission to do the same.

My kids are not what one would call 'self starters'.  Especially in the morning.  But then again, what kid wouldn't want to take advantage of a few extra minutes.  But the problem is, it's darn near time for us to walk out the door and they are just now getting their breakfast and lunches together.

Ay Chihuahua......not worth the few minutes I took.

As it is Monday, my schedule is full.....  Again....  I don't know how this keeps happening.  I want to be a stay at home mom.  That has nothing to do but keep the house tidy.  However, even my friends who have no official work schedule work their butts off volunteering and keeping up with the kids.

I guess there is no way out of being busy.  And I would do good to count my blessings that I'm busy.....  I just wish I was a little more organized...  I know it's possible...just evades me.

So, I will do my best to harness my organizational skills this week and get my shizz together and accomplish my tasks.  I am losing a day of work, because of a few appointments. 

I want to wipe a few things off my calendar, but I know if I do, there will be hell to pay.  So I need to keep them on my plate.

I hate feeling stress,but as it seems to light a fire under my tush,  I guess I will keep it.

So, this week, I'm writing my list and checking things off.
I wish I had more to say  (and of course I always do) but my list starts now and I'm checking off my blog, then carpool, then the rest as I go.

Have a productive week.  Checking off lists feels just do it!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The day after

Well, we are packed up and ready to leave.  Aspen is anxious to get out and eat so I'm making this short.

Yesterday was fun.  I could hang with these people all the time.  The girls all did their best.  The results weren't what they wanted, but there is nothing they could to about it. Competition was stiff.

We had a great conversation about the different ways that dance studios operate.  I would choose our studio any day of the week.

It's really good to have competitions and see what else is out there.  In some cases, the girls were competing against friends from another studio.  And each was cheering on the other.

I know that competition can go either way; supportive of cut throat.  This was a supportive event and everyone, even if they didn't get exactly what they wanted, handled it with dignity.

We will be heading to my aunt's today to hang and visit for a few, before we get back to the OC.

I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing day with my family.  Haven't had an 'all four' day in quite a while.

Enjoy the weather; it's gonna be a beautiful day!

Happy Sunday

Saturday, May 19, 2012

difference in opinions and refocus

So, we have a difference in opinion..... As I sit in bed with my skinny latte and my homemade banana bread, I am content in the efforts it took to bring my espresso machine and cooler of food.

However as I packed, my husband couldn't wrap his head around all the effort I took in packing my car to the hilt. His approach is bring a little and just buy your way around. And though I am not opposed to that at times, I do feel that there is a lot to be said for not having to run around to fulfill every need, there is something really nice about not havi g to rush around to get your coffee. Or worse yet, deal with hotel room coffee. I guess I am getting a little set in my ways, but I like what I like. And if I can achieve that with a little extra effort in packing for my creature comforts then why not!!!

It is 8:30 and I am still in my Pjs in bed enjoying coffee that I made. Nothing wrong with that, right? Soon we will be getting ready for competition, which I heard is brutal this year. Our kids aren't achieving what they had hoped.

Going in knowing this, my girls are nervous.  We (a few moms) had a talk with our girls this morning.  If they know this competition is stiff, they will simply have to go in knowing that they will compete for themselves.  The award is not going to be the focus. 

It is important to give their best no matter what.  However, as competition is always stiff, we have to realize, when we do our personal best, it is important to stand strong in that fact, and not place your whole belief system on an external source.

Approval is nice, but it is not the end all be all.  For all we know, these judges are tired and not thinking clearly.  Or perhaps one of them might be in a bad mood and throw off all scores.  OR....they could be at the top of their game and being extremely critical.

In any case, we have to remember why we do the things we do.  Our girls are here because they love dance.  They will do their best, because they have practiced many hours and put much time effort and energy into giving their best.

And in the end, all we want is to see them give all they have and do what they love.

I don't really care about the awards.  I care that my childs character is growing in being a team player and aspiring to something more than just herself. 

Though I will hope for high scores, (I'm not stupid), I will be content in knowing my girls will give their all and be on that stage smiling and doing what they do best!!

Can't wait to enjoy the day!
Happy Saturday

Friday, May 18, 2012


The beautiful weather is working its magic on me. I'm really excited going into this weekend.  The girls have competition in San Diego.  I love San Diego for MANY reasons!!!  First, my aunt and cousins are down there. 

When I was a kid, and I got my license and car; the first place I went....was south.  To San Diego.  I would drive south, end up somewhere in Encinitas, pull over, call my mom, ask for my aunts number (at which point my mother would say...."Where ARE you?") and I would call Aunt Mary and ask if she was around!!

She always was.

She worked at a mall in Grossmont center and there have been many a time I would walk into her work, and say hi.  Then drive home.  Didn't need to linger, just connect.

Second, there is something fun yet casual about San Diego.  It's different than L.A.  In L.A. there is more of a formal feeling.  I mean, if you run into a star, aren't you going to wanna be made up?
The night life in L.A. is different too.  A little more high strung and pretentious.

But San Diego is all about the good life.  Relaxing, fun, beautiful....just perfect!!

I love where we live, because honestly, we could go from the beach to the slopes all in one day!  We live in a great area!!  Both San Diego and L.A. are a short hour or so away!

