Friday, March 30, 2012

Speaking Loudly and Slowly....just hoping......

Ladies and gentleman.....for the love of Pete...(whoever he may be)....  please Please PLEASE....accept that we are all different!!!  We each have strengths and weaknesses.  Whatever works for you will NOT work for every other person!!  It WON'T HAPPEN.  No matter HOW MUCH you brow beat them into understanding how simple YOUR WAY is..... You need to understand something loud and clear.....

It is simple for YOU.

YOU see it clearly.

It makes perfect sense to YOU.


Now remember that....and walk away!!!

Do NOT try to conform someone to YOUR beliefs.  YOU were raised with your strengths.  And they are YOUR strengths, because they are Gods gift TO YOU!!! 

When you try to conform someone to your ways, you are simply telling them that THEIR ways are not acceptable! 

And it is the same as talking to another person who speaks another language and they have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE you talk LOUDER and SLOWER hoping to GOD they will understand you!!!

No matter HOW loudly you talk.  Or HOW many times you repeat yourself. Or how SLOWLY you do will always be Talking YOUR language and they will NEVER understand you!

We are all different for a reason!!  Let me repeat that.


For you to impose your thoughts and beliefs on someone else and be frustrated by their inability to understand you is YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!

If your way is so much better...please go live on an island where you can rule all the little animals and teach them to do what you so desire. 

The rest of us will be grateful to live in peace and have our sanity (and ability) restored to us. 


Happy Saturday

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Different wavelengths

It's kind of funny how the mind can create a million stories with only one piece of information!

This week my mind has been swirling in negative directions, and it's all I can to do keep myself in check.

My husband always shakes his head at me for all the stories and drama I create in my mind!  I'm glad to have him around to give me verbal smacking around to bring me down off the ledge.

It amazes me how different guys and girls are in their thinking.

I had a full blown argument with my husband one day, and I was actually winning.  The only problem was he wasn't in the room.....or in the house for that matter.  But it didn't matter.  I didn't actually need him there, because I could anticipate his every answer. 

The problem came when he walked in the door and I let him have it.  Only thing was...he didn't know it was coming, and he had no idea where I was coming from.  Needless to say, it didn't go very well and wasn't very productive.

We are stuck in our heads.  There is nothing we can do about it.  It's just amazing how we are all wired so differently!!

Girls go off in a million different emotional directions, where guys are pretty straight forward.  Guys have everything in boxes in their brains.  They pull out one box at a time, deal with it, put it back and then move onto the next.

Girls on the other hand, have spaghetti wires in their brain and they are constantly intersecting and getting confused and creating a bigger mess.  It's very frustrating.  I don't know how we live with ourselves sometimes.

If wires get crossed (which they do at least once a month) then watch out!  All hell can break loose and it doesn't matter who's fault it is.

I think we need someone in our lives to keep us in check.  I actually have multiple people all set for different reasons.  If I need sympathy, that's one person.  Justification, another person.  Anger, another person, etc......  I want to make sure I get the support I need, so the right person has to be called at those critical times to make sure I get it all right.

Support is important, no matter who you are. 

Could you imagine having a problem, and no one to call?  I would go insane.  Even when I have a victory, I can't wait to share it!

I'm very blessed to be wired for sound in my life.  I would like to think it all goes both ways.  Reciprocation is important.    But then as I always say, Balance is Key!

I'd like to add more to that, but I have an appointment and I can't miss it!
Hope your weekend is grand!

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Race to Nowhere

Overscheduled, overtired, underappreciated for their individuality......

Welcome to todays child.

Were our schedules anything like our kids' today???

Not even close.

Nowadays, kids are competing at everything they do.  They can't just be students; they have to be the BEST!!  They can't just attend sports; they have to aspire to be the best they can be!  There is no place for the mediocre, or the challenged.  Those kids are left behind.

Today's kids have to be better than the best!! about the documentary we watched last night.  And THIS....I agree with!!

Kids have no time to be bored.  No time to reflect, or be outside the box thinkers.  And as a result, moms are run ragged taking kids to and fro to all the events that are scheduled.

I know a very small handful of kids in our community, who are equipped with....uh......what's that thing called where you....uhhhhh....

Instead our kids are taught to ingest education and regurgitate it for test's sake.  Not to learn, but to be measured.

I found this documentary particularly interesting, because I realized that my inquiries to my children are more academically based, than personally based.  I have fallen into the trap of "what did you accomplish today and what do you have left to do" rather than, "How was your day, who did you eat lunch with, and what did you talk about???"

I need to realize that my little people are unique individuals who have much to offer in their own, unique and individual ways.  And that I should look at their little souls, not their resumes.

Children will be shaped as we shape them.  Do we want them to conform?  Or do we want them to thrive in the beauty of who they are?  And who they were MEANT to be???

True, a schedule is nice.  But just like anything else; a schedule can 'make' you or break you!!

Let's work on building our children up.  Not chipping away at who they are becoming, because society has conformed them to such......

(getting off my soap box now)

Happy Thursday

Honest Communication

Yesterday after writing my blog, I got a call from another of my bosses.  She is actually my former boss, and now I'm just partially in her territory, but I'm not officially, "hers".  God, I wish I was.  She is really good at what she does, because there is no doubt in my mind what goes on in her territory.
We had a great conversation, but still, I was left feeling heavy and it really affected my day.  It's hard to lift people up when you are feeling so heavy inside.  But thankfully, my members really helped pull me up.

I know I have said this before, but I really don't have the time or patience to mince words.   Life is too short, and I don't have the brainpower to read betweent the lines of what someone else is "trying" to say!!!

My best relationships in life are the ones who have taken the time to communicate.  There are times I was afraid to say what I felt for fear of hurting someone's feelings, but the bottom line is, I can't help how I feel.  And the sooner I get it out there, the sooner we can move on!!!

Passive Aggressive, in my opinion is the WORST!!!  Sweet to your face....cunning behind the scenes. 

I swear, the more I write about it the more I hope people realize that good old fashioned communication heals so much!  But it has to be HONEST!!!

I know it is hard to do.  And there is definitely an art to communicating.  But for any good relationship, it has to happen!!!

