Monday, May 14, 2012

Soapbox Derby

Who are you???
The depth of who you are is based on the experiences you have had through life.  The quality of who you are is how you have chosen to overcome your experiences through life.

There is no doubt that we have all been through heartache and pain.  And there is no doubt, that at some of those times you wished life would stop right then and there.

But as you sit now; how can you reflect on all you have been through?  How can you pinpoint how each of those experiences has helped build your character; shape the very essence of who you are.

Would you deny yourself that?

What you have been through is who you are.

Like it or not, who you are and what you have to offer this world is solely based on your experiences.

We don't get to choose every experience.  And if we did, there is no doubt we would screw it up and somehow be dissatisfied.

But as you life and breathe today....where do you stand?

I always say our adult life is here so we can overcome our childhood.  And I have many who would agree with me.  But I think it is very important to realize that we need to learn from what we have gone through.

I have many personal experiences I would never in a million years repeat.  But what I take away from each, is a lesson.  How I choose to apply that lesson is up to me.

Some people go through life with a victim stance.  They are always a victim.

If you are always blaming others, it might stand that you need to look at the one common denominator.  (and if you can't figure out who that is, walk to the closest mirror and let me know what you see).

Have you ever known someone who has nothing but good luck?  Have you ever examined their demeanor? Their outlook?

Yes....I am on a soapbox.  I admit it.  But I stand here, because I was once hit with the soap the face....on more than one occasion.  And I decided to make better use of that soapbox, so here I am.

We all have a choice at any time.  Use it to be a victim...or use it to be a victor.  Either road is hard.  But one is more rewarding than other.  And it might take longer to reach your destination.  But either way...the choice is always yours.

That's all I got for now.

Happy Tuesday

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