With this weather, being so beautiful lately, I'm feeling the itch to go in all directions.  There is so much to explore.

It always cracked me up, because my aunt has 3 children.  They don't have the travel bug like we do in my family.  I could never imagine in a million years them calling saying, "Hey we were in the area....".  I'm laughing just thinking about it.

But they are always very welcoming when we come visit.

I guess I just can't imagine someone living in this area, with all it has to offer and NOT get the itch to go play!!

If I have a chance to get to the beach for dinner on a week night, I'm all over it.

And when I have a photoshoot at the beach, I linger.... because I can!!!

I'm really looking forward to the summer when I can take some time with the girls and just hang.

This next month and a half is the hardest part of the year for me.  Lots of shooting and computer time.  Lots of back and forth to the studio for rehearsals.  End of year activities.

With all that anticipation under my belt, I will take advantage of every "down" minute I have.

The beautiful weather, is just the reminder that I need to do so!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Season Finales

I keep reading posts on facebook about "Season Finale" episodes.  And for some reason, it's making me sad!! And last night I got an invitation for the "End of the year Pool Party".


I am not opposed to summer......Just not ready for it!  I don't know what I need to be ready for, exactly......but I'm not ready.

I think it feels like it came so fast, that it's literally an "abrupt" ending....  I didn't steal the kids to Disneyland as much as I wanted.  We didn't go to the beach for dinner at our local hang out as much as I wanted.  Once or twice to be exact.  My heart feels the heavy sigh.....

How does life get in the way so much, that we just can't get away for fun?  Not even for a few hours?  What the heck????

As I reflect back, I can see the little things that got in the way.  And though we did take a week in Puerto Vallarta, that is not what I'm talking about.

It's the steal away moments.

Heck, I haven't even been in my back yard that much this year, and I have a relaxing back yard with a great view.

Is THIS what happens as we get older?  The kids get so busy and we get so wrapped up in 'whatever' that we can't take time to smell the roses???

Well then, I would like to get off this ride!  I would like the E-ticket please!!!

I tried to take the kids out on a Wednesday to Disneyland.  It was a GREAT DAY.......  and then I got a note from one of the teachers that "Absence is affecting your child's grade". a punch to the stomach!!!

And I don't want to do it all during the summer, because EVERYONE does it in the summer!!!  I HATE CROWDS!!!!

So as I sit here reflecting on what I have missed, I am also looking forward with anxiety that I have a short period of time to steal my children away and have a few more nice times, before the crazy crowds of summer come in and blow my plans out of the water!!!

Summer is great, but only when there aren't a million people crowding you.

I'll get through this, I know I will.....I'm just sad that most of the year has passed.  The reason it makes me so sad, is if I went back, there is nothing that could change.  I think it is that realization that is killing me.

I guess I will just have to get more creative.

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wedding with Maggie the dog

So, yesterday I got to shoot a wedding.  On the beach.  In Del Mar.  Two hours in and out.

It was a second marriage and it was perfectly adorable.

I had never met these people face to face.  That was the only thing I was nervous about.  I get a better sense of people and what to shoot after I meet them.  However, this wasn't a luxury this time.  So my over the phone conversations were as good as it was going to get.

When I went down there, I was greeted by the groom, who was not happy that I parked out on the main road.  He wanted me behind the gates, called me sweety and directed me around.  When I walked up to shake his hand, he gave me a hug.  Wow....this is gonna be great!!!

When I went in to the house where the small group was waiting, I was introduced to each "player" in the wedding.  There were only 8 people.  The closest/bestest if you will.

It consisted of the grooms best friend and his wife; the grooms two sons,  and his boss and boss' wife.

And Maggie.  The dog.

Maggie was a beautiful golden lab.  She had brown eyes, and I swear, a smile on her face.  She was awesome.  She would be on the beach with us.

Maggie got a ride to the beach with the rest of the crew (minus the bride and groom and us).

Julie and I followed the bride and groom as they walked the short block and a half to the beach.

It was so cute watching them walk together.  He wore a white button down shirt and she wore a beautiful, yet simple, Nicole Miller dress.  They would both be donned in flip flops for the ceremony.

As we walked over to the beach, people stopped and smiled.  They congratulated them along the way. 

As we got to the beach, I was aware of dogs all over the place.  Their location was just south of the dog beach (a great invention by the way).  I believe it was so Maggie could join them. 

The set up was very simple.  Two sons, an amp a guitar a microphone and the guests.  The day was perfect.  Sunny and pleasant with a slight wind.

The bride stood there with her beautiful bouquet in one hand and her husband-to-be in the other.  She smiled and laughed the whole time.

As they started the ceremony, the sons started playing and singing.  It was so sweet.  They were in their late teens/early twenties. 

When the vows were spoken, the groom teared  up.  He loves this woman so much.  As she spoke hers she had the same reaction.  It was very touching.  His boss officiated the ceremony.  Everyone there had a part. 

As they kissed, we took pictures and gathered everyone together.  Then we dismissed the main group and I held on to the bride and grooom for a few short minutes.  They had a limo to catch to take them to Laguna Beach for dinner.  The place where he proposed.