There is a great book that talks about Love Languages.   Many of us are just different, and therefore we have a hard time understanding each other.  However, if we figured out what made the other person tick, that might make it easier, don't you think???

I have learned so much since being married.  Marriage is NOT for sissies, that's for sure!!!  I think we both keep waiting for that happily ever after, but we keep hitting the muck and mire of life. 

I honestly think marriage was set up to help you get THROUGH the muck and the mire.  And the appreciation of having a partner through that is your reward!!  As long as you communicate, that is!!!

I have seen so many relationships fall apart due to lack of communication.  People being afraid to admit stuff, or unable to let their spouse know that they have habits that drive them nuts.  And this stuff just festers and gets worse over the years.  Eventually, the relationship breaks down and falls apart.

If you have TWO willing participants, you have the basis for a good relationship.  However, if one is indifferent....then you have a problem.   You can't persuade indifference. 

As long as you have have hope.

Thankfully, I have a lot of hope in my life!  And for that I'm grateful.

Don't underestimate the power of communication.  Give it a whirl......

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Judging and bosses

I met with my boss yesterday.  I had some issues that needed addressing and he was kind enough to meet with me.

It all seemed to go pretty well,  but the bottom line is he is the boss, and he let's me know it.  Subtly....however concretely.

I have had many bosses over my life.  Some good and some not so good.  I have never really been intimidated or scared by any of my bosses.  If I'm doing something wrong, I usually know it.

The only time I get nervous, is evaluation time.  I HATE that time of year.

It's like judgement day no matter how good your are doing.  You walk in and sit down, and across from you feels like your future lies in someone elses hands.  It's an awful feeling every time.

Thankfully, with age, it gets a little easier.  But no matter how old I get, I hate being judged.

Sometimes judgement is simply authoratative.  Someone has to do it.  Like in a job. 
Sometimes, you are judged based on your actions.

We all do it at some point in our lives.  We all judge others on some level.  We judge someones actions, or an event, or....whatever!!!

Judgement is something I try to teach my kids about.  In my opinion, when you judge others, you are basically stating that YOU would be perfect or at least better than "they", whom you are judging.

So it's very important to take a step back.  And it's always hard to take a step back.

I remember one time being in Target.  I watched this woman walk by with her kid (who must have been about 4 or 5) and she was verbally brow beating this kid.  And I was so taken aback, I stopped and stared at her.  And I literally had to tell myself, "I will not judge her based on the 20 seconds that I've seen her".   I was so affected by it that is shakes me to this day.

But fast forward with my own kids and I know others have felt the same way about me.

One day I was a Wal-mart with my mom and the girls.  Avery was young and decided to have a complete meltdown.  She was being very loud in the store, so I took her out to the van and I locked her in the car seat and opened the doors so we could breathe) and I sat in the front seat staring forward trying to calm myself down.  SHE was screaming the whole time.  She wouldn't calm down. 
As we were sitting there, the guy was getting in his car next to us and I caught his eye and he gave me a look like I was abusing my child.  I was in a fit myself at that moment, but if I had let go, I would have ripped him a new one just for that look.  But I realized he had NO idea what had preceeded and so I let him have his own thoughts and go his way!

You TRULY have no idea what it is to be a parent....until  you are a parent!!! 

My mom has a saying that I play over in my head, "Sweeten your words with sugar, for some day you may have to EAT them!"

And...I have eaten plenty!!!

But I have also learned. 

I am slow to judge.  I see other peoples kids and I have no idea what is going on at home.  I have been blindsided by friends divorces that answered SO many questions. 

As for my boss, I did judge him a bit harshly, and he set the record straight.  I am thankful for his time, and I am duelly reminded, that HE is the boss!!!

So be it!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mondays and heart attacks


No wonder most people have heart attacks on this day.  The mounting pressure comes flooding forward creating angst, frustration and sometimes anger!!!

Though I'm not angry, I have a REALLYSUPERBUSY (yes I just coined the phrase) week ahead of me.  And I have to figure out how to squeeze it all in.  I'm sure I can do it, but do I have to look forward to it all??

As it is, in the last 48 hours, 2 more things have been thrown in that I didn't account for.  Something will most certainly fall off the plate.  I just hope it isn't something I need!!!

However, I had a great weekend.  Looking back on all the events makes me smile.

The bridal shower was a smashing success.  Intimate, fun, so much laughter my cheeks hurt when I left!  I can only imagine what the wedding will be like.

I guess today will be all about making those lists and doing my best to organize the time.

Frankly, I'm so sick of lists, I could spit!!!  But if I don't create them, they don't get done!

I know I will get through my week, but as the Monday heart attacks start, I just hope I'm not on the list.  I am feeling the pressure and I am NOT terribly organized which is further adding to my stress, but I have to think toward the end.  The reason I'm doing it all!  Next week, will be pure fun.  That is what I am working towards, and that is what I will focus on as I check things off my list, one at a time....all.....week........long........

Happy Monday! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The process of overachieving......

I'm late again today, just like yesterday!!  It's amazing how quickly time gets away from me these days...

I have been working really hard on my offering for a bridal shower, and of course, it's taking me longer than I thought.  Why? you ask?  Well....because I can't do it simple.  I have to complicate every aspect of it and make it harder than it should be.

Why?  you ask again?  Because I am an emotional overthinker.  This is my cross to bear!!!

What are you talking about?  (you ask, yet again....)

Well, I'll tell you. 

This is what happens to me when more often than I care to admit.

Enter; Bridal shower.

The bride is a super special girl.  I'm so excited for her that I want her events to be perfect.  So when asked  if I can bring something, I immediately offered up desserts.  Cupcakes, of course.

I hit Pinterest right away, because buying cupcakes is so cliche.  I want my blood sweat and tears on this, so here I go. 

I found a recipe for Lemon Blueberry cupcakes.  Looks divine, so I make a tester batch and pass them around to anyone who will eat them.  All thumbs up!!  Even hubby ate a couple of them, and he avoids my baking like a cat avoids a bath.

So, I'm now super -even more - excited, because I got a resounding 100% thumbs up.  However....(insert emotional overthinking), my girlfriend told me, "I'm not really a lemon person......." 

....hmmmm........(I start thinking to myself...)  I should definitely bring TWO flavors to the party!!!  And just like that folks, my job got over complicated!!!

