Monday, April 30, 2012

Walk of shame

Clearly lagging a little behind today.  What do you expect when you aren't feeling well??  I have had it coming for a few days.  And though it's not a full blown flu-like illness; I can feel my body responding at a sluggish pace.

I also had to do the walk of shame this morning.  As I have been sick and waiting to the last minute; I had to weigh in for work this morning.  No surprise; I'm up!  And possibly in trouble.  But as that will happen sometimes, the important thing is to have a plan.  And as I am sick right now....I don't have one, other than to lay down and try to recover.

What would we do if life were the same from start to finish? No variations; we could predict every move.  Life would be great, right??  One would think.......

In truth, life changes for a reason.  It never stays the same.  The second you think you have it figured out, it changes.  The question is; how do you respond???

I think that is the lesson in life for most of us.  How do we respond?  Do we hit it head on?  Hide from it?  Ignore it?  Deny it?  Fight it?  Cope with it?  Or make a plan for it?

I have done every one of those.  And I still get blindsided. 

Right now, I'm sitting here a little disappointed in myself that I can't get it together (again).  I have tons of experience at ducking and weaving, but alas....I sit here walking the walk of shame feeling pretty lousy and shaking my head.

I would like to berate myself, but what is the point in that?  It just makes things worse.

So I will start my day by making a list of what I can do, and start checking it off from there.

When you are feeling DE-structive, do something CON-structive!!!  That's what dad would say.

So, while I would honestly like to lay in bed; that isn't in the plan for me.  I'm going to make my list, and start chipping away.  I need to see some accomplishment and push forward.

What's done is done.

Happy Monday

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Up until 2am

Up until 2am.  At 43 it's not as easy as it was at 23, that's for sure.  But 6 hours of sleep to recover?  Good luck getting through the day.  Especially my day!  I have a 10am family session followed by a 2 hour celebrations meeting followed by dance followed by dinner.  Try that on 6 hours of sleep!

I am NOT....I repeat NOT complaining.  I just can't believe how much I push myself sometimes.  I'm such a nut!!

The day is actually starting out on the right foot; it's overcast.  Perfect for shooting as it alleviates the harsh shadows of direct sunlight.  I just hope the clouds hang in there for another 2 hours. 

I am excited to see my 10am family.  I haven't seen them in way too long, and I can't wait to see their growing baby boy.  It astounds me how fast time is going, I want to eat up every minute!

I'm dually excited to see my friend in a "mom" roll.  I just wish I had more time to spend with them than just this morning as it's too much time in between visits!

But my day is booked; rather squished together, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I have been working harder on being more efficient with my time.  Yesterday, I started working on Avery's renaissance costume.  Not bad given I have only a week to finish it!  (OY).  Julie came over and we muddled through the directions (both scratching our heads at times, because we are NOT seamstresses).  But working together, I realized, where I fall short, is her strength and she can figure out the details while I figure out the general stuff.  We really make a great team.

We needed Avery's body there to help us figure out the sizing and Avery wasn't available, so we had to stop.  But I decided I would bring the pattern to Terrilynn's house so she could pick up where Julie left off.

Now with this costume and our approach; the difference between me and Julie and Terrilynn is this: I fly by the seat of my pants, but I have tons of doubts along the way, so I check myself.   Julie follows the directions and reads them over and over again to make sure she is on target.  Terrilynn just grabs and goes without question and it will get done with a kid or not, because she can eyeball it in her mind!!!

At 2am last night as we were sitting at the table chatting, Terrilynn is pinning the zipper into place on the bodice.  The ZIPPER!!  I was saving that until last, because zippers scare the hell out of me!!!  But to her, it's a done deal.  And to be honest, I was hoping we could do this with Avery to make sure it would all fit her.  But something tells me when Avery wakes up this morning that bodice will be sewn and ready to go for Avery to wear.  Geez Louise, I wish I had TL's talent!!!!

Anyway, I still have the rest of the costume to put together, and I have my skirts I will need to sew.  So, our Sunday night dinner will be accompanied by a sewing machine.  And my mom doesn't know it yet (unless she is reading this now), but she's gonna be co-seamstress tonite!!!  (IF she shows up after reading this).

Another busy week ahead, but a good week indeed.  Hopefully, I will catch a nap in there somewhere today.  Just not sure where. 

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Here we go

It's child has a new friend and wants to spend the night, and I don't know who she is talking about.

I heard it would happen in middle school and here we go....

It started out a few months ago; Aspen started hanging with this girl and soon enough, she was talking about her more and more.  They have a lot in common; both are involved in their sport.  Aspen is in dance, her friend is in cheer.  Both are serious disciplines. 

I have seen this girl on Aspens facebook, and I have seen her when I'm picking up Aspen.  Friends at school is fine.  But a sleepover at her house......ummmmmm I don't know.

I push off the decision for as long as I can.  I make a deal with my child that I talk to the parents first.  As the week goes on, I hear nothing.  So I figure our Friday night is safe.  Aspen goes to school yesterday, and when she gets out of school she calls me right away to start begging to spend the night.  Ughhhh.....I thought I was in the clear.

After a few minutes of debating with my child back and forth, she texts me the mom's number.   When she gets in the car, she inadvertently dials the number and next thing you know, I'm on the phone with her.

She sounds normal, that's a good sign.  She has high energy as we are talking and quickly lets me know that whatever makes me most comfortable is fine.  (This is weird as I find myself liking her instantly).

By the time I hung up the phone, the time for drop off had been set.  Somehow I feel like I was blindsided by all this.  But it was really just my denial - which sometimes works in my favor.

I drop her off at the house and meet the parents.  Their home is beautiful and includes a white picket fence.  I'm greeted at the door by both parents and a very eager tween. 

They were very pleasant and nice.  We went over the whole nights events.  Her mom will drop Aspen tomorrow morning (today).  I was basically dismissed after the exchange (okay, that's just how it felt) so I quickly got in my car and drove home with a pit in my stomach.

As I'm driving, I realize I have little more than her mom's cell #.  I text Aspen right away to give me the house # and the friends cell #.  But of course, I'm sure she ditched her phone as soon as she walked in the door, because her friend is the only one she talks to on the phone.  I haven't heard from her. 


I'm confident she is having a great time.  I will absolutely grill her when she gets home.

Kids growing up is inevitable.

Parents liking it is up for grabs.......

Happy Saturday

Friday, April 27, 2012

Technology and kids.....

So, last night I learned a little bit about technology and how kids are using it to hide information from their parents and to also bully other kids.

I swear, growing up today is more psychological warfare than I imagined.

Throughout time, parents try to wield their power with their children; and the children do their best to spread their wings as they grow, much of the time trying to hide it from their parents.  That fact hasn't changed over the decades.  I did it, my parents did it and I'm sure their parents before them did it when they were kids.  It's human nature.

But what freaks me out, is that now with the access to the Internet (and thereby, the world), kids are susceptible to things we never even thought possible while we were growing up.

When we were growing up, our training involved stranger danger and "don't get into a strangers car". 
Our fears were more local.  But the Internet brings everything right to your fingertips.  You don't even have to leave the house. 

If you want to bully someone,  you can put up a website and abuse away.
If you want to cheat on your test, you can text your neighbor.
If you want to get a phone and you don't have one, you can log on to website and get a number, and BOOM, you have a phone with your itouch or other electronic "non phones".

It's just crazy!!!