All in all, it was a very touching two hours.  Everyone there had a purpose and meant the world to the bride and groom.

Maggie was a hit in all the pictures.

Everyone was happy.

I got paid to do this!


I love my job!!

Happy Wednesday

Monday, May 14, 2012

Soapbox Derby

Who are you???
The depth of who you are is based on the experiences you have had through life.  The quality of who you are is how you have chosen to overcome your experiences through life.

There is no doubt that we have all been through heartache and pain.  And there is no doubt, that at some of those times you wished life would stop right then and there.

But as you sit now; how can you reflect on all you have been through?  How can you pinpoint how each of those experiences has helped build your character; shape the very essence of who you are.

Would you deny yourself that?

What you have been through is who you are.

Like it or not, who you are and what you have to offer this world is solely based on your experiences.

We don't get to choose every experience.  And if we did, there is no doubt we would screw it up and somehow be dissatisfied.

But as you life and breathe today....where do you stand?

I always say our adult life is here so we can overcome our childhood.  And I have many who would agree with me.  But I think it is very important to realize that we need to learn from what we have gone through.

I have many personal experiences I would never in a million years repeat.  But what I take away from each, is a lesson.  How I choose to apply that lesson is up to me.

Some people go through life with a victim stance.  They are always a victim.

If you are always blaming others, it might stand that you need to look at the one common denominator.  (and if you can't figure out who that is, walk to the closest mirror and let me know what you see).

Have you ever known someone who has nothing but good luck?  Have you ever examined their demeanor? Their outlook?

Yes....I am on a soapbox.  I admit it.  But I stand here, because I was once hit with the soap the face....on more than one occasion.  And I decided to make better use of that soapbox, so here I am.

We all have a choice at any time.  Use it to be a victim...or use it to be a victor.  Either road is hard.  But one is more rewarding than other.  And it might take longer to reach your destination.  But either way...the choice is always yours.

That's all I got for now.

Happy Tuesday

Pavlov's Dog

Ever hear of Pavlov's dog?  Pavlov was a  man who did an experiment with his dog.  He would ring a bell, give the dog a treat, and then do it again and again.  After a while, he would ring the bell and NOT give the dog a treat.  The dog learned to salivate just by hearing the bell.  It was trained that when the bell rang, it would get a treat, and thereby salivate.

This time of year, the same thing happens to me.  Mothers Day comes around, and I start craving the meal we have done every year for the past 8 or so years; Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Overnight French toast, and Cheesey Hash Browns (the only thing healthy in that dish, is the onions).

Chris is a picky chef.  He's always thinking about what to make, and how he can put a twist on it.  However, when he approached me this year to ask what I wanted; I gave him a look like, "You're kidding me, right???"   I told him very sternly (and without negotiation), "You will be making what you make EVERY year!!  I look forward to it!!!"

He said "fine" and did as he was told.  Only he did add a twist and I didn't care.  I only eat the sausage, potatoes and french toast. 

It's funny how over the years, with the addition of kids and what not how our efforts for Mothers Day have diminished.

The first year we had it at our house, we pulled out all our fine china, a table cloth, cloth napkins, and served the Mothers of Honor (Chris' mom and my mom).

Yesterday it was more of a help yourself (I dug in first) and the mom's had to fend for their own paper towels if they wanted to clean their chops! 

To be honest, they are lucky, at this point in my life, to get a clean piece of table. 

But as our schedules have gotten busy over the years, they seem to understand that a clean table is a huge gesture.  And for that I am grateful!!

I wrote yesterday about how I get it with the whole motherhood thing.  And as I read my blog to my mom, she welled up a bit.  (I told her that was her Mothers Day card....again....efforts and abilities way low).

My intention was to get them something nice.  In the end, they ended up with a bouquet of flowers (carefully chosen by the girls) and a place to set their brunch plate.)

When I think about those days of tablecloths and cloth napkins, I remember it was such an effort.  Now, just giving them room to eat is about the same output, so I shouldn't beat myself up.

The meal is what I remember most.  It's become a tradition in our family.

Now, for the week, we have plenty of potatoes to include for dinners (or even snacks).

I hate to admit I am a bit of a foodie, but I just LOVE food!!!  And I'm spoiled by the fact that my husband likes to experiment.  If I ate eggs yesterday, they would have been stuffed in a poblano pepper with chorizo.  It smelled divine.  But as it's not on the traditional menu, I will save that for another day!!!

Traditions are good.    They give you a sense of grounding and belonging.  It's nice to go to a place and know what to expect.  I look forward to it every year.

And as I sit around the table watching everyone come together over good food, it's a good feeling.
Definitely feels like home!!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day never appreciate a mother until you have kids of your own!!!  It's so sad......

I remember seeing "stay at home" moms thinking, 'You got a CUSH job!!!  I wanna do that!!

And then when I was pregnant, getting ready to go on Maternity Leave, I was telling my coworkers (all moms) of the plans I had while I was home with my baby.  Most were quiet, but one snickered.  I asked what's so funny.  She replied, "The fact that you think will be ABLE to get all that done!"

I just shook my head and thought, "Whatever, negative Nelly!"

And then the baby came.......

