Saturday, April 28, 2012

Here we go

It's child has a new friend and wants to spend the night, and I don't know who she is talking about.

I heard it would happen in middle school and here we go....

It started out a few months ago; Aspen started hanging with this girl and soon enough, she was talking about her more and more.  They have a lot in common; both are involved in their sport.  Aspen is in dance, her friend is in cheer.  Both are serious disciplines. 

I have seen this girl on Aspens facebook, and I have seen her when I'm picking up Aspen.  Friends at school is fine.  But a sleepover at her house......ummmmmm I don't know.

I push off the decision for as long as I can.  I make a deal with my child that I talk to the parents first.  As the week goes on, I hear nothing.  So I figure our Friday night is safe.  Aspen goes to school yesterday, and when she gets out of school she calls me right away to start begging to spend the night.  Ughhhh.....I thought I was in the clear.

After a few minutes of debating with my child back and forth, she texts me the mom's number.   When she gets in the car, she inadvertently dials the number and next thing you know, I'm on the phone with her.

She sounds normal, that's a good sign.  She has high energy as we are talking and quickly lets me know that whatever makes me most comfortable is fine.  (This is weird as I find myself liking her instantly).

By the time I hung up the phone, the time for drop off had been set.  Somehow I feel like I was blindsided by all this.  But it was really just my denial - which sometimes works in my favor.

I drop her off at the house and meet the parents.  Their home is beautiful and includes a white picket fence.  I'm greeted at the door by both parents and a very eager tween. 

They were very pleasant and nice.  We went over the whole nights events.  Her mom will drop Aspen tomorrow morning (today).  I was basically dismissed after the exchange (okay, that's just how it felt) so I quickly got in my car and drove home with a pit in my stomach.

As I'm driving, I realize I have little more than her mom's cell #.  I text Aspen right away to give me the house # and the friends cell #.  But of course, I'm sure she ditched her phone as soon as she walked in the door, because her friend is the only one she talks to on the phone.  I haven't heard from her. 


I'm confident she is having a great time.  I will absolutely grill her when she gets home.

Kids growing up is inevitable.

Parents liking it is up for grabs.......

Happy Saturday

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