Monday, May 21, 2012

Hang on we gooooooo

It's Monday.

I just wanted a few extra minutes in bed.  Just a few......

But now as I sit here, I feel like I am on a  treadmill that is running on high trying to catch up.  Because I slept in, so did the kids.  It would seem that my laziness gave them permission to do the same.

My kids are not what one would call 'self starters'.  Especially in the morning.  But then again, what kid wouldn't want to take advantage of a few extra minutes.  But the problem is, it's darn near time for us to walk out the door and they are just now getting their breakfast and lunches together.

Ay Chihuahua......not worth the few minutes I took.

As it is Monday, my schedule is full.....  Again....  I don't know how this keeps happening.  I want to be a stay at home mom.  That has nothing to do but keep the house tidy.  However, even my friends who have no official work schedule work their butts off volunteering and keeping up with the kids.

I guess there is no way out of being busy.  And I would do good to count my blessings that I'm busy.....  I just wish I was a little more organized...  I know it's possible...just evades me.

So, I will do my best to harness my organizational skills this week and get my shizz together and accomplish my tasks.  I am losing a day of work, because of a few appointments. 

I want to wipe a few things off my calendar, but I know if I do, there will be hell to pay.  So I need to keep them on my plate.

I hate feeling stress,but as it seems to light a fire under my tush,  I guess I will keep it.

So, this week, I'm writing my list and checking things off.
I wish I had more to say  (and of course I always do) but my list starts now and I'm checking off my blog, then carpool, then the rest as I go.

Have a productive week.  Checking off lists feels just do it!

Happy Monday!

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