Monday, April 30, 2012

Walk of shame

Clearly lagging a little behind today.  What do you expect when you aren't feeling well??  I have had it coming for a few days.  And though it's not a full blown flu-like illness; I can feel my body responding at a sluggish pace.

I also had to do the walk of shame this morning.  As I have been sick and waiting to the last minute; I had to weigh in for work this morning.  No surprise; I'm up!  And possibly in trouble.  But as that will happen sometimes, the important thing is to have a plan.  And as I am sick right now....I don't have one, other than to lay down and try to recover.

What would we do if life were the same from start to finish? No variations; we could predict every move.  Life would be great, right??  One would think.......

In truth, life changes for a reason.  It never stays the same.  The second you think you have it figured out, it changes.  The question is; how do you respond???

I think that is the lesson in life for most of us.  How do we respond?  Do we hit it head on?  Hide from it?  Ignore it?  Deny it?  Fight it?  Cope with it?  Or make a plan for it?

I have done every one of those.  And I still get blindsided. 

Right now, I'm sitting here a little disappointed in myself that I can't get it together (again).  I have tons of experience at ducking and weaving, but alas....I sit here walking the walk of shame feeling pretty lousy and shaking my head.

I would like to berate myself, but what is the point in that?  It just makes things worse.

So I will start my day by making a list of what I can do, and start checking it off from there.

When you are feeling DE-structive, do something CON-structive!!!  That's what dad would say.

So, while I would honestly like to lay in bed; that isn't in the plan for me.  I'm going to make my list, and start chipping away.  I need to see some accomplishment and push forward.

What's done is done.

Happy Monday

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