My first memory of early mommyhood is being up with Aspen at 1 in the morning in a tired fog, wondering WHY I needed to be up, changing yet another poopie diaper, and screaming at my husband, "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!!

And then my co workers snicker came flooding forward in my brain!

She was right!
I was exhausted, confused and way out of my league.  I got advice from every mother that I could (but mostly my sister since she lived on the other side of the world and was the only one who would pick up the phone at one in the morning......

I remember calling my mother one day when I was at my wits-end and as she answered the phone I vehemently said, "IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR GRAND DAUGHTER AGAIN, YOU WILL TAKE HER NOOOOWWWW!!!!"   I heard laughter on the other end of the phone......  Humphhhh......

Parenting isn't for sissies, that's for damn sure.

Just when you think you have a day planned for yourself and you are packed up and ready to go to the spa or something wonderful, the phone rings.....and it's the school.....because your daughter just threw up and needs to come home......

On the other side of things, motherhood is wonderful. 

I remember when Aspen was little, I used to carry her in a sling (best invention EVER).  I was out somewhere and getting stressed that my errands were taking longer than they should  I got lost and went in the wrong direction, and I almost started panicking, thinking about Aspen getting stressed.  And as I looked down at her, she was perfectly fine.  I felt a sense of calm come over me as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said, "You're exactly where you want to be!"  Which of course, was with her mother.

Since being a mother, I have realized that the world is a way bigger place than it was.  More issues are concerning to me, especially if they affect my children and their future.  Other issues are less concerning to me, and I engage in drama way less.

I feel like I have a good perspective on things.  My kids are healthy, and thriving.  I'm so proud of them both.

But moreover, I'm blessed with the knowledge of what my own mother must have gone through raising five children.

When I have two attitudes coming at me, I think of her and realize she had that and 3 more behind them!

Because I am a mother, I have learned to realize, I shouldn't blame my mom for things she did that weren't "perfect".  Because now that I am a mom, I see her as a human being, with faults....just like me!!!  I am way more understanding in the choices she made for us.  I get it!!!

But sadly, I didn't get it until I was a mother myself!!!

But.....I get it!  And for that I am thankful!!!

Thank you mom for all the sacrifices you made for us.  All the dishes you cleaned and messes you wiped up and for telling me NO when  I really wanted you to say YES!!!  You knew better (okay...not always, but I get it now).

Thank you for not judging me when I made REALLY STUPID choices.  Thank you for forgiving me when I was short with you (ALLLLL THOSEEEE TIMESSSSSS).

Thank you for treating me like a person as I grew and not like a child. 

Thank you for being my friend and sharing amazing moments with my children.  Thank you for laughing at me when I'm at my wits-end.  You help me see perspective!!

I love you mom!!  I'm thankful for your and I'm glad we have this day to share together!!!

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mom's booked!!!

Tomorrow is Mothers Day.    I'm ahead of the game this year; I actually invited my mother already. 

Talk about a "Squirrel".....  I don't know what I was thinking when I forgot to invite my mom to our Mothers Day Brunch last year.  Thankfully, she did not have alternate plans and came over.

However, this year, I'm not sure I would be so lucky!

My mom is in her 70s and she lives in a senior community.  She's pretty....ummm.....well......stagnant as far as activity goes.  For as much as my sister and myself have tried to get her active; she's  been a (love you mom) hopeless case.

But for years, so was I when it came to activity.  One has to come into their own on their own terms.  Or until someone who is a better fit comes along and doesn't give you a chance.

This happened to me. 

I was in the process of losing weight and a friend of mine (who had lost 90lbs) convinced me to start running.  And run I did. 

So, despite my sisters efforts all those years, her advice fell on deaf ears.  I needed to hear it from someone like me!   To date, I have run many 5Ks, a few mud runs and a half marathon.

I wouldn't have done it without the encouragement of my "like for like" friend.

Now, as I live and breathe; my mom has found her like for like.  In the past few weeks, she has done Zumba, Yoga, silver sneakers aerobics, and some other class I have forgotten due to pure shock!!!  It's as shocking as the time she quit chain smoking for 40 days for Lent.....but then promptly jumped back on the cancer stick wagon.  Or the time she traded in her diet soda for water (which she still drinks today!)  Or the day that she actually quit smoking for good!! 

Shocked.... but in a good way!!! 

Her neighbors have gotten their hooks into her and taken her hostage. 


So, when I say, I'm lucky my mom is available tomorrow, I mean it wholeheartedly.

However, that said, if they wanted to take her to a class on Mothers day.....we could certainly adjust our meal time for that!!  I couldn't be more proud!  LOVE YOU MOM!!!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fresh Oranges

Just sharing the kind of mom I am.

This morning, I got up and decided to cut up an orange that I got from a co worker.  She picked it from her tree and so I took a couple home.

When I cut the orange, I cut off the top, and then the bottom and then slice it around the center pith that tastes bitter.  So the slices can easily be eaten by my kids. 

It was a rather large orange, so I cut it into many slices.  I can't remember which of my kids likes oranges.  I truly can't be bothered in the details.  I know it's one of them so this orange won't go to waste.

But as I'm cutting it and realizing one of them won't eat it, I decided to "share" it with my child; or at least give it a taste to make sure it's okay.

