Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Noise and mommyhood

I can’t stand waking up to the sound of lawn mowers.  They should be banned until everyone is up and gone from the house. 

There are days I am working from home and they are working the neighborhood, and I hear the motor roaring all day long.  One would think it is a nice white noise effect; however, it’s something that grates on my nerves a bit.

I think the overstimulation of being a mom and wife to a musician has made me appreciate the silence a LOT!   There are times I will be working for 8 hours straight and not turn any music on.  And I like it that way!

It’s funny how things change when you are a mom.  I remember being at a restaurant with my sister and her kids, and they were running in and out as we chatted after dinner.  It really irritated a friend of ours (who had no kids) and I remember him asking, “Doesn’t she see how her kids are running in and out and making noise?”   And I remember looking at my sister as she was completely engaged in conversation and ignoring her kids antics and thought, “Nope….she doesn’t see it”.

Fast forward a dozen years and I got the same kids.  Only now I get it.  If they aren’t screaming in pain, and they aren’t nagging at you, they can do whatever they want! 

Getting adult conversation with kids around is about as easy as picking up a penny off a New York street at rush hour.  Not likely!

So, as a mom, you get to the point of tuning them out so you can enjoy a moment’s peace.  As it is now, I’m sitting her writing my blog and my formerly sick child just found all the words she didn’t use yesterday.  She started with, “Are you writing your blog?” and is now asking about birds.  I guess she has a lot of catching up to do, but as she is talking, I’m typing away, doing my best to keep focus.  Normally, no one bothers me when I’m writing, but I’m concerned about my little munchkin and therefore she is welcome to chit chat with me.  I’ll shush her out another day.

Suffice it to say, motherhood changes you on many levels.

Guys don’t seem to get the same “gift that we women do, and  my proof is that every time the girls get into an argument, he is on them like white on rice trying to intervene.  I don’t usually hear them until they are darned near screaming at each other and ready to draw blood.  And even then, sometimes I stand back and wait to administer First Aid.

I mean, if I intervened during every argument, they wouldn’t work things out AND, I would get nothing done, because let’s face it, girls can snippy with each other.  It’s a wonder that my sister and I ever survived our childhood after some of the fights we had. 

But now, with her five kids later, and my two kids later, do we tune out sometimes?  Youbetcha!!! 

We like to call it our survival mechanism.  Or as I call it, Gods gift to mommies……

Happy Tuesday

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