Parents nowadays have quite the task of keeping up with their kids.  Technology is changing so fast, that by the time we catch up with something; the technology has already changed and the kids have already moved on.

I was feeling bad that my kid doesn't have picture-ability on her phone, but after our little seminar last night, I'm thinking she won't ever get picture-ability!!!

One thing that the speaker said that struck home was, "Even if you get software that helps monitor your child, it does NOT replace YOUR responsibility of being a parent!"

The more involved the parents, the better the relationship.  The better the relationship, the more secure the kid; the more secure the kid, the less likely they are to get caught up in the craziness of some of these kids.

I kept thinking about the book, "The Price of Privilege" that talked about kids having "everything have nothing".  When they get "stuff" it occupies their time, but it doesn't give them self worth.  When we intervene for our kids and don't let them fail, we take away their growth potential.  And in the end, we have kids who are devoid of any responsibility or desire to challenge themselves.

Kids NEED to fall sometimes!!!  And we NEED to be there to SUPPORT them.....NOT SAVE THEM!!!!

Parenting is tough.  If you are a good parent, you worry about your kids and you will constantly question yourself as to whether or not you made the right choice.  But most importantly, you will do your best to stay attuned to the goings on of societal pressures in kids.

Bullying is huge, we know that.  But the ways kids are bullying now have changed from the ways of how I grew up.  And no doubt, they will continue to change.

Don't underestimate the power if technology in your kids lives.  I was shocked at what I learned.  And saddened at the same time.  But at least I have a clue as to what I'm up against so I can make a plan to talk with my kids and let them know that I know what's going on out there.

A little paranoia goes a long way!!!

Empower yourself with knowledge!!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pride and Integrity



I was talking to a friend tonite about pride and integrity.  It turns out that most of us rarely (or rarer than "hoped") do we come across someone who has an abundance of pride and integrity in their work.

More often than not, we encounter those who do their best to "get by" and fly under the radar!!

Not too long ago, I went to a Jamba Juice in Huntington Beach.  When I walked in the door, I was greeted, immediately, by EVERYONE IN THE STORE!!! 

As I don't like a lot of attention, I almost withdrew.  But I stuck it out and stared at the board, looking for the drink of choice.  As I stood there, I was approached (another awkward moment) by a boy asking me if  I needed some help.   I told him, no; that I was just looking for something to give me punch of energy that was quick.  He gave me a couple of suggestions; one of which I accepted.

As I waited for my drink, I could see that the whole staff was in unison with their energy.  They were perfectly trained to work together.  I was starting to feel more comfortable.  Normally, I hate to have so much attention focused on me, but what I experienced here was more of an appreciation than anything else.  So I was a little encouraged, if you will.

As my drink was delivered to me, I was now feeling a part of "the family".    I felt comfortable there and was quite glad I walked in the door.  I left there wondering when I could come back!

How many places do you go to where you feel so "accepted"?  

Customer service IS important.  But this was beyond that.  It was a scenario where I felt welcomed and acknowledged.  I just loved it!!!

As much as I would like to think I don't care how I'm treated when I go somewhere; I can't deny how special I feel when I'm noticed.

And when someone REALLY cares about their job and what they do, it truly bleeds over into more than just their job!!

If you don't LOVE what you are doing, it will be felt.  And if you don't LOVE what you are doing, maybe you should realize that the outcome will never be what it could be if you truly loved what you were doing!!

That said; we don't all have the opportunity to LOVE what we are doing.  But if you don't, it might behoove you to find a way to find more value in it.  And when you do, you will see things change.

We don't all get to do what we love.....but we always have a choice in HOW we do what we do!!

And no matter how you "feel" about will be felt in the way you deliver it!!!

Work on that, would ya???

Happy Thursday!

carpe diem

So, I hear it's going to rain today.  Sounds like a quiet sort of day, curled up by the fire!  I WISH!!!

How often do you actually get to blow off a day and just "hang"?  Not very!

Things get harder as the kids get older.  I keep waiting for things to ease up a bit, and I swear, every year it gets harder and harder. 

I remember when I was pregnant (oh so many years ago) and one of my friends said, "Each phase of preganacy prepares you for the next".  And I found she was right.  By the end of my pregnancy, I was so used to not sleeping that when Aspen came, I was used to waking up all the time.

But I have to say; as the kids grow, I'm not sure I feel the same way.  And as I'm getting ready for the challenging teen years, I definitely know I'm NOT ready!!

Their schedules are crazy, their attitudes growing, their wit emerging, it all comes up pretty fast!!!

And I find it funny, how when I was a kid, my parents were so "stupid" because they didn't seem to "get it" about anything.  And I laugh at myself, because looking back I realize how stupid I was in thinking they didn't get it.  However as technology overwhelms our world and the lingo in kidspeak today, and the things they demand they want, I gotta admit - I'm feeling pretty "stupid" myself!! 

Totally NOT ready!!

Thankfully I have all my mom friends with older kids who I'm watching very closely.  They seem to be surviving, so the forecast looks good so far.  I just wish I could take a day to absorb it all!!

It's hard to believe that in a week it will be May.  And in about 6-7 weeks it will be summer.  Are you ready???

And in 6-7 weeks, I will be looking  back on this day saying, "Wow, I can't believe that was 6-7 weeks ago", because time seems to be moving at warp speed and there is nothing we can do to slow it down or get off!!!

So, with that in mind, I will blow off worrying about the teen years for my kids and I will forgoe the fire and hot chocolate for the day. 

Because as I write, I realize, I need to take charge of my destiny and make choices the resonate in my soul!
I'm going to Disneyland!

Happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Inner dialogue

Today is my Monday!

I have two meetings and they are the first of the week  Everything I discuss for the rest of the week starts today.

Not a big deal; just more scrambling in the mornings and more thoughts running through my head. 

Every week we get a topic to discuss and a format to follow  The rest is up to us.

This week we are talking about being nice to ourselves.

Sounds like a funny topic, but if you have ever done something stupid and beat yourself up over it; then you know what I'm talking about!  Negative self talk is a bad thing.  And as it becomes pretty unconscious, we do it more often than we think.  And as we do it, we are literally chipping away at our own self worth. 

Unfortunately, we don't tend to hear ourselves because are thoughts are so unconscious, or seem so unimportant that we dismiss them.  But we still "feel" them, which is where the damage is done.

And the funny thing is; while we talk this way to ourselves, without thought......we would never say these same things to our children!

So then why is it okay that we do it to ourselves??

Because there is no one to intervene in our heads.  It's that simple.

And when you train yourself every single day - it's hard to recover from that.

I realized the level at which I chip away at myself when I was in Pilates.  I was so frustrated and embarrassed that my muscles were so tight, that when the instructor came by to help me with my form (with what seemed like should have been a basic and simple move) I said, "I'm SO inflexible!!!"

His demeanor shifted quickly as he looked at me sternly and said, "I am working on my flexibility!"

I quickly realized what he was saying, I looked back at him and repeated; "I am working on my flexibility".    And the shift I felt in my body went from victim to victor.  It made a world of difference and made me realize how even small, seemingly harmless messages can do harm just like big messages.

Take some time to listen this week.  And be real with yourself.  There is a little kid inside each one of us that needs encouragement and support.  Do your best to build, rather than break!!

Happy Tuesday

Monday, April 23, 2012

Kids and communication

Don't put your shoes on the table!!!!