Now one thing you might not know, is I grew up on the other side of an orange grove.  This grove had more than just oranges.  It had pomegranates, peaches, plums, avocados, persimmons, almonds (did you know almonds grow on trees?) and other amazing fruits.  It's  no wonder I am so picky about my fruit.  When you pluck a fruit from a tree and place it directly into your mouth, there is no comparison to what you get in the stores.  NONE!

I have 'tried' many oranges over the years and they were either dried out, or bitter, or just no flavor.  So you would easily understand that when I bit into the orange this morning, I was taken back to my childhood years.  The orange was sweet and juicy.

And I enjoyed EVERY LAST BITE!!!!!

So needless to say, my kid is sitting next to me as I write, eating a cold piece of pizza instead.

It happens.

Happy Friday  (Thanks, Anne)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

electronic infiltration

I was listening to Mark and Brian yesterday and they were talking about people on facebook and people who "share".  They said that studies show when people put their information out there, there is a reaction in the brain like a "rush". 

Maybe that is why Facebook is so popular, who knows.

I know for me, when I'm writing I do feel good.  I have always liked writing.  But only recently (in recent years) have I started publishing. it.

I think the rush for people, comes more from responses.  I have heard from so many people they post something and they literally wait for responses.  I'm not going to lie....I have done that too!!!

When I started blogging, I started checking less in the day, because when I started posting my blogs, I felt that the little one-liners were unnecessary.

Sometimes I question my facebook presence at all. 

What's the point?  How many people ACTUALLY CARE who is on?  More often than not, it's a time killer.  I believe our production abilities have gone down, and our abilities to face each other and have an 'undivided attention' conversation are few and far between!!!

Why is this "interference" so important to us?  What would happen if we didn't check for a day??

My mom is bewildered by the fact that I don't watch the news.  I told her, "if it's important enough, I will either get a call, or see it on Facebook".  And sure enough; within minutes of Vidal Sassoons death, I saw it on facebook.

I was contacted this morning on facebook by a friend who is getting married. 

Honestly, with facebook, I don't even need email! (Except to get spam that is.)

It's just interesting to see how we are morphing into electronic monsters.   Even driving, I see people with their heads down, or talking on their phones (illegally, of course).  Do people put ANY boundaries on this stuff?

I am doing my best to keep boundaries with this stuff.  Now, because I have kids, I will check for texts, but for the most part, I try to leave it alone at work.

And, when in the car with the kids, I don't talk on the phone.  I want that to be "chat" time with my kids.  Thankfully, they aren't at the stage of having their faces in their phones when we talk to them.  Mostly it's because there is no data package on their phones.  I'm sure their friends think we are poor, but that's okay.

In my opinion, there is no benefit to giving them access to the entire world at such a young age.  Their time will come, I'm sure.

Until then, I will hold the reigns, and enjoy their little faces as they look 'up' at me, undivided for conversation.

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What do YOU have????

WHY do we compare ourselves to others?  I find myself doing it too, and the only true purpose it serves is to screw us up a little bit.

Now, there can be good to this, but more often than not it makes us doubt ourselves and amplifies all the small negative things in our lives.  It's crazy-making.

I see it in my meetings all the time.  Friends come and join together - one loses faster than the other (for no apparent reason) and the other member gets extremely frustrated.

We are all very Monkey see- Monkey do.  But when the monkey sees and can't "do", well, there we go again!!  Frustration out the wazoo!!!

It's not fair, because when we look at someone else, we are really shortchanging ourselves. 
We all have unique gifts and we all have different lots in life.  There is nothing we can do it about it but learn to appreciate it.  Yet more often than not, we take our little nuances that bug us and blow them up to epic proportions!!!

I remember when I was a member, I compared myself to my friend.  We had the same body type; we should have been losing at the same rate, right? (Yes,  I do this too).  I remember her week was better than mine and I remember getting frustrated with myself and started the mental beatings. 

In this case it worked in my favor as I had the fire stoked and I jumped on it.  But initially, it took me out!  I was riddled with self doubt; started thinking about quitting and considered myself a loser.


Yes.... a loser!

Ever been there?

Every negative thought registers in our minds, but it also registers in our bodies.   And though I would like to say I have conquered this; I would be more accurate in saying I am more aware of it.  It's a constant work in progress.

I have to realize that we are all different and that I will not have or be like anyone else EVER, because I'm not meant to be them.  I'm meant to be me!

And the more I worry about someone else, the less I care for myself, which is not fair to everything I am.

I have learned to appreciate many things about myself.  One of which is throwing all my "stuff" out there for everyone to know.  There is no shame in being who I am. 

Can I do things better?  YOU BET!!!  But right now, I know I am doing the best I can and I am constantly working on improving.  Because until I screw something up, I'm not sure it needs to be fixed.

I have created an awareness that when I look at someone else, I stop and realize that I am feeling shortchanged on something.  And I try to figure out what it is.  Because in the end, it isn't about what someone else has; it's more a question of why am I not happy!!!

A question worth pondering any day of the week!  (Especially if you start work on it!)

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today....and such

Every morning I get up I stretch.  Not a lot, but as you get older and your muscles start to atrophe, you just stretch.  I always stretch high, then low and sometimes downward dog (yoga pose).