Now, it's not that big a deal, because I decided that since the lemon blueberry muffins will be made from scratch, I will just get a box cake mix for the chocolate and call it a day.  (I was very proud of myself at this point, because I CAN make chocolate cake from scratch....I just didn't want to).

While starting the process for the Lemon Blueberry cupcakes, I started thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to vary the desserts (insert more overthinking here).  So, instead of all cupcakes (which would be a snap!), I decide to make......wait for it.......CAKE POPS!!!  I mean WHO DOESN'T LOVE FOOD ON A STICK?????  I'll be the HIT OF THE PARTY!!!!!  (endorphins and adrenaline are on FIRE at this point!)
But stupid round cakepops won't do, so let's try something we've NEVER done before and go with the theme of the party which is love and make HEART cake pops!!!! 

I have a cute little heart mold, I just have to get lollipop sticks, baggies and a "tree" to display them all......

Now....I bake.  The cakes come out lovely, I'm ready to get started on the "pretty" process.

Since I didn't want to slop the icing on, I decided to use my decorating skills (which are perfect in my mind) and pipe on the icing for the lemon blueberry cupcakes.  No problem there.  Very happy with my results.

The "Fun" comes with the overachieving cake pops. 

The process goes something like this; bake the cake, crumble up the cake, add frosting to make the cakepops stick together, freeze them for a few, put a stick in them, melt chocolate, dip the cake pops in chocolate, let them set and then drizzle with white chocolate!!   (Cupcakes would have been done at this point.....)

But what happened was, since I decided to do the heart ones, it didn't go as "smooth" as the normal cake pops do.  A few variables I didn't think of, "Is the size of the heart good enough and will it work with the width of the stick and will they hold up etc....."  (Dry runs are strongly encouraged!!!)

In the end, I finished everything. took longer than I thought, and NO.....I certainly don't regret it.  I want my bride to know how much I adore her and this meant a lot to me to give her a beautiful presentation.  This is a woman who gives so much to so many, that she deserves every ounce of blood sweat and tears I can give her!!!

I did a dry run on the tree.  Gotta make sure that lollipop tree stays balanced.  One wrong pick from the wrong side and it all comes tumbling down.  But I'm confident that it will all be just fine!!!

The only problem is.....Because I decided to overachieve I didn't take one variable into account....Time ran out before I could take care of this......

But lets look at the bright I have something to do when I get home......

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Almost 400 blogs and counting......

Good gracious, it's 9:30 and I haven't had time to sit at my computer yet!!!  Boy how the time flies.  I have been up for a few hours already.  Despite my numerous efforts to sleep in, it is just not in the cards for me.

I have a session this morning, and I have to make cupcakes this afternoon and if at all possible, I would like to have a date night with my family tonite.  We are running in so many directions, we hardly ever get to come together!!!

We have a big trip coming up; lots of planning in the works.  We'll be working on that this weekend too!!

So far today, I have cleaned the kitchen to the best of my ability and prepared it for the mess I am about to create.  Yay me.

I have also started picking up the rest of the house, but that is on pause, and something tells me it will continue to be the state, as I am running out of time until my morning session arrives. 

This mornings session is going to bring an old friend back to me.  It's been over a dozen years since we have seen each others faces.  I have seen her on facebook, and she has seen me.  But in person will yield a whole new story!!! 

I am excited, but with life abuzz, I will have a few short minutes to visit before I have to move onto the next item on my list. 

I just hate how life gets so hectic.  Life is so precious that we should be connecting as much as possible.  But as it is, I can't even clean my house without stopping to blog "real quick" so I can get on with my day!!

But my blogging has become a part of me.  I have successfully blogged EVERY SINGLE DAY for over a year now!!!  Can  you believe it's been over a year??  How fast did that go?  I think last I checked I had almost 400 blogs in my history.   I think it's time to create a "Volume I".  Oooohhh....doesn't that sound delicious?  Not to you maybe, but to me, most definitely!!

I think I can officially call myself a writer.  I have always had a passion for it, but never professionally trained.  But how do you train passion?  I don't believe it is possible.

In the last year or so, I have learned a lot about myself and much about my readers.  First, I have learned that I am not ashamed to share anything.   But as most know me, I am what you see.  I live what I write and I write what I live.  Second, my readers can identify with me.  And in many case I have had people guiltily admit to me that they read my blog as though they were confessing a guilty sin.  Almost embarrassed to admit it to me. 

But what they don't realize is, when someone actually admits they read what I write; I am humbled and thankful.  I'm usually surprised at some of the admittents, because they never respond in writing and would likely never admit it if we weren't face to face.  Sometimes it is someone I didn't even know would even think to read it.  But I guess on some level there is a need for us all to connect.  And my blog puts it out there for the "Me TOO!" people of the world.  After all that is mostly what it is about.  When I walk into a wall and blog about it, I get giddy when the "Me TOO"s come forward!  It means that somehow, I'm connecting.  It makes me happy!!!

So to all of my readers, whether "admittents" or "stealth", thank you for indulging me in my passion, and letting me be me.  It's been fun.  'See' you tomorrow

Happy Saturday

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games

So, I was checking facebook before I went to bed last night and I saw so many people waiting at midnight for the Hunger Games.  I was surprised at how many of my friends took there pret-teen kids to the midnight showing.

As I haven't read the book, I don't totally know what the movie is about.  I just know that it's as huge as Twilight was. 

I'm gonna be the last hold out in reading the book, because based on the preview of the movie, I don't  like what the story is about.  I'm too emotional to watch something like that, let alone read it and have it burned into my brain.

I watched the preview again this morning (to show hubby), and he was unimpressed.  He said it looked like the Running man and a few other movies rolled into a teen flick.   (He has yet to watch a movie without A. likening it to another movie.  or B.  Figuring out the ending).  Makes me nuts.

I like to sit back and let the movie unfold!  But if I don't like the content, then I get uncomfortable.

When I choose movies now, they have to be on the lighter side.  Call me a wimp, but I have enough stress in my life to create more from a movie that I'm paying to see.

I'm sure Hunger Games will get RAVE reviews.  And maybe I'll bend eventually, but I kind of doubt it.  I couldn't even get my daughter to read the book amidst all the kids at her school devouring it.