Yep; that one sentence turned my daughter from jovial to deadly!  Well...that's how she looked anyway.  Girls can turn on a dime; I just witnessed it.  Heck, I've lived it!

The picture I posted on facebook of myself and Avery was shown to my mom.  My mom quickly recounted the fact that when I was a kid; I was sour faced when the camera came out.  I was actually surprised.  Because when I was in my preteen and teen years I wanted to model!  I would have cheesey posed for anyone in "my" memory!

So to hear I was difficult as a child, was surprising to me.  But the funny thing was I have the proof!!  And in thinking about other pictures from that age, I was pretty sour in a lot of the pictures!  I hate kids like that!!!  And yet, here I was, one of them!

So what's up with that?

I know some kids are born that way.  And others it's an environmental issue.  Which was I?  Well, if I had to judge from my teenage years, I think it was both!

I do believe your adulthood is spent trying to get over your childhood.  Childhood can be hard.

As I just witnessed; asking my child to remove her shoes from the dining room table just turned her world upside down.  And I asked nicely!!!

Childhood is hard!  So many things happen that you don't understand and you don't know how to handle.  And if you don't have someone to talk to about it, or don't feel comfortable talking to, then you are literally in hell trying to piece it all together.

I was talking to the kids about school one day, and some of the things that some of the kids do are quite disturbing.  Calling each other names is one thing, but some of these kids actions are a little alarming.

I told my girls to do their best to fly under the radar with these kids,  and I gave them a few fast forward scenarios of their future.  I told my girls to not judge them but to feel sorry for them, but please leave them alone!!!  One of the stories sounded like a pre-cursor to Columbine!  I do NOT want my child in that path of fire!!! 

I realize with kids, asking "How's your day" is great if you want to act like you did your job and be disengaged with your kids.  I have found it's a little trickier than asking closed ended questions.  It's important to take mental notes; ask specific question, and remember all the players names.

It's also a good idea, if your kid it timid, to not be looking at them when you are talking.  The other day I had a great conversation with Aspen while I was curling her hair.  We were both preoccupied (me trying to figure out the whole curling process and her trying not to get burned by her mother).  It made conversation really easy. 

If I don't remember the players, I won't get all the important information. 

I feel bad for kids who have parents who are constantly unavailable.  Kids' minds go wild.  If they don't have someone in their lives to keep them in check, it could get pretty scary!!!

I photographed a friends son yesterday.  She has a senior and three other kids ranging in age down to 5th grade.  My goal with my kids is what I see with her kids.  They are well adjusted, sweet, kind and connected kids.  They still like and talk to their mom.  She's my hero and doesn't even know it. 

That's all I want for my kids.  To always know they can come talk to me, and better yet, want to come talk to me.  It's a hard road, but one definitely worth traveling.

Idle chit chat is more important than you think!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Okay, I think I can admit it now; I'm one of those crotchety old people who don't like change!!

I have logged onto blogger for the last few days and it's taken me to this weird page.  Turns out it's the new layout!  DUDE......REALLY????  I just got used to the old one??

Facebook is the same way.  It keeps changing and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. 

My brain needs an OBSCENE amount of information before it can put something together or make sense of it.  It's really bothersome.

I almost got fired once, because I couldn't put all the pieces of my job together.  It turned out that I was trained poorly, and the necessary pieces were crucial for my brain to make it all work.  Before I left that job, they had ME training the new people.  When I get it....I GET it!!!  It's just a really slow process getting there!

I always laugh at my friend who is truely getting crotchety.  I guess as we get older, we get settled in our ways.  And whether it's a groove or a rut, it is what it is and when it changes it sets off a stroke-like reaction in our brains and we can't handle it.

So, when does this happen to us???  And why is it we become less open to change?

I do love trying new things, don't get me wrong.  But when I go onto my Blogger dashboard, and the colors, and layout and icons have changed....well, I need answers!!!  I almost didn't blog today, because I was a little miffed!

But I got over myself, watched the tutorial, realized I hadn't done anything; it was done to me.....and I am pressing forward for the greater good of all!!!  (LOL)

I find it funny that I'm at this place in my life!  Not funny ha ha.....but funny, "how did I get here?"...........

When you get to my age funny isn't always ha ha.  And the stuff that isn't funny (like your kid running into a screen door), becomes hysterical!  It's sick, I tell ya!!!

But what are you gonna do about it, right??  I'm aware of it, and I try to keep my reaction to a minimum.  Nothing more I can say on that!!!!

Change in and of itself is usually good...... a little warning would usually be nice.

That's all I'm saying!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


When I was a kid, my parents would tell us stories about their childhood.  The stories repeated over the years and I loved listening to them.  I found out my dads family is crazy.  So when a little "Crazy" comes out in our family, I know where it trickled down..... 

I remember both my parents telling stories of how they used to entertain themselves.  They would take curtain rods and "ski" down the hills.  Mom said she used to hop roof tops with her friend Janine.  And one day, they got caught on someone's roof and had to jump off the roof onto the ground.  The fun in the story was each trying to tell the other, "You go first!" until finally the homeowner yelled and they both hopped off at the same time!!

It's fun to think of my parents as kids.  But the story seems to have a bit more "weight" now that I'm older and I'm telling "kid" stories to my own children.

I was watching "We Bought a Zoo" last night with the kids and the little girl told her dad, "You don't tell stories anymore". 

I realized at that time how important those stories my parents told me were.  Now that my dad is gone, I have more to remember him by than just how I knew him in our lives together.  And it gives me more of a sense of where I came from than just my mere existence.  Because in truth, everything had to align perfectly for me to be here! 

I remember when my dad passed, my uncle wrote a letter about who my dad was "back in the day".  He told the story of how my dad let my uncle borrow his car go somewhere for the weekend.  I remember it was a bug.  My dad owned a bug.  Tickles me to think about it.

But more importantly, it reminded me how giving my dad was.  He was hard on the outside, yet soft on the inside.  He had a soft heart for anyone going through hardship.

I knew this growing up; but my uncle made my dads story "longer". 

I've decided I want to video tape my mom telling stories.  She has a memory like a cast iron vault.  I did NOT inherit that in any way, shape, or form!!!

If you are not a story teller; start now.

Kids love it.  It solidifies who you are.  My kids ask me to repeat stories all the time.  And though it drives me crazy sometimes, I have to remind myself that I still love hearing these stories from my own mother.  And I'm 43~ !  It never gets old, I tell ya!!!

I'm sure I will spend a lot of today, reminiscing.  It's been a while since I have thought about the stories I grew up with.

Don't underestimate the power of a good story!!!  Start sharing, people!  And if you are so inclined.....write it down!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 20, 2012

To be political or not???

I am not political.  I will catch up on politics of Jon Stewart is talking about it, but!

This drives my mother crazy!
I think since my dad died 12 years ago, she hasn't really had anyone to "spar" with.  Except my husband.....and my best friend.  But I'm useless to them too, because I don't follow politics and I don't care!  When we all get in the car together, going somewhere,  you will find me in the furthest back seat with my headphones on, so they can go about their business!!

I refuse to get my panties in a wad over something I cannot control.

I'm not saying I don't have opinions; but I don't have time to park myself in front of CNN and The O'Reilly Factor  like my mother.

So when she and my husband get together, Chris knows exactly how to push my moms buttons to get her going.  When the whole Palin thing was fresh, he would merely lean over and said, "PALIN" and off they would go, like two horses at a horse race.