This morning as I let the dogs out I giggled, because as I met them at the back door, they were both stretching in, you guessed it, downward dog.

Every morning like groundhogs day.  Some days are easier than others, but for some reason, I left the window open (again) and some overly happy birds decided to sit outside and "sing" at 5:30 in the morning.  I really hate waking up an hour before I'm 'supposed' to, because that last hour just makes me more tired and puts me on the 'wrong side of the bed'. 

But, whatever.  Nothing I can do about it now.

Today there is no time to be tired.  I have two meetings and I'm doing a Trader Joes "introduction" to some members.

Crazy huh? 

I just love that store.  It helped change my life.  They need to hire me on as a consultant.  I tell my members about it all the time.

The beauty in that place is it is small and everything you 'need' is right there.  As I am a total "SQUIRREL", I appreciate the focus.

My goal today is to introduce how easy shopping can be when trying to be healthy. 

I'm a grab and go kind of person. Yes, I cook, but for the most part my meals are units that are thrown together.  Though I eat healthy, I'm still pretty lazy and can use all the help I can get.

It should be a fun day!

I'm also excited about this weeks topic; Getting motivated.

Losing weight can get long and boring.  It can fill your head with doubts and it can make you beat yourself up.  Having a topic like todays will hopefully set people straight on their journey.

As it took me almost 2 years to lose 50 lbs, I get it.  And how I held on all that time, I have NO idea!!  But I'm glad I did.  I learned that perseverence does pay off.  I have to eat every day anyways, so why not make better and better choices until they become a part of my life.

In the beginning I feared the changes.  I thought it would change my relationship with my husband and my kids and ruin me (on some level).

But what I found is, though it did change me, it more educated me than anything else.  And now that I am educated, I know how to make better choices.

I really am proud of our program.  It's a whole roadmap as to how one should eat.  Getting there is up to each of us!!

Always good to start.....with a goal!

Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I was in bed by 9:30 last night.  Asleep by 10.  This morning I was up at 5:49......  Alert awake.  But when I saw the clock, I outwardly sighed and tried to go back to bed.

Always a mistake.....

At 6:30 when the alarm clock went off I was in a sound sleep, not wanting to get up, dead tired....

That ever happen to you?

I adore my sleep.  And I nap as often as I can! (daily that is).

I don't know why some people can get through the day without a thought of a nap.  And to be honest, until I met a friend who raved about her naps, I thought something was wrong with me.

We are all just different.

Two of us in my house here, need naps.  Two, don't even think about it.

I believe it's a DNA thing.

On the way home from Ren Faire, Avery and I passed out cold.  Thirty minutes later, when we arrived at dinner, we were up.  We are two peas in a pod.  Aspen played on a celtic doo dad that we got from the ren faire. 

I wish I didn't feel the need to nap, but my brain just starts shutting down and my eyes get droopy.  I have been that way all my life. 

I remember when I worked as a teller at a bank, I would take my lunch breaks under the teller stations (there was a 'dead' space there).  I would literally curl up on the floor.  I don't know why I didn't feel weird about it, but pretty soon, some of the other girls would take turns after me!  I considered the vault, but they wouldn't let me in.  Go figure!

Anyway, I'm up now, and planning my day. I'm sure I'll be good until about noon, or right after lunch, when I will have to put my head down for about 20 minutes.

I'm sure something IS wrong with me..or my DNA as it were.  But as there is nothing I can do about it, I will simply roll with the tide....and bring my pillow.

(Did I just blog about naps??) 

(Did you just read it?)

Happy Monday

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ren Faire!!!

We are supposed to be going to the Ren Faire today.  Costume is made (at least for one) and the date has been set.  We have been looking forward to this for months as we do every year.

However.....everyone is still asleep.

This is what happens when your schedule takes over your life.

For some reason, I am always the first to rise.  Many times Avery is the second.  (the ones who get tired and cranky the most). 

The quick witted, non-nappers are still asleep. 

Though I am very looking forward to today, I'm feeling the weight of my hectic schedule and the normal bouncing out of bed to "Let's get going!"  has been replaced by more of a "I guess we should start getting ready....." feeling.

I know soon, I will have to go in and wake them both up.  Chris got home at God knows what time, because he was playing a show. 

And even though we got home at a reasonable hour after our shows (with the girls), when we got home Aspen was full of energy and couldn't calm herself to rest (just like her daddy).

Now, this morning, we are paying the piper for our late night.

Thankfully the day is overcast.  As it usually gets hot out there, we will likely benefit from the marine layer hanging over our heads. 

We have been going to the Ren Faire for many years.  As I like to dress up; this is a place with my name all over it!!  I live by the personal belief that we should all be in character as much as possible.  I can be myself anyday!  But to play someone fun would that be???

The kids and I agree on this!!!  So when we go, it's just so much fun. 

So, I hope your Sunday is full of fun and "character".   I raise my glass to you and say, "Huzah!!!!"

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sewing what????


Most defnitely crazy!

I know!

But when you set out to do something, you need to see it through, or at least give it your best effort!  That is what I tell myself anyways!

