Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In the Now

The other day I was in the kitchen watching Avery empty the dishwasher.  When I looked up, she looked rather tall.   I asked her what she was standing on.  She looked at me funny and said, "Nothing!"  I said, "Walk over here", and sure enough she was "that" tall!  I literally scratched my head.....

Where was I when she grew?

Or did I time warp to a couple inches later?

Then, I was looking through pictures and I found a cute one of the girls together; my eyes went right to Aspen, who looked less like a little girl, and more like a young lady.  My heart actually sank and melted at the same time.

How did this happen?  And where was I that I didn't notice until I saw it in a picture?  Do I not see my kids?  Am I that busy?  Or did it just happen when I wasn't looking?

I spoke to Aspen's dance teacher the other day,  and though she is doing well, she has the opportunity to grow in certain areas.  A reminder that she is still young.  Whew.......

Look quick, people they grow without your permission.

I am just now at the age where I see cute little one year olds toddling about and I look with envy.   And then I quickly remind myself how I can have conversations with my kids and I feel like I'm a better mom at this stage of the game than then.

But I still scratch my  head wondering where the time went! 

Am I really going to my 25th high school reunion this year??


At times like this, I'm reminded that it is super important to take advantage of "Now".  It's all we have.

I tell myself to look into the faces of my children as they talk and listen to them, because what they are telling me, whatever it may be, is the MOST important thing to them at that time!  And the more time I take to listen to them, the more they will want to talk down the road.

Every day means something.  Every minute means something.  It's important to make every minute count!

As the days get brighter and warmer, my excitement builds for the fun we can have at the beach and the lake and just outside.  I literally bounced out of bed this morning!

However, as my child stares across from me, angry that I just made her brush her hair, which consequently straightened the curls she worked so hard for, I have to remind myself that this moment is absolute hell for her.  And she blames me!!!

And I take a moment, look at her face in all her misery, knowing exactly how she feels....and I remind myself......

We have 5 other rooms in this house.  I think I'll go check them out.

Happy Wednesday

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