Now Chris takes politics with a grain of salt.  When he talks it's with a tsk tsk tsk, where as my mom is out for blood!!

I remember Chris' mom was at the table one day when Chris got my mom going.  My mom went off so much, that I watched Chris' moms eyes get really big as she slowly stepped further away.  She didn't move quickly, mind you.  My mom was going off for quite a few minutes.  But Lonell was pretty surprised at the language mom was using.....and lets just say she didn't stick around long!!

When my mom gets so passionate; Chris just laughs.  LOUDLY!!

He gets a kick out of watching my mom nearly stroke out at things she can't control.

I swear, when my mom and dad were together I don't remember hearing her political views.  He was such a presence, maybe she just kept her mouth shut.  I just remember after dad died, I called mom to get her advice on voting; and I wasn't prepared for her opinion.

My guess is, it's always been there.  But in her senior years, with her having more time to, lets say, "absorb" the news, she REALLY has an opinion!!!

She told me once that I shouldn't keep my head in the sand.

I told her if it's important enough, I will hear about it from somewhere.  But at this time, the things I would like to "absorb" are my girls and my husband. 

As it is, I can barely keep up on their politics....or drama as it were.

It's all about priorities. 

Happy Friday

Thursday, April 19, 2012

prep and cook

So, though I had my schedule planned yesterday, my kids turned it sideways.

Yesterday when we got up I heard, "We have NOTHING for breakfast!!!"   And in fine fashion, I named three or 4 things and nothing was acceptable.

After my pilates class I decided to run to Trader Joes.  I figured I would make some quick grab items for the kids to eat while they are running out the door.

Trader Joes is awesome for the quick grab - toss-it-together kind of meals.  So I grabbed a pizza dough, a pie crust and a crescent roll to fill and bake when I got home.

I had to think about what to fill it with and as breakfast is our big issue, I decided to go for eggs ham and cheese.  But I also grabbed chicken and spinach and other stuff.

When I got home I par-cooked some eggs to use as filling.  I opened the cresent rolls, filled them up with eggs, ham and cheese and baked until golden brown.  Then I pulled out the pie dough.  I have a great circle sandwich cutter from Pampered Chef, so I cut the pie into circles, filled them with the same egg concoction topped with another piece of crust and smushed it toghether with the cool gadget.  (It makes the pie look like Uncrustable sandwiches).  I put those in the oven until golden brown again!

Then I grabbed the pizza dough.  As each of my kids likes different things, I cut the dough into 6 pieces and filled with different items:  Ham and cheese, bbq sauce chicken and cheese, and artichoke spread with chicken and cheese.

I baked until golden brown and let them all cool.

Then I took the remainder of the pie crust, dusted with cinnamon and sugar and baked for a dessert.

When they kids came home, the house smelled yummy. 

I showed them my offerings as if to say, "Don't talk to me about breakfast!".  They were excited to give it a try.  I got a thumbs up.

Apparently that wasn't enough, because I decided to make "Cheerio Treats" (instead of Rice Krispie Treats).  Found out only one kid likes them.  So she's invited to bring some to school to share!

I felt accomplished when all was said and done.  Now I have breakfast and lunches ready to go for the week!!

Yes, it took a little time.  But I'm freed for the rest of the week.  There is no excuse for a meltdown!

I'm not saying their won't be one....but there is no excuse!!!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In the Now

The other day I was in the kitchen watching Avery empty the dishwasher.  When I looked up, she looked rather tall.   I asked her what she was standing on.  She looked at me funny and said, "Nothing!"  I said, "Walk over here", and sure enough she was "that" tall!  I literally scratched my head.....

Where was I when she grew?

Or did I time warp to a couple inches later?

Then, I was looking through pictures and I found a cute one of the girls together; my eyes went right to Aspen, who looked less like a little girl, and more like a young lady.  My heart actually sank and melted at the same time.

How did this happen?  And where was I that I didn't notice until I saw it in a picture?  Do I not see my kids?  Am I that busy?  Or did it just happen when I wasn't looking?

I spoke to Aspen's dance teacher the other day,  and though she is doing well, she has the opportunity to grow in certain areas.  A reminder that she is still young.  Whew.......

Look quick, people they grow without your permission.

I am just now at the age where I see cute little one year olds toddling about and I look with envy.   And then I quickly remind myself how I can have conversations with my kids and I feel like I'm a better mom at this stage of the game than then.

But I still scratch my  head wondering where the time went! 

Am I really going to my 25th high school reunion this year??


At times like this, I'm reminded that it is super important to take advantage of "Now".  It's all we have.

I tell myself to look into the faces of my children as they talk and listen to them, because what they are telling me, whatever it may be, is the MOST important thing to them at that time!  And the more time I take to listen to them, the more they will want to talk down the road.

Every day means something.  Every minute means something.  It's important to make every minute count!

As the days get brighter and warmer, my excitement builds for the fun we can have at the beach and the lake and just outside.  I literally bounced out of bed this morning!

However, as my child stares across from me, angry that I just made her brush her hair, which consequently straightened the curls she worked so hard for, I have to remind myself that this moment is absolute hell for her.  And she blames me!!!

And I take a moment, look at her face in all her misery, knowing exactly how she feels....and I remind myself......

We have 5 other rooms in this house.  I think I'll go check them out.

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A groove or a rut???

As I got up this morning, I walked in to the girls room.  As I open the door, two furry faces come out of their hiding places, that are no doubt warm from their nights sleep.   The get up and shake off the night and run to me, happy to see me.  I walk over to the girls and rub their backs to slowly awaken them and tell them it's Tuesday; time wake up.  They stretch in bed, turn over and go back to sleep.  As I walk out of their room, the dogs follow me down stairs.  They go right to the back door, and wait for me to open it.  As I let them out, I grab their food and put it in their bowls.

After I close the door, I go to the cupboard and pull out the cereal, then grab a bowl and fill it up.  As it sits, I start my morning coffee ritual.  Brew the espresso, then steam the milk, grabbing bites from my cereal as I go.   As I walk over to grab my coffee that is just about done, I look out the back door, and I see the dogs staring at me; sitting, shaking and waiting for me to open the door to let them in.  I walk away.  I bring my coffee and cereal to the table with my laptop, which has been turned on and is waiting for me.  I put the bowl in front of the computer so I can type, then eat, then type, then eat and drink my coffee in between.

I yell up to the kids to get up, full well knowing they won't budge.  But if one of them does, it will be Avery, coming around the corner, fully dressed and ready to go!!  (and here she comes.... :)     )

If you come to my house any weekday this is what you will find!
I'm not proud of it; it just is what it is.  We get ourselves into a groove and we go with it.  The problem is, that groove eventually becomes a rut and then we are left scratching our heads as to how we got here?  Ever done that??

I don't know why we resist change, but we are good at it.  Any time there is a change at my work; there is a little grumbling, then adjustment period, and then it comes rote.

Doing the same thing isn't such a problem; feeling stuck IS!!!

As I go through my day, I will try to mix it up a little.  I asked hubby if we can switch cars for the day.  I'll start there and see where that takes me!  Maybe I'll take an alternate route to work!

I don't mind being in a groove....I just don't want to get in a rut!

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life getting in the way????

What are you willing to settle for???

We all have wants in life.  And as we get older, we let many of them go.  I talked about this a little bit last week. 