I have always had a passion for sewing.  Never good at it.  The only class I took was in high school and I sewed together two impossible and incompatible fabrics.....and I got a C in the class.  And I struggled all the way through.  I used to sit and watch one of the girls hand sew her project, effortlessly, while sitting in the only rocking chair in the class.  I hated her!  I'm sure she earned the rocking chair, but nonetheless her presence made me feel sorely inadequate.   Did I mention that I hated her?  Well, her ability anyways.......

But despite my C, I still enjoyed the process and I loved the outcome.  And I'm so thankful to the teacher who helped me muddle through the class.  I'm sure when she saw my choice of fabrics (white linen and red jersey material), she probably shuttered.....but she didn't say a word.   And I got it done.

Since the kids were little I sewed stuff.  I made a cape and skirt for Aspen (always a costume).  Since then I have made multiple capes, and dresses and even sewed my own Carol Burnett "gone with the wind" costume for Halloween.  As long as you don't get too close, it's a pretty good job.  And people could at least identify me, so that was good, right???

In this instance with this particular costume I am working on, I spent way more on the fabric than I anticipated.  But we really thought it through and picked it out together.  We picked out the pattern, together.  So to finish this is important on more level than one.

But if I could take one thing off my plate and postpone it.....this would probably be it.

Totally my fault for waiting so long.  Welcome to my life of procrastination. 

But hopefully with a little perseverance and tenacity, I will see it through. 

I'd like to say 'pictures to follow', but I'm not going blow smoke at this time.

Wish me luck!

Happy Saturday

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mental pictures and Mental breakdowns

Business is booming!  I'm so excited.  With that comes a harried schedule; my every minute of my day is scheduled between now and Monday.  I'm seriously hoping to get it all done.  I'm literally evaluating how much sleep I really need a night.  Last night I got 6 and I'm feeling okay so far!

With the schedule comes the mental vacation.  I'm not a type A personality.  One of my girlfriends is, and she's a machine!  There is no one else like her.  She is always going, building her business and thinking (clearly) about all the options and opportunities around her.  It absolutely blows my mind!

I'm the kind of person who needs some serious downtime in  between all the chaos.

For some reason I have been thinking about Los Angeles.  We live near so many vacation spots and day trips and it's a little sad that those places remain so far from reach.

I remember when I was a kid, I graduated from High School and was to start a full time job at a bank that following Monday.  My mom and dad drove us into LA to the garment district, and I was outfitted with 5 beautiful business outfits.  I remember walking through the garment district completely overwhelmed with all the stores that were crammed together.

In the past 5 years, I have been to LA twice.  Once to take the girls to El Capitan Theater to see Enchanted, and the other to take the kids to downtown LA to see the walk of stars and Graumanns Chinese Theater.  Both times we had an amazing time!!!  Why don't we go there more often?

I can literally remember every time I went there and I have fond memories of it all.

There is so much available in a small area; Griffith Observatory, the Hollywood sign, Universal Studios, Mullholland Drive, Walk of Fame,  Sunset Strip, Historical places like Philippes, Olvera street, Garment District, Hollywood Bowl, Theaters, etc....  It's such an eclectic crazy place. 

I don't know why I'm being pulled North, but I'm itching to go there for a day.  Granted, I won't get that day for a month or so, but I'll get there.

If I don't take a break, I will start to break down.  It all starts with the mental picture in my mind.  Then it becomes more of a need, then it becomes a last minute "Squirrel" when I'm supposed to be getting something else done.

Squirrels are great, but at this moment in time, I have had so many squirrels going on that I have a bunch of fabric sitting on my dining room table dying to be turned into a renaissance dress and very VERY few hours left to get it done.  I will need a lot of "P" to get it done.  Prayers, patience and persistence.  But I'm determined.

So if you have a few minutes in your day, throw a prayer my way.  Because in my busy schedule I think I literally have 8 hours in the next two days to throw down to get this dress done.  It could be more hours if I give up more sleep.

I can always sleep when I'm dead though.....right???

Happy Friday

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unrealistic expectations

Photography is not photography anymore. I have been shooting for a lot of years. When I started, we used film. Most of you probably have no idea what I am talking about, but film was this stuff that you used to put into cameras and it would register the information on a little plastic sheet. The sheet would be introduced to chemicals ans the chemicals would bring the images to life. after the images showed up on the plastic sheet, it was your job to take that information and transfer it to paper. AND until you saw the information on paper; you had NO idea how your shot turned out. If you were skilled, you had a good idea. But more often than not, you just weren't sure. After your image was printed, if there was something you didn't like, you would have to send the image to the lab to have it airbrushed. And depending on the lab, it could take at least a week to get it back. Now, with digital, the whole processes is brought down to a matter of minutes. And the alterations that can made are off the charts. I was watching a news clip of a girl (8th grade), who is pleading with the magazines to offer "true" images of women, as the altered images are wreaking havoc on our girls today. I am very proud of this little girl. Because as I can alter my images to make my clients happy; I do not alter them to the extremes that the magazines do. I know what can be done, I have seen it happen, and I agree that girls will never have a good sense of themselves if they are aspiring to what is in many of these magazines. Even thin actresses are made thinner, lumps and bumps removed for the sake of the cover. Why do you think it is such a big deal to see candid pictures of stars in their 'natural state'? Simply put, they aren't seen because they are raked over with makeup, hair and finished off with photoshop. I have two girls. I remember when I was their age. Magazines were my connection to the stars I wanted to be. I had no concept of how they got that was, and I didn't care. I thought they simply fell out of bed in the morning looking like that. No wonder I had a warped sense of self. I never saw behind the scenes. Now, knowing what I know, I share this information with my kids. I show them the befores and afters. In some cases when I am editing, my kids will point out what needs to go, and offer suggestions, because they are very aware of the possibilities. They are way ahead of the game in my opinion. I hope that 8th grader gets somewhere in her endeavor. She is a brave soul. But she also has some friends who have been negatively affected by these images. With anorexia and bulimia a growing epidemic in this country, triggers like these magazine images should be examined. When is enough, too much? Life is hard enough when you have skinny friends. But to see our role models (movie stars, singers, and people we aspire to be) laid out in impossible or 'faux''s a girl supposed to feel good about herself. We would never measure up. Actually...we already don't. Time for change. Happy Thursday