The sad thing is, I really need a good read.  They are few and far between for me.  I wish Hunger Games was along the content I want, but alas, it is not!!!

Funny how these fads come into play.  The last 3 big hits were Harry Potter (fantasy), Twilight (fantasy), and now Hunger Games (fantasy).  Maybe kids just need a good escape from reality????

Anyway, that said, we'll see how it all plays out.  As a lady was leaving one of my meetings yesterday I asked her which book she was reading.  Not surprisingly it was book 2 guessed it, Hunger Games!!  YIKES ALMIGHTY!!!  That made me REALLY feel like I was missing out!!
However, after watching the preview this morning,  I got choked up within the 2 minute trailer. 

I might be going to the movies this weekend...but it won't be Hunger Games.  I'll let the rest of the country take care of that for me!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pilates in depth

So I have to talk a bit about my pilates class.  I've blogged before about how I adore the instructor and I have raved about him on Facebook.  But I think most people are unaware of what pilates is and does, so I wanted to elaborate on my own personal experience.

First of all, I have had a neck issue that has caused my right arm to literally be smaller than my left.  I was in pain for 8 months and had to get regular chiropractic treatments to fix or minimize the bulging disc (5.3mm) that was rendering me useless.

To further exacerbate my neck issues is my photography business.  Carrying heavy equipment, hunkering in ungodly positions, thrusting my head forward the whole time in an unnatural way to get the shot.  Followed by hours and hours of work in front of the computer with bad posture and bad form.

My life was a recipe for disaster.

During the therapy, I realized how my poor posture was making my issue worse.  Even sitting in the car, my head was incorrectly resting, further aggravating my disc issue.

I think most of us underestimate the power of the core body.  The core is your torso and all the muscles that hold you up.  Now, I'm not educated in this, so my description is all in lay terms and likely not 100% accurate.  But this is my story and my understanding.  If you build your core, your internal "girdle" will be strong and hold you tall, correcting your posture and keeping you in correct form.

The Pilates instructor is new-ish to the dance studio I am at.  His presence was abuzz as soon as he got there. 

I was encouraged to take the class by the studio manager.  So, I showed up with my little mat on the first day, and I was choking back tears.  I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to do some of the moves, or that I would be so weak that I would embarrass myself.

But as I sat in the class, ready to go, the instruction began with the first breath.  Breath is so important, and he explained why we breathe in certain ways and what it does for us in the movement process. 

As we proceeded to the movements, his instruction was finite.  He explained things from the ground up.  I totally understood how and why we were doing movements and what each movement would do for my body as I built my strength.  He literally talks to me in a way I understand.  It's almost elementary.

The reason this is so important to me, is because I have had a series of instructors who were  more interested in sharing their day than letting me know the correct placement of my feet.  I literally did a move wrong for a whole year in one of my old classes, because the instructor never said the weight of my body should be on my heals.  A whole year wasted.... :(

So, trust me when I tell you the instruction is top notch.  The movements are not big and hurky jerky.  They are slow and precise with constant reminders of breath, position, shoulders down (that's usually for me).......

Yesterday while in the class, he did a form of side plank and then dipping under and back with the other hand.  He showed modifications, which were unnecessary for me on the left side.  But when it came to the right side, my arm was so shaky, I couldn't do it without the modification and I was so frustrated, I almost started welling up.  He quickly explained the stabilizers in our body and how one of mine has become weak.

After class, I explained my frustrations about the shaking and his response surprised me.  He said, "When I see shaking I get excited....because THEN, I know what to work on with you!"  WOW....and just like that I felt like I had hope in my life again.  He didn't tell me it's over.  He said, you will get stronger, and I'll show you how!

My favorite thing in his class is he knows each of his students.  As he is teaching the class, he is watching each of his students and learning about each one individually.  He literally picked off each of our issues yesterday and told us what to focus on.    I don't know why the wizard of Oz popped into my head, but I thought of the wizard telling the Lion, "You have's inside you"  and the scarecrow that he has a brain, and the tinman a heart.....  And I was Dorothy.....I had it in me all along....I just needed to believe....

I guess I can surmise that he is the wizard.  Because he does make good things happen!!!

Who wouldn't want a wizard in their lives???

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Communication (and emotional vomit)

I had a conversation with  my brother last night.  We got into a "he said/she said" type argument.

At Thanksgiving, we had a falling out and hadn't really talked much since then.  Last night we ironed out the details and we're good again.

It did get ugly for a while there.  As we were arguing back and forth about the nights events that brought us to this moment, it was clear that a little more communication would have been nice.

Communication is so overlooked and lack of it causes so many problems.

More often than not we "ASSUME" and more often than not, that is what gets us into trouble.

We are in our heads 24/7.  There is nowhere else for us to go.  Wherever we go, there we are!  So if you aren't happy, you are likely living in a hellish place.

I have gone through bouts of depression.  It was dark, lonely, and hopeless.  Some people live there more often than others. 

One thing I don't feel as much as I did when I was a kid is that humongous bursting feeling of elation.  But on the flip side, I don't feel that empty desolate place of despair either.

I'm more often in the middle.  I miss the high highs, but maybe that comes with adulthood.  Rarely do you see a 70 year old person bouncing up and down saying "Yippy!!!", so I'm guessing mellowness comes with age.

However, so does appreciation.  I have learned to appreciate every day I have with my family and friends.

As I was eating dinner with my BFF last night, I was telling her how blessed I am to make a call and have someone pop over for dinner!  (I was making enchilada's - enough to share with BFF and favorite neighbor). 

And if I have a problem, I have a handful of friends and I can call and commiserate.

I am truly thankful every day for something!  And I try to focus on that.  Because if I looked at the reality of my life and the mounds of debt and the dog wearing the cone of shame and stares at me sadly...if I spent my days focusing on that, I could bring myself down in an instant.

But I refuse!

My point about communication (you know, the thing I started this blog with) is that I have found it the key to all my relationships.  It is a scary thing, but the more you communicate your feelings, the more people can understand you and connect with you. 

Connection with people for me means comfort, understanding and compassion. 

You may think you know what someone is feeling, but unless you ask, you really don't.

As I talked to my brother last night, I understood more, where he is coming from.  And as I had lived a portion of my life like him, I could connect with what he was saying. 