But I can't help but wonder why do we let our true wants go for the sake of age, life getting in the way, or lack of beliefs.

We all do it on some level, but most of us just take it for "rote" in life.  It is what it is.

We all deserve the BEST!  But we end up with what we get, which in the end is what we believe we deserve, and therefore.....settle.

Let's take marriage as an example.  You get married because you have high hopes.  You want to be together "forever" and your life will be fabulous because you said "I Do".......right???

Okay, so lets fast forward a bit. It's been a year;  you have kids.  Kids are VERY demanding and don't accept,"Later" when they are 10 months old, crying and hungry!  (They train us early, don't they?)

Fast forward another few years.  Kids are in school and have activities.  Now, you are running the kids everywhere, because they have to all be at the same place at the same time.  So you take piggy back and one parent goes with one kid while the other parent goes with the other kid.  It's okay if the parents don't come together.  You are working as a team for the greater good of all!!!  The romance can come later!

Fast Forward; the kids now are older and drive on their own and they don't need you as much as they used to.  However, you (the couple) are so far removed from each other that it's just become a part of your life that you don't worry about the fact that you barely talk!  And initiating a conversation....forgetuhboutit!!!!!!

Fast forward; you are empty nesters and you look at eacher in such an empty way, that you almost feel the need to shake hands and re-introduce yourselves to each other......


I know that most of us aren't there yet; but I HAVE seen it happen. 

Is this what you set out for when you got married?  NO WAY!!  But life got in the way, and you "ended up" there. 

Life will get in the way, no matter what.  But if you are living a life you didn't set out to live, it's time to stop; re-evaluate, and make a plan to be happy!!! 

Yes, I used marriage as an example (and don't go reading into mine; I'm fine!), but the point is, we all set out for something in life and then we let "life" get in the way and we suffer because of it!

Don't give up what you want, for what you want right now!!  Keep the fire burining bright and be happy in  your soul.  You deserve nothing less!!!

Happy Monday!


I have a list of things in my head to get done and all I have to do is make a list and figure out in which order I will accomplish them.

However, when I woke up this morning (reluctantly as it was my first sleep in day in a while), I came downstairs; and my daughter has decided that we must take advantage of this last day of spring break and we need to go do something "FUN"!!!!

Now, mind you, we just had a week in Puerto Vallarta followed by a week of Spring Break.  So they have had Pa-LENTY of vacation.  My list included them picking up poop.

So, I think we have a disconnect here........

But the fun side of my brain really wants to jump ship and go to Disneyland or something.  I'm already there in my mind, and my list is fading away, quickly.  Oh Quandry - what shall I do?

Just this week I bought a pattern AND material to create a dress for the renaissance faire coming up in a few weeks.  THAT was on my list.  But the Matterhorn might be missing me.

This is the Bane of my existence for quite a while.....lack of resolve.

As it turns out, I'm sure we will spend the day here.  We have abandoned our house and we have to make sure that we know where the kids' backpacks are.  We need to make sure all clothes are cleaned and ready to go (which most actually are) and I need to make sure that the renaissance dress is started so I know what I'm in for.  It's a complicated pattern and I'm not exactly a seamstress.....


Okay, so we are SQUIRREL staying home and cleaning SQUIRREL and starting my pattern SQUIRREL and start editing my sessions SQUIRREL and we are NOT going SQUIRREL to Disneyland no matter what!!

Happy SQUIRREL Sunday

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Yesterday I had the opportunity to photograph a little 10 year old piano talent.  A store in Tustin, called Keyboard Concepts opened their doors to us to let us use any pianos we wanted in the shot.

I met the dad there and he explained to me the vision for his son's session.  He spoke of his son's talent and that they wanted to make a CD for him and these pictures are to be the cover. 

Now for someone to make a CD, they must be pretty talented.  So I had no idea what to expect when this 'kid' walked in. 

A few minutes later, this little pint-sized boy comes walking in, very serious. 

The whole family was very polite; the father was very excited for me to be there and was really anxious to get started.

In just a few minutes, the boy was transformed into a black tux. He looked so perfectly adorable.   But what happened next was pretty cool.  He sat down to the piano and started playing.  His skills were nothing short of amazing.

I could instantly tell that as soon as he sat down to the piano, he was totally comfortable.  He played effortlessly and he was a natural.

Piano happens to be one of my favorite instruments; so to listen to him was a joy.

As we took the shots, he became more comfortable; but there is always something awkward with tween boys.  They are growing at weird rates and they don't always look comfortable.  Guiding him into the "mood" of the shots was a little tricky at times.  And getting a natural smile out of ANY tween is always a challenge.  So, I told him to picture his dad in a bikini.  He laughed out loud and said, "How about a Tutu?" Then we both laughed.

As the session progressed we got more creative and fun shots as we moved around the store of options.

I haven't yet looked at the pictures, but I had so much fun trying to think outside the box to get something fun and creative.  I can't wait to post.

Headshots, dancing, seniors, tweens....always fun to shoot.  But musicians are always fun to stretch your creativity.  I do love what I do!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Where are you?

Are you where you imagined yourself to be when  you were a kid?

I think at some point in our lives we aspired to something; dreamed for a certain life.  But how many of us actually get there?  How many of us exceed our expectations?

I have a friend who is moving out of state.  He is going where the job is.  How many of us have done that in recent years?

Is it his first choice?  Probably not.  Is it a choice he has to make.....absolutely!  But, in doing that, he has to say good bye to a lot of people.  My heart is sad.

Many times my kids are disappointed  in the choices we adults have to make.  Just this Wednesday, Avery was expecting me to take her to Disneyland.  But with the rain, I decided it wasn't a good idea.  She was long-faced all day and disappointed.  She was ready to get wet without any regard to anything.   And though I do admire that; I wasn't as willing as she.

So many times things don't work out as we hope.  But sometimes things work out better.  I remember many times as a young girl, picturing myself married to so many guys I dated.  But as the relationships progressed, it would have been a bad idea every time!!  I'm glad I waited until later in life to make that choice.

Marriage is a heavy decision that you are, for better or worse, STUCK with; especially if you have kids.  If you are going to get married, you'd better pick someone who's been through some life situations and someone who isn't going to cut bait at the first tragedy in your relationship.

Marriage isn't all about the good times; it's about working through the hard times.  It's about growing a family, communicating and coming together.  It's about having a true life partner and witness to your life.

Marriage is HARD!!!!

I've 'only' been married for 13 years.  And we have gone through a lot!  We have a lot more to go through, that's for sure.  But when we were on vacation recently, I realized that life has beaten my man down a bit.  And when we were on vacation, he came back to life.  It was awesome to see.

Marriage is about appreciating the small stuff, and sometimes overlooking the bigger stuff.

Are we where we set out to be when we got married?  Probably not.  However, I think we are good with where we are.  The economy took the wind out of our sales; beat us both down.  But we stuck together, for better or worse.

And though we'd be living high on the hog if we could; I think there are many times we are just happy to be together as a family.  And we are okay with that!!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

So, todays' my birthday....

I remember last year my kids asked why I have to go to work.  It was my birthday, I should get a day off!!

I like the way they think!  It would be nice if the sea's of life parted and let us through for one day to celebrate our birthdays.

But doesn't work that way.   Kind of like a lot of things in life.   We idealize when we are younger, we romanticise......and then we grow up and get smacked in the face time and again with the realities of life!!  Only the strong survive, I tell ya!