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fundraisers and angry kids

Another week of pressure filled schedules and kids who are mad at me.

I thought I backed off my schedule.  How did this happen again?

I'm literally booked every minute this week.  I don't mind being booked, but when the realization hits is when that one last person or event tries to squeak it's way in to my schedule and I literally don't have anywhere to put it!

Apparently our school is having a fundraiser at FARRELL's.  And t sweeten the pot; the teachers are doing the serving!!  Sounds like fun, huh???  It just so happens the hours of their availability, are not my availability.  And it just so happens a certain little red head is not understanding of this and she is not happy about it.

Typical he said/she said.  Only in this case, it's a she said/she said! 

Her request:  Can we PLEASE just go for a LITTLE bit???
My response: I don't have the time to get there!
Her understanding: Mom just doesn't want to take me.

That poor kid spends a lot of time being mad at me.  She just left the house in a huff and wouldn't kiss me good bye. 

Oh....I can't wait until she has kids of her own.  That's all I have to say about that one.......

These fundraisers make my life hell sometimes.  This isn't the first time I have had issue with it.

Now, I'm not opposed to giving the school money.  I donate between my services, financial donations, food donations, product donations at least (at LEAST) $500 a year.  I hold a photography fundraiser at the beginning of the year for the last 5 years. 

The problem is, when I do the math for these restaurant fundraisers they don't make sense.  I will spend $20 and the school will get $2.  I would rather just give the school $2 or even $5 and save myself $15.

For that matter; they should send out a flyer that says, "Either go to Farrell's or give us a few bucks directly".  I'd buy into that!!!  I'm sure I would still have to fight my kid on the restaurant side of it, but at least I could negotiate another choice with her and make a lesson out of it.

But, whatever.   Truth is, if my schedule wasn't so full, I would likely make the same decision not to go.  But, what do I know?  I'm just a stupid mom who doesn't even deserve a kiss goodbye!
Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sick and Focused

For someone who was under the weather, I got a LOT done yesterday!!!
I edited and posted a family session, shot, edited and posted a portrait session, and powered through much of a wedding session.  Was super focused and really proud of myself. 

That said, I still have a lot on my plate.  Photography is really taking off and it's pretty exciting.  But for every hour I shoot, there are at least 2 additional hours on the back side; usually more.

What people don't realize is photography takes place mostly behind the scenes.

There are times I need a staff to help me.  And maybe soon, that will happen.

As I'm shooting more, I'm squeezing more into  my days.  I kind of don't have a choice in that.  But that's okay.  This is where my life is supposed to go.  And for once, I'm not resisting.

As the kids get older, it's a little easier to take your life back.  In the early years it was nearly impossible to get things done.  They demand your time and when they are younger, they need to get it.

Nowadays, I can help them to understand why I'm not available.  Though when I am in their presence, I'm "Mom" first, and they don't always care if I have a camera in my hand.  If they have a need, I'm the "guy".

As a kid, they don't always understand this "work" thing.  They get upset because I spend so much time in front of the computer.  And they don't get that there is a valid reason.  If they see me on facebook, I'm sunk in the water.  They don't get it's a "mental break".  They think I'm trying to hide from them.  (Not saying that I haven't done that, but that's another blog).

On the other hand; I have been at my desk editing and there have been many a time when they have made suggestions to some of the pictures.  And I dare say, they have a good eye!  All three of them!!

I am fortunate.  They say if you do what you love you will never work a day in your life.  I know I touched on this last week.  

And though I love what I do, I'm still honing in on my Niche.  Right now, I'm in an "I shoot everything".  But the truth is, I have my passions.  And I think I'm getting closer to discovering a way to market myself as just that.  But I'm not sure I'm ready for just that as I am really enjoying everything that is coming my way!

My passion is Black and White photography.  And actually, that said, my passion was the darkroom.  But as times have changed, my darkroom is my desk.  There is no chemical smell (sad face) and there is no darkness.  However, that peaceful state of mind when I'm examining my shots is still there.  It's a time when my "Squirrel" brain gets to rest and concentrate and focus.

And in a world where there are a lot of squirrels.....I'll take the moments of peace.

Happy Tuesday