I'm glad he called me last night, because it wasn't on my radar.  With my life, my jobs and my kids, it's hard to focus on anything, let alone recount what happened many months ago.

But what we have now is closure to this event.  Hard feelings put to rest.  And all thanks to a little communication. 

Give it a try some time.  You may become addicted.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

technology and dinosaurs

It's so much easier doing my blog on my new laptop.  I'm so excited to have an upgrade!  My last laptop was 6 years old.  I think we can safely equate that to dinosaur years.

Technology changes so fast, it's scary!

Same with my camera's.  Though my Canon 10d still works, the start up time is no better than a click and shoot camera.  With better equipment comes better results, that's for sure!!!

I remember paying $2,700 for a camera body, thinking, "THIS WILL LAST ME FOREVER!!!".  I made the rookie mistake thinking the cost would fill the bill on all needs for my business.  And I was wrong.

Not that it was a bad investment; just that it didn't totally fit in for what I was shooting at the time. 

Now 5 years later, I've been using that body more, when it comes to weddings.  It's a great camera.  And I say the technology is still pretty good.  Becuase in the last 6 months, I have used it more than in the last 5 years.  Everything has its place!

But when people call me and ask, "What kind of camera should I get?"  That's as good a question as "What kind of car should I get?"

There are so many features and so many options available, I don't know where to begin.  I'm likely to ask how you intend to use it

In recent years, my life has been absorbed in the dance studio.  With the girls practically living there, that is also most of what I have been shooting.  And of course, I'm enjoying dance more than anything else.   So with that, my equipment is the fastest shooting equipment I can afford.  If you don't have the right equipment, good luck getting a girl upside down in an aerial with low light.

With age comes experience.  I'm still honing my skills and will continue to do so. 

But I have to say at the bottom of all that, the thing that keeps me going is my passion and love for what I do.  If the passion wasn't there, neither would be my camera.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tweens abound

So yesterday after the sleepover, I stayed to help clean up.  Somehow I had packed my day in, but never put it on the calendar.  I forgot that Aspen had another birthday at noon - the same time I was supposed to pick up my friends daughter to take pictures for her upcoming event.  It was 11:20 when I left the studio and Aspen still had to take a shower.  Luckily, she got it done and we were off.  I was only a few minutes late getting my friends daughters (can't leave siblings behind).

As it was we had two extra kids.  One was the studio owners daughter and the other was the sibling of my portrait client. 

I love shooting tweens.  I think I'm going to start specializing in them.  They are emerging little beings who are both awkward, and genuine. 

I love doing their makeup and hair, because it is usually done in a way they would never do it!  (I'm not much for hair, but I'm a whiz with a flat iron and can both straighten and curl with the best of them).

When I brought my client into the bathroom to see herself, her jaw dropped and she giggled with delight. 

As I rarely see the studio owners daughter, I did the same for her!  (okay, it was totally for me, but you get the idea!)

I brought them both into the studio and put up a pink backdrop and started shooting.  They were so cute.  I got to see a side of both of them that I loved!!!  They are total players and had a great time.

Now, I have been shooting for well over 20 years, and I still must say; when I see the subject, that is one thing.  But when I see the images, I'm always surprised.

If you think your soul doesn't come through in pictures, you are wrong.  I see way more than you know.  I see embarrassment, anger, disgust, happiness, joy, love, gratitude, etc.... 

As I looked at the images, I literally saw these girls growing up before me.  The first few pictures are always awkward....but the ones that follow are priceless.

I know I ooze about what I do, but it is a true gift.  I had a great time with these girls and I'm grateful to be in their lives and watch them grow.  I adore their moms and am reminded that we are all very blessed with what we have.

It is important to spend each day being grateful for something.
I am grateful for so much!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Horning in

This could be short, I don't have much time. I am lying on the floor at a dance studio with about 23 other girls and one other adult.

For now, most of the girls are still asleep. But I shouldn't be surprised, as we didn't go to bed until about 1:3Oam. Some even later. The last movie started about that time. Thank God for silicone earplugs.

The night started at 6pm. A 12 year old birthday party. It was to be a date night for me and hubby. We dropped the girls off among many other screaming, squealing, dancing girls. Among all the bodies, there was one adult. The mom of the birthday girl also the dance studio owner. Everyone who was invited showed up. She sounded a bit surprised by this, but I wasn't. A chance to spend the night at the dance studio for a dancing girl is as good as the golden ticket for Willy Wonkas chocolate factory.

As I looked around at all the girls running and screaming at drop off, I couldn't help but think this party would be better with another mommy(especially if it was me :D). Now I know the dance studio owner is super woman, but I wouldn't wish 23 (actually closer to 26) tween girls on any one person. So I texted her and offered reinforcents (and a camera) if she wanted. (I had no doubt she could handle this on her own, but she accepted my invitation.

Hubby knew I was itching to get back there so when we got home, he quickly loaded my car with a sleeping bag and sent me off with a kiss.

As I walked in the studio, I could see it was dance off time. There were 9 teams dancing various skits. After all the skits were done, they voted for their favorite skit. My little Avery and her partner won. I was so sad I had just missed it because they got almost half of all the votes places. I was told by the girls that it was hilarious. No surprise there given who she was partnered with. Let's just say, class clowns prevailed this time.

After the dance off there was cake - after cake there was another game where this kids heard a word and depending on the word is where they would run. The word could be switched mid run. It was hysterical watching all these girls running back and forth. After that was movie time. At midnight it was scary stories (where we lost half the group). And then another movie at 1:30am. By this time, I had been summoned by the "wanna sleep" girlies so they wouldnt be alone. A couple of them were excited I was there. They kept asking, "are you staying?". And then promptly helped me make my bed. One even left her spot to come sleep next to me.

This morning it is quiet. A couple ran out and ran back in a little loudly and they have been placed at the back of the line for breakfast. You don't wake up sleeping beauties!! (LOL).

I am so glad I offered my assistance and so glad she accepted. No surprise she ended up with more kids than invited, she does happen to be the coolest and funniest mom. If I were a kid I would weasel my way in too. Heck, I am a mom, and I totally weaseled my way in. But that's different, right? ..........RIGHT???