I have learned so many lessons in life, and I'm still learning.

But I still have that burning question in my mind; WHEN did I get SO FAR from the child I was to be a stuffy, cautious old bag????

As we get older, we grow our ability to see things a few steps ahead.  And it's a good skill to have, believe you me!!

However, cautiousness kind of makes the way for "just say no" in parenthood.  Kids are hounding for "Want Want Want" and parents get so tired of hearing it that all the time and they just start saying "NO" as a knee jerk reaction

I remember when I was a younger mom, my sister (re) directed a book to me called, "Children are worth it".  It talked about the negative power of saying no to children all the time.  It discussed other options like, "Convince me why I should consider that" and instead of saying, "No", consider, "Later". 

I've said it before' parenting isn't for sissies or the faint of heart.  Kids come at you all times of the day and night.  And when there are siblings, they play off each other taking parents down one by one!!!  So it becomes easy really fast to say NO all the time.

However, I have caught myself in cutting my kids short when they have a valit point.  So, I have to stop myself sometimes and get out of the stodgy old mommy routine and actually listen to the possibilities of what the kids are saying. 

Kids are definitely people too.  And I think until you get to grandparenthood you don't realize how important it is to stop and think like a kid.  Which is a shame.  Because kids see things in a way that we USED to see them.  And if we want to connect with our "inner child" we should slow down more and remember that we need to have fun too!!

And though I can't do that today, because I can't wip work off my slate; I will certainly incorporate it as often as possible!!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cultural differences

I mentioned some of our trip to Mexico, but I didn't go into great detail.  When you spend a week in a different country, elaborating could equal a volume of a book.
But there were things that impacted me and made me think about the cultural differences between us and others.
In America, things are a bit more refined.  When you go to a country like Mexico, you may find that many of their areas aren't up to the same standards as us.
When we got off the plane, we were loaded into a bus and brought to the terminal.  Not unusual as that is what happened when we landed back in America.  In both instances we had to go through customs.  Not glamorous but necessary.
As we got off the bus, we were the last in line, so we hung out on the tarmac area until the line sifted down.

After we got through customs, we went out to get the taxi.  There were so many people coming at us, it was overwhelming and would be easy for someone to get sucked in, if they didn't have a plan.  But as I had mentioned in an earlier post, our bride (Jena the great) had everything under control.

Now, as we huddled against the building (I think there were about 18 of us at the time; some were already at the resort) a man and his wife came out of the terminal to get a taxi.  He was already partying, as he had a Corona in his hand.  As he walked out of the building, there were so many people crowding him, he didn't see the step down, and fell, beer in hand.  The bottle broke in his hand and he got a deep gash in the palm of his hand.  My heart stopped, because I didn't know what to expect.

Now, in America, though we have the good Samaritan law, I know many people who would stand back, fearful of lawsuits and crippled into indecision.

But as I watched these taxi drivers, who just seconds ago, were only interested in their latest score,  they were now huddled around this man (in his mid 60s), attending to his hand with no regard to blood, lawsuits or getting their uniforms dirty.  It was truly a humanitarian gesture that warmed my heart and softened the fears I was having.

I watched blood-soaked towels drop to the ground, to be replaced by new clean ones in an attempt to stop or slow the bleeding.  The did not let up on this man the whole time we stood there; which wasn't long as our ride quickly arrived.

I couldn't help  but think about how quickly they came to this man's aid.  And it wasn't just one or two; there was a small crowd of people assisting to this man's wellness.   They weren't doctors by any means, and I'm not sure what happened after we left.   But the scene will forever stick in my heart that these people were caring and compassionate. 

The service in Puerto Vallarta was amazing all around.  Every single person was very accommodating and kind.  I will elaborate more in other posts.  I have a LOT to say about our week away!!!

My message for the day is, "Practice random acts of kindness".  The good feeling should be payoff enough!!
Happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To Review, or not to Review.....

I don't remember the last time I went to a movie based on the Critics Reviews. 
Yet I still look to see what they are saying....

Yesterday, I wanted to take the girls to see a movie.  But in fine fashion, there are VERY FEW choices that are PG. 

I looked and found Mirror Mirror with Julia Roberts.  I wanted to see that one, so I was kind of excited.  The girls were on board as well.

I started looking up times, and quickly noticed this movie got PANNED!!  Not only by critics, but the audience as well.  There were either 1 star or 5 stars; not much in between.  I started getting nervous.
Because when you are paying for a lot of bad movies, and movies aren't cheap, you get a little stingy.

However, I had already promised the girls and the time was set so it was a go.

When we got there, I was a little down.  I really let these reviews get to me.  My expectations were really low.

As we sat down in the movie theater, the movie started.  The first few minutes I had one eye closed.  And with each minute that didn't suck, I got a little more hopeful.

Halfway through the movie, I asked the girls if they had to go to the bathroom.  Aspen said yes, but she didn't want to miss any of the movie.  THAT is a good sign.  So we stayed put.

In the end, we all (me, Aspen, Avery and Julie) LOVED the movie!!  I could easily sit and watch it again and again!!!  But then again, I'm not a critic.

I realized many things watching the movie; First of all - NO ONE knows what I like better than me!  The critics don't know and the audience doesn't know.
Second of all, it isn't just about the movie to me.  Yes, that is a huge part, but I loved the costumes, the actors, the whimsy to offset the darkness.  It all came together perfectly for me.  (The dresses were nothing short of amazing!).  I was even staring at the dwarfs attire; intrigued by it all!
Third......there is something to be said for going into a movie with exceedingly low expectations!!!  I highly recommend it.

I remember years ago, I was going to see Forest Gump. I had heard SOOOOOO much about the movie, it was bound to be the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!   And it was (and still is) a great movie!  However, my expectations were SO high....that not even Gone with the Wind would have won my heart!

The lesson here is don't listen to critics, because nobody knows you like you!!!

I also think Critics are totally jaded, because they have seen so many movies, that the next big thing has to be so big, it could honestly never measure up to anything in the world.   And critics have to criticize every last angle of a movie until it's beat into the ground!

As for the audience reviews; I could totally see where they are coming from on their reviews, and I couldn't agree or disagree.  That is their opinion.

But nobody has my opinion.  And my opinion was the movie was perfect.....FOR ME!  I loved that it wasn't the traditional story.  I loved the twists.  I loved the costumes....and I loved the ending.

Would love to know your opinion if you see it!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Group Vacations

Family vacations are nice.  But a group vacation???  Well let me just tell you.......

Last week was Puerto Vallarta.  We were there for a wedding.  The group was put together by the bride and groom, (Jena and Joe); their closest and most beloved.  Most knew each other well.  The rest would get to know each other.

The trip started with the ride to the airport.  Shad (soon to be Sha-to) and Shelle came to get us.  Then we picked up Gemma.  The girls were nervous so they made sure I was sitting next to them in the van.

We met up with Jena and Joe at the airport and piled into the plane.  It was all pretty seemless.  When we landed in Puerto Vallarta at the airport we ran into Tori in customs.  The group was quickly coming together.

As we were walking toward the doors of the airport, we were bombarded by taxi drivers and tour guides.  They were all trying to get us to choose them and their services.  It was so overwhelming, I wanted to run up to Jena and hold her hand so she could protect me.  But I could tell from her face that she had it all under control and we just followed her.  (the woman is an amazing planner).

