Monday, May 28, 2012

How much?

How much do you give?  And when do you know?

I saw First Position yesterday.  It's a documentary about ballet and the hours put in for the very slight chance you will make anything of yourself.

Great documentary.  But is raised a lot of questions in my mind.

As this ballet thing is all new to me; I find myself completely fascinated by it.  The documentary showed the many aspects of ballet and the extreme measures these people will go to for their art.

But as I saw the road ahead of us (and we are really only at the beginning of it) I wonder how much we can put in, if we continue down this path?

Some of the costumes alone were absolutely ridiculous in price.  $1500-$3500 for a tutu.  Or....100 hours of sewing time if you choose to go it yourself.  For ONE TUTU!!!!

Ballet shoes can be a one-time use item for the professional or near professional ballerina.  At $80 a pair (avg), the sky is the limit here.

And that doesn't even touch on the lessons, the privates, the choreography.....

I saw the sacrifices that some of these people made for their kids.  Some families actually moved to be closer to Ballet.  (As in moved the WHOLE FAMILY and bought a new house).

It was very interesting.  My heart went out to each of these aspiring dancers in hopes they would succeed to the highest possible level.  But many won't.

So it raises the question; not for just ballet, but for any sport......How much do you give?  What do you sacrifice?  How do you choose?

As a parent you want to make the right decision for your child.  We have the ability to stand behind them and lift them up as high as they aspire to go.  But what if they don't make it?  (yes....I did just ask that question).  Or better yet, what if they quit half way through?

I'm all for supporting my children, but I'm a little nervous to what extent.  We are already sitting at a crossroads for one of them and we aren't totally sure how we can pull it off.  It's very possible we can't.

My hat is off to the parents who gave it all to their kids.  I hope in return the payoff was worth it. 

I would like to sit down and talk to a few parents who have trudged the path before me and get some advice.  Because as I sit now; with the documentary in my mind, I find myself wondering, "Well, now what?"

Either way it comes with a price.  My pocketbook, or my daughters feet.  One way or another somethings gotta give.  And at this time, I'm not sure which that will be.

Certainly, time will tell.

Happy Monday

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