Happy Sunday :D

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Look inward first

This week my topic was on Negative Self Talk.  We all do it at some point in our lives.  But most of us don't listen - or hear, as it were - because we do it so automatically and with very little effort.

The problem is, when we do this, we really break ourselves down.

I was in Pilates last week, and I was so frustrated, because I realize, what I am being asked to do shouldn't be that was simply to flex my foot with the band and stretch.  However, my muscles weren't playing nicely with my brain.  So when the instructor came over and tried to help me (making sure my foot was properly flexed), I looked at him and said, "I am SO inflexible!"  I could feel the frustration ooze from my pores.

His demeanor very quickly shifted as he looked at me and said, "I am working on my flexibility!" 

I stared back at him, instantly snapped out of my frustration and repeated back to him, "I am working on my flexibility!"

And like that, I realized that my frustration was negating my efforts. 

So small a comment......yet so much damage.

Truth is, we would NEVER talk to our children with the disdain that we talk to ourselves.  Yet we do it without thought or provocation a million times a day.

In my meetings, I stare at people who have continually chipped away at the fiber of their being.  Their faces hang low, their belief systems all but gone.  Some are holding on to a thread of hope that I can help motivate them.  And I certainly do the best I can.  Because I was there too!!

Sometimes we have to build our belief system.  We have depleted ourselves so much, that there is nothing left. 

The disconnect comes from people waiting for the mood to move them.  More often than not, the mood will never come.  We have to force ourselves over and over again until it gets to a place where it starts becoming the norm.  Starting  inspite of you is key!

The more we repeat good actions, the more they become part of us -The more our belief system builds -The more our confidence builds -The better choices we make.  One perpetuates the next.

You just have to realize if you have no belief, you can certainly build it! 

And though I'm not master of belief, my healthy lifestyle is proof to me that my efforts continue to pay off every day.  I just had to give myself a bit of a push get started.

Chip away at the negativity and turn it around to make positive choices.  The benefits outweigh the cost any day of the week!

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Another fabulous day as a parent

Okay, so seriously....moving from friend zone to "Mom" zone sucks some times.

Not because I get uncomfortable.  Moreso because no matter how calmly I'm talking, my kids go into meltdown mode and, and once that happens, communications are lost.

It's so frustrating.  It was an odd day, because I had to pull the mom card for both kids.   And both of them instantly thought I was mad, or hated them.

I'm not going into great detail, to save face. I would change the names, but as most of you know me, it would be a moot point.

Suffice it to say, in the end, I was able to explain to them not only the lesson they needed to learn, but the consequences if I didn't choose to pull down the hammer "now".

I explained to them that parents have the ability to see what happens, not only today....but down the road.  I have explained that when they see that their friends are getting everything they want in life, that is not a good thing. 

If you give a person a million dollars, will they appreciate it??  SURE... for as long as it takes them to spend every last dime.

But if a person EARNS a million dollars, they will have it longer, because they appreciate the efforts it took to get it!

Don't get me wrong.  It's always nice to be handed something, but the appreciation doesn't come with a handover.

I can't help when I have conversations like this with my kid that I reflect on the conversations my parents tried to have with me.  I remember sitting at the foot of my dads bed as he lectured from his comfy seat.   I remember when report card came, I was always hiding mine, but "happy-skippy-sister-with-the-good-grades" couldn't WAIT to come home and share, so I was instantly thrown under the bus.   And the foot of the bed was where I would end up.  (After the walk of shame down the long hall).  Dad would always ask me one question at the end of his lecture, "Is that the BEST you can do?"  And he was asking to see how I felt about my efforts.  I would tell him no and that I would try harder, and leave.  (Only 'cuz I learned that answer would get me out faster!)

So as I sit and talk to my kids and I listen to their answers, I can see on their faces they are looking for the same recipe.  And I don't blame them.  Because in their mind the person sitting across from them is the enemy and one who wants to foil any plans they have.

Fair enough.

But the bottom line is, my kids are at an age where the manipulation starts to become part of their fabric.  And they don't totally know it yet, but they will be working to hone their skills.  So, I will do my best to stay on top of them.  I made that very clear yesterday.

Thankfully, both my girls are really good kids.  I'm so blessed and thankful for them.  But something tells me I'm in for a good ride!  I'd better get my gloves on.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Business and Tap

So, in gearing up for my business, I ordered a few products to showcase at my next event.  One of which is an Iphone cover with my logo on it.  I also ordered an Iphone cover with one of my dancers pictures on it.  Yes, I said "MY" dancer.  I'm keeping her, she is adorable.

I also ordered a few other fun items, like photo tins, keychain tags, and cards.  I need to order a few more things, and I'll be good to go.  I just need to consult with a few teens and see what's "hot".  Never thought I would say that, but it's true that teens have different things available to them nowadays and I have no idea what is interesting to them.  I guess I'm old!!!

I gotta say, though, looking at some of these kids with their skills I am amazed at them.  They make it look so easy, and the truth is, it takes time for everything to come together.  I really appreciate these dancers more now that I'm in a few classes!!!

As I stood in tap class last night, I realized, that my tap shoes are starting to feel a bit more comfortable.  I have been practicing this move called "Chop Suey" and it's been extremely frustrating.  I leave the class in pure sweat because my brain is thinking so hard it can't wrap itself around these moves!!

I really encourage everyone to go out of your comfort zone and try something new.  I was totally dragged into the class by the teacher, and I am thankful.  If she wasn't teaching it, I might not go.  Because I don't want to look that "Awk" in front of just anyone. 

She doesn't judge, (out loud anyways) she really takes the time to break it down for us ("us meaning "me") slower people.  And though her efforts are skill is building very very slowly......

But I'm starting to get it.

My husband says I have a gelatin layer in my brain.  I'm slower than others and I know the reason why.  My brain literally has to dissect every last facet and put it back together before it actually "gets it".  That bad news is, that can take a lot of time.  The good news is when I get it I get it!

When I worked at Toshiba, I went from being nearly fired (because I had a very poor trainer), to training new people before I left the position.  I was able to train from the ground up starting at an elementary level.  So, slow yes....but good....eventually, yes.  I am okay with that!!!