As we walked out of the airport, there were even more taxi drivers; bartering and negotiating and making deals.  We huddled together as a group (kids included) and waited for our ride to appear.

Within minutes we were piled in and ready to go.  Easy Peasy!!!

When we arrived at the resort, we went to our rooms and sorted out who was with whom.  They were 3 bedroom suites and we had about 3 or 4 of them.  We were rooming with Shelle, Sha-to, Tori and the girls, Aspen, Avery and Serenity. 

It wasn't long before we were poolside.

Now, I could go into great detail about our trip; and I may throughout the week, because much of it needs recounting.  However, suffice it to say, this resort was amazing.  The group of friends and family was amazing.  We all had a great time and no one was left out at any time.  I think we are all comfortable in saying we left with 29 of our closest friends!

And on the ride home from the airport, my kids wanted nothing to do with me!  They would have sat on Sha-to's lap if he wasn't driving, or Shelle's if she wasn't in the front seat.  But instead, they bumped me in the back for their new best friend Gemma.  We were barely a thought in their minds.

It was truly the most amazing trip many of us ever had.  To have 30 people come together from all parts of the U.S. and leave feeling conntected and loved is something you will never forget, and likely never encounter again.

So, I want to say Thank you to Jena and Joe for letting us be a part of this truly amazing event!  You have given us memories we will cherish, as a family, forever!

We wish you nothing but the happiest days in your life!  And Jena, when you quit your day job at the dance studio, I think you have a promising future as a tour guide!!!  Just sayin'.....  ;-)

Love you tons!
The Cunninghams
Happy Monday!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday!  As I am trying to type, my dog is sweeping me hand off the keyboard for attention.  Somebody, apparently needs attention!

I gave her a bit and back she comes.  Crafty little buggers with those noses!

But her point (pun intended) is made clear.  She's been needing our attention and we haven't been around.
She's finally settled with snuggling really close to me.

We all have our own modes of commuication and it's really funny when our pets communicate with us.
I can tell when they need lovin', and when they are starting at me waiting for food to fall in their mouths.  It almost annoys me when I see my dog standing there like a statue in the kitchen as I make dinner (or breakfast or lunch, or snack.....) just starting with salivating glands hoping to God, I will fling some food at her "by accident" or not!

I have two dogs.  One is a snuggle bug and the other just likes to be touched once and a while but will lick the skin off you if given the opportunity

Crazy different, but their communication is exactly the same.

And when the little sneaky one does something bad...all I have to do is scream her name and she comes walking in, ears down, eyes squinty saying in her little doggy way, "Dammit....caught again".
She's super hard to punish and she KNOWS it!!!

They bring a lot to our lives and we are glad to have them.   I just wonder if they are glad to have us?


Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fired as a mom....

The other day something happened to one of my kids ; they walked into a screen.  And I did something awful……I laughed.

I know moms are supposed to be supportive and have every emotion and every response perfectly in check when something happens to their kids.  But apparently, my memo is lost in the mail.

When I see someone walk through a screen door, I all but fall to my knees laughing.  I don’t know why.  I have had that issue since birth.

Once, many years ago, while my friends son was about 3 years old, he was running around the house.   He was a little out of control and getting wound up even more as he ran.  But as he approached us, he ran into the coffee table and it stopped him dead in his tracks.  As all the moms around us gasped in horror, I let out with a big guffaw….And had a hard time stopping myself.

I’m not saying I’m proud of it, but to me that moment was funny.  He was fine, just a little bruised and maybe embarrassed, but no more than me when I realized I was the only one laughing.  Eeegads…….

It’s not just at someone else’s pain, and to clarify, I am NEVER happy when someone gets hurt, it’s just the physical act of it all that gets my brain twisted and I laugh as a nervous response (I guess).

But, truth is, I laugh at inopportune times more often than I should.

I was at a funeral one time as my friends mom had passed.  We were listening to the sermon, and this older (much older) lady started to fall asleep in front of us.  My girlfriend and I watched as this lady was starting to nod off and fall to the right.  My girlfriend, witnessing this, makes the motion to get up and grab her so she doesn’t fall…….and after that I was totally lost.   I was laughing so hard (and so was she), that I couldn’t recover.  I also couldn’t leave, as we were wedged over by the wall and had to pass over 5 people to walk out.  So we were stuck in our seats, and try as I might, I couldn’t stop laughing. 

Now, I’m not completely insensitive.  I didn’t really (well at all) know the mother who had passed.   And so all the things they were saying about her went right over my head, because I could neither confirm, nor deny what they were saying.  I was simply there to support my friend.

One of the girls who was sitting in our row knew we were hopeless cases.  She promptly fired us from the “support” committee.  L

We all have our cross to bear.  This is one of mine.  I laugh at inopportune times, and though I’m not proud of it; and my kids sometimes hate me for it….I am who I am.

So, if you fall in front of me, and I start laughing, don’t be surprised.  You won’t be the first and you won’t be the last!

Happy Saturday

Friday, April 6, 2012

April Already???

Happy Good Friday!  Where is this year going?  I can’t believe we are in the first week of APRIL!!!!!

So, I have to ask this question…..WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR THIS YEAR??? 

We all set out for goals and aspirations, but they are usually dashed within the first 6 weeks.  But what we SHOULD do, is revisit our goal s and ask, “Why did I abandon them?”  Or” What can I do to achieve them.”

We all think we are blessed with “forever” but the truth is you only have “right now”.

I keep hearing people make plans “After……”

After I get this promotion……

After the kids get older……

After the kids get out of school…….

After the kids get back IN school……

After I lose a few pounds……

I think it is important to realize the importance of NOW.  If you can’t do all of something, you can do a portion of something, can’t you?

I had aspirations too, and as I sit here, with it being  4 months into the year, I’m a bit disappointed in myself.  I completely blew off things I wanted to do.   And I’m looking back wondering when did I abandon myself?  And why?

A little of it is beliefs (or lack thereof) and some of it is “Squirrel” and some of it was I just didn’t know how to chunk it down to make better choices toward my goals.

But all is not lost.  I will take a look at my goals and plan 5 things a day that I can do to achieve my goals.  They don’t have to be big, they just have to be consistent.

So, today, I will start my list and no matter how big or small; as long as I have my goals in mind and I do my 5 things a day, I will get there eventually!

Today is a new day and today is all you have.  Make this day something you can be proud of!

Happy Friday

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Making time.

I am just not sure what to say today.  I’m tired, and my body is aching from shooting for 12-16 hours.  The equipment has worn on my body and now I’m content to just sit for the day.

It doesn’t help that I jammed my foot into some rocks and killed my toe.  Just so happens to be the same toe I broke many years ago.  You  know…the one that you can’t actually cast; you just have to suffer through it?  Ya….that one!  But whatever.  When you are having fun, who cares about pain, right???

The day was awesome.  Everything went as it should and it ended way too soon.  I can’t believe the build up to the day has already passed.  It seems so unfair that you put so much effort and coordination into one day…..and then it’s over.

Only the remnants will last for always.  There is no doubt about that! Friendships have been made, bonds created and great moments shared!!!

Yes….I am talking about a wedding.

Close family and friends joining together for the sake of a bride and groom; to share in their special day and rejoice with them.

It’s funny when people come together for the same cause, it’s really nice.  Focus is directed, energy is shared and peace is (usually) at hand.

I love watching the family dynamics.  You can see who is close and who is cordial.  It’s fun to witness.