Chop Suey is starting to come together.  It's working its way through my gelatin layer and I've go the right foot down, albeit, very slowly.  The left foot (which Cee Cee calls the four letter word foot) is coming along.  She'll need just a bit more time.

The good thing in all of this, is as I leave class every week, I'm a bit more accomplished and a bit more confident.  And that's something.  Because after the first class I took, I was considering putting my foot on the tracks across the street so I would have legitimate reason for not coming back.  But I'm glad I kept them both.  They are starting to work for me!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Media

Some days you look inward got nuthin.

That's how I'm feeling today.  No real words of wisdom and nothing profound entering my mind.

However, I did have an interesting conversation with a friend not long ago.  He said his company might be looking for Bloggers.  I thought, "Well, I blog....."

But why would a company be looking for bloggers?  If one is blogging, they are doing their own thing.  To blog for someone else doesn't sound "right" to me!

However, I wouldn't lie, if someone wanted to hire me based on my blog, I'm all over it.  I guess you could consider it's my writing resume, right?

Social media has become HUGE in our society.  It's "THE" thing for your business.  But there are so many forms of social media it's overwhelming, and dare I say, a little scary.

We are all so checked in to our electronic gadgets that it's become the main way to advertise.  I recently realized I am way behind on the curve for this one.

So when I sat down to evaluate which way to go, my head started spinning and peasoup flew out of my mouth.  (okay, not really, but you get my point).

There's Facebook, Tumblr, Myspace(is that still around?), Twitter (which I still don't get), blogging (this one I get) Youtube, and many more of which I am unaware, I'm sure!

If you have a business and you aren't engaged in this stuff, you are behind the times baby!!!

Owning is a business is fun, but can be very overwhelming.  It's literally about 95% administrative and 5% of what you love.  It just is what it is.

The last few weeks I have emersed myself in learning this, and I feel I'm only inches ahead of where I was. 

Sometimes it feels like I'm a hamster on a wheel....running my fool tail off and not getting anywhere.

But then there are days I can't believe how far I have come.  It's a mind game, I swear!

I love what I do, and I am thankful to all who hire me.  My focus this year IS my business, and I'm determined to figure out this social media game and get on the bandwagon.  It's kind of fun, if you think about it!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ebb, flow and exercise

I was recently talking to a friend about her workout schedule. I have been struggling to squeeze in time, because it seems my schedule has been getting in the way lately. But as I was looking at my friend, I commented on how great and fit she looks. She said she works hard to look so good. She carves time out every day.

I commented that I used to be able to do that, but my schedule has gotten crazy. And she said to me, "My day is scheduled around my workout. Not the other way around."

Her sentence hit me in the face.

I was so content with my schedule getting in my way, I never stopped to examine how I let my schedule literally sabotage my workout efforts.

I started slipping into my old patterns of, "I'll do it later". And later was quickly finding its way out the door.

As her sentence was only the beginning of my motivation, I started examining the other reasons I had slipped.

Excuses.....all of them......

I just got lazy and less motivated.

Let me tell is really hard to come back from not motivated. I actually got to the point that I didn't care.

I was backsliding, and could care less.

Except for the fact that my job is to motivate.

Ever feel like a fraud?

A couple of my friends would post their workouts on Facebook. At this point, I am looking for motivation.

Finally, I got shot between the eyes. I heard the dose of medicine I needed to make me realize I need to put exercise back in my court.

And so it began. I looked at my 'old' gym, and they had added some new classes. And I could work in at least 30 minutes here and there, which is better than nothing. I feel my motivation coming back. I actually turned down an offer, because it conflicts with my Pilates class.

I am definitely feeling better about myself. And though it will take time to get those sculpted arms back, I do know it is possible.

And though I feel bad that I am not motivated all the time, I was reminded by a neighbor yesterday that life isn't constant. It ebbs and flows and things are never the same.

She has been off track because her mother has been sick. She hasnt had time to think about herself for a while. But she isn't giving up, which is most admirable.

Your efforts will determine your output. Just make sure to keep your expectations in good alignment with it all.

And never never never give up.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, March 12, 2012

Let it begin

Here we go. Alarm goes off at 6:30. My body swears it is 5:30and refuses to move. Even the snooze button is too far away. I must the strength to wiggle over and hit the button, but it doesn't last long.

Within minutes the alarm goes off again. With a little more awareness my brain starts going over the days events negotiating when I can get back here to my cozy bed. But I know my efforts will be futile, because once I am out of the bed, my day goes on.

If ia am having a hard time, just think about the girls. They didn't settle before 10 last night. They are losing even more sleep than me, because I was in bed by 10. I am early, they are late. Sounds like the makings of a fun day.

I have already been up there three times, starting out nice and lovingly, and getting spittle more urgent with each visit. We are quickly approaching screaming format to get them moving.

As yet, they haven't made it downstairs. I am guessing it is going to be a cranky sort of day. I wonder if their teachers anticipate this. I hope they have a plan.

If I didn't have to drive carpool this morning, I would let us all sleep in and call it a day.

Though I love the benefits of daylight savings, I knew the first days would be hardest.

This is the only way you could get me to get up early. Switch the time. Now I know why a 5:30am exercise class. Though I am up mentally, my body won't catch up with me for an hour or so.

Hope your day goes better than mine. I am gonna head upstairs and ruffle a few feathers to get the girls moving.

Happy Monday

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daylight savings lag

Happy daylight savings. It is 8am and I am the only one awake. I can already sense that tomorrow is gonna be a hoot with the kids.

I do love this time of year, but the first week is a bit though. Kids don't want to go to bed early (cuz its still light outside) and they don't want to wake up, because it's still 'sleepy time'.

I am looking forward to the longer days, but I have no idea why they do this to us every year.

I just read a quote that the first Indians said (about daylight savings), "only the government would shave off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom and think they made a longer blanket".

So true, huh?

But it is exciting and it does feel a little like Christmas this time of year, since we get more daylight.

Hopefully my spring cleaning gene will kick in and I can use that extra time to clean my house. True, it hasn't work for the last 42 years, but like I say....I never give up hope.

I never understood the spring cleaning term until I lived in Massachusetts for a year. In the winter, you are so closed in because of the weather. By the time the spring comes, the windows get thrown open, and all of the muck and mire brought in from the cold months gets cleaned away.