Friends are all excited and ready to party.  It’s been years since some have been together. 

When families come together, the same thing tends to happen; a sense of regret for NOT getting together sooner.  We all wait for that ‘special’ occasion and it usually never happens.  And we don’t have the time to create that “special” occasion, so we scoot it aside and wait for big events like weddings, or even funerals to come together.

It’s sad.

We should realize that every day is special and all should be celebrated.

I know some people who make it a point to come together at least once a month.  And why shouldn’t we?  Usually, if it’s people we love, then we always have fun, right?  So why would we hold ourselves from having fun?

I know every week my mom and BFF get together for dinner.  And we always have fun, even if it’s just Chris annoying my mom with his political views. 

We really should make a point to come together more often.  It’s always worth it, and it reminds us that we all matter.

Because we all DO matter!
Happy Thursday

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

event prep

I have an event to shoot.  I’m nervous about it as always.  I have to make sure my equipment is ready to go.  If I forget to charge one battery, my whole day is shot.  I have to plan for all the day’s events  and make sure I don’t miss a beat.

It would appear that shooting an event is easy.  But if you are to be successful, you will have done your homework.  You will know who the key players are, what the important moments are, when they will happen, who will be there and you will have the right lens at the right time, ready to get the shot.

You will be able to scan the room at all times looking for intimate and important moments that will mean someone to someone later one.  You will be watching expressions, examining relationships, anticipating moments, and you will be ready to capture it at a moment’s notice.

You will be approachable; so if anyone wants to grab a certain shot, they will feel comfortable to walk up to you and ask you to capture the moment.  You will be open to all events as they come up.

You will engage with the attendants and be pleasant and smile, and if you are really good, you will feel like one of the guests and everyone’s friend.

Being a photographer is more than having a camera.  It’s about knowing about life and realizing the important moments, no matter how small.  It’s about reading people and knowing the difference between documenting and stalking.

I have been at events where the photographer was an annoyance.  They were unfriendly, or even rude.  Unapproachable and uncreative.

Sometimes being a photographer means creating the moment.  Many moments happen, but sometimes a few little words can manipulate a situation and make it more rich.

I have spent the last few days engaging, watching and documenting.  I’m really looking forward to this event.  Though it is a small one, it will be one of the most intricate and rich events I have had the opportunity to document.

I feel a part of the group and I feel welcome.  I’m happy to be here yet I can’t forget myself.  Though I am a friend, I am a photographer.  And I don’t want to cross one line and forget the other side at any time.

Being a photographer is a lot of mental work.  It’s a lot of great work.  And it’s something I’m blessed to be able to do.

Barring system failure, I think I’m ready!!!

Wish me luck

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Noise and mommyhood

I can’t stand waking up to the sound of lawn mowers.  They should be banned until everyone is up and gone from the house. 

There are days I am working from home and they are working the neighborhood, and I hear the motor roaring all day long.  One would think it is a nice white noise effect; however, it’s something that grates on my nerves a bit.

I think the overstimulation of being a mom and wife to a musician has made me appreciate the silence a LOT!   There are times I will be working for 8 hours straight and not turn any music on.  And I like it that way!

It’s funny how things change when you are a mom.  I remember being at a restaurant with my sister and her kids, and they were running in and out as we chatted after dinner.  It really irritated a friend of ours (who had no kids) and I remember him asking, “Doesn’t she see how her kids are running in and out and making noise?”   And I remember looking at my sister as she was completely engaged in conversation and ignoring her kids antics and thought, “Nope….she doesn’t see it”.

Fast forward a dozen years and I got the same kids.  Only now I get it.  If they aren’t screaming in pain, and they aren’t nagging at you, they can do whatever they want! 

Getting adult conversation with kids around is about as easy as picking up a penny off a New York street at rush hour.  Not likely!

So, as a mom, you get to the point of tuning them out so you can enjoy a moment’s peace.  As it is now, I’m sitting her writing my blog and my formerly sick child just found all the words she didn’t use yesterday.  She started with, “Are you writing your blog?” and is now asking about birds.  I guess she has a lot of catching up to do, but as she is talking, I’m typing away, doing my best to keep focus.  Normally, no one bothers me when I’m writing, but I’m concerned about my little munchkin and therefore she is welcome to chit chat with me.  I’ll shush her out another day.

Suffice it to say, motherhood changes you on many levels.

Guys don’t seem to get the same “gift that we women do, and  my proof is that every time the girls get into an argument, he is on them like white on rice trying to intervene.  I don’t usually hear them until they are darned near screaming at each other and ready to draw blood.  And even then, sometimes I stand back and wait to administer First Aid.

I mean, if I intervened during every argument, they wouldn’t work things out AND, I would get nothing done, because let’s face it, girls can snippy with each other.  It’s a wonder that my sister and I ever survived our childhood after some of the fights we had. 

But now, with her five kids later, and my two kids later, do we tune out sometimes?  Youbetcha!!! 

We like to call it our survival mechanism.  Or as I call it, Gods gift to mommies……

Happy Tuesday

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Precious time

Yesterday we went to the beach.  It was a beautiful day.  The kids frolicked in the water and played with their friends and had a great time.   We haven't been to the beach in quite a while.

It's so fun to sit back and watch your kids grow.  To have days like this remind me that time is precious.  My kids are growing before my eyes, and here I spend most of my time in a car, shuffling them to and fro!

I'm almost at the point of needing daily reminders, so I can literally stop and smell the roses!

I'm truly thankful for every day I get to spend with my kids and my family.  Sunday nights are treasures for me, because mom and Julie come over and we have dinner and chat and catch up.  And if Chris is in a feisty mood, he throws out a few zingers and we debate.

A few weeks ago, I watched my mom go off on politics (nothing new for me).  But Chris' mom was really surprised at how colorful my mom became when it come to politics.  I laughed out loud at the shock on Chris' moms face. 

Those are precious moments. 

I took some pictures of my kids in their bathing suits at the beach.  They look like teenagers compared to what they are in my mind. I am constantly reminded how they grow.  They will always be my little babies.

Any time I can, I will stop myself and remember to enjoy the precious moments before me. 

And I vow to appreciate every moment I get with my kids, my family and my friends!

Every day is truly precious.

Happy Monday

Look unto you

(Technical difficulties prevented a timely post....  )

Well, well, well........
I gotta say!  I blogged the other day about accepting others as they are.  And I feel like my point needs to be driven home on some levels.

It's so easy to compare yourself to someone else, but truly, what is the point?
By wanting what another has only makes you feel like you are lacking.  Furthermore, you are negating your own talents and God given gifts! 

If you deny who you are, then how will you ever be happy??

The problem is, most of us don't realize the unique and fabulous talents we have on our own.  And even when others point it out to us, we ignore it like it was never said, or just can't be true.

Why can't we believe we deserve what we so easily give to others???

The truth is, if we spent more time tending to our own gardens, we would be much better for it.  But instead, we can't bare to think about where to start, so we focus on others.

I had a friend once who had a therapist tell him to circle a spot on a mirror. Stand in front of the mirror, face yourself in that circle, and repeat, "I am worthy.  I am worth it"  (or something like that).  At the time, I felt like it sounded silly.  But reflecting back, I think it is brilliant.

Actually, taking time for yourself, on yourself, building and growing and accepting.


Let us not focus on the strengths of others for then we negate the strengths of ourselves

Happy Sunday