Sounds delightful to me.

I actually have plans with daylight savings. Now I have a few more minutes in the day to get to the beach. it is my favorite place to go and hang out. And the weeknights are usually my only time to get down there. I feel a trip coming in my near future.

That said, I have to get past the first week lag. Make sure the kids are adjusting (because if they aren't, I get to hear it), and we will go from there.

Spring to summer is one of my favorite times of the year. I am truly looking forward to it.

Happy Sunday

Saturday, March 10, 2012

'Just' rides again.....

Yesterday I got hornswaggled.
My husband texted on me Tuesday and asked if I was available for lunch on Friday. I said YES! Who doesn't like a lunch date, right?

As the date approached he said, you still available? I said, "YEP!"
He said, "Great. Meet me at the Apple store in the mall. And immediately, my head sunk.
I knew we were going there because I have been having problems with my phone.

For months, I have been complaining about phone issues. Calls drop while I have all bars showing; calls not going through, just hanging in limbo, phone freezing up....yadda yadda yadda....

My husbands quick response, "just" go to Apple and have them look at it.

Can we talk about JUST for a minute?

There is no JUST when it comes to certain things.
"Just" coming out his his mouth implies a five minute fix. And in theory, it is. However, let's talk about the reality of this, because I have been through it before.

'Just' means finding an extra two hours of my life, at least. Its making sure I back everything up, driving to the location, waiting for help, getting a new phone, reformatting the phone at home, uploading all my apps and contacts and testing. It is NOT. 'just' anything.

But in his world, it's a lot easier to obtain.

Boys and girls are "just" different!!!

Boys want to FIX things.  Girls want to TALK about things.  But there is really no bridge to fill the gap in this.  I know I'm not alone.  Guys are just wired totally different.  I get this completely.  But sometimes I think they don't.   It is what it is, right???

Well, all that said, I sit here with a new phone.  His little trick worked.  He was the hero of the day.  Hopefully, I will have better luck with this phone.  It's only my third try......

I guess we'll "Just" have to see about that.....

Happy Saturday

Friday, March 9, 2012

Trudging the path

This week I would give myself a good solid B as far as getting my sh*t together this week.
Area's where I'd been week were on my list and I actually accomplished just about everything I'd set out to.  I didn't finish, but I got good headway and I'm very encouraged by my efforts.

Sometimes you just need to hear something from someone in a certain way.

In the last few weeks I realized my efforts had been in the D or F range.  But I watched people around me as I sat and complained (mostly to myself, but otheres suffered my wrath) about how I "wish" I could do better.

Turns out I needed some good perspective and some good role models.  And the best part is, my role models had no idea I was taking from them.

As a parent, we tell our kids, "Don't to this" or "Do that".  We give them advice like "If your friend jumped off a bridge would you??"   Naturally this "advice" falls on deaf ears, because our kids are watching our examples and will model what we have roled for them.

I did it with my parents.  They did it to some degree with their parents.  Go model what we SEE.......not hear! 

Ever hear the term, "Do as I SAY....not as I DO...."  or my personal favorite, "Your ACTIONS are speaking so LOUDLY, I can't HEAR what you are SAYING!"  That just sums up so many people for me, I can't tell you!!!

As I have watched my many 'accomplished' friends these past few months; and heard things from different perspectives, I feel I have many tools to move forward.

There really are no excuses for why we aren't doing things other than we are rationalizing why we don't!!  I heard another great saying that I use all the time;
We aren't rational....We RationalIZE!!!!!!  OUCH

So true, that one!

It takes me a while to piece the puzzle together.  I'm not as quick as those I am surrounded by.  But I am surrounded by strong people who make stuff work, regardless of their lot in life.

If things don't work out the way you want or aren't turning out the way you'd hoped, don't give up.  Think of new ways to get to what you want.

I have some good goals for myself and I have had them for about 15 years or so.  I'm not there yet, but I haven't given up.  Not for one day.  I have thought about it, but I do know it's not an option.

You gotta admit, if you set out for New York from California, you will get there eventually, as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Sometimes the journey is way more fun than the destination.

Happy Friday

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today is your last day.....

I love a good perspective.

Last night I watched Reba McEntire on Oprahs Master Class.

Reba McEntire has been my single most favorite singer of all time. I have followed her for years. She is a wise woman with much of life under her belt.

She gets it.

In 1991, many members of her band died in a plane crash. I remember the day I read the news. I was living in Massachusetts with my parents, and I was in my room and my world stopped. I was so connected to this singer, you would think all my friends died.

It was probably the first day in my life that mortality rang at my doorstep.

My heart sank and I wondered how she would go on. It was only months before that I saw her in concert in Boston. I saw her band. All of them. Her show was an amazing moment in my life.

So to be sitting in my room realizing many of them had died was like a knife in my heart.

It was an awful time. I remember wondering if she would perform again. Her music was a huge part of my life at that time. And as I was a young twenty something, I was naive about life.

It is a funny thing when tragedy happens to another....we can't help but turn it on ourselves. (if you are human anyway).

After a while, I remember the ACM awards was on. Reba was scheduled to sing. I will never forget her song, it was appropriately titled "For My Broken Heart". I cried as I heard her sing. It was a wrenching moment. I had no idea how she summoned the strength.

But then I realized something that would change my world......

She could succumb to her pain, or go on living in their honor.

And in fine Reba fashion, she took he high road!

We can't help what happens to us in life...but we can choose how we respond.

Reba reminded me that we have to live our every day as though it is our last. That we must always leave each other knowing how we feel. That we are not in control. But we have the power to create a good experience or a bad one. We should exercise our power for the better.

Reba has gone on to have many more successes. But as she spoke of her band on Oprah's show, it was clear that her pain is still very present in her heart.

I am very thankful for Reba. She is a stellar example of all our potential. She is an amazing woman and a fabulous humanitarian.

Her potential is what we are all capable of. If we only allow ourselves the chance to achieve it.

I firmly believe we have great role models in our lives and that we all have 'that' potential -we simply need to make the choice!

SO.....if today was your very last would you choose to live it?

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Callin in a Sub

Today Avery gets her braces off.  She's so excited she can't see straight. 

Somehow she is under the impression that since we had to schedule this during school hours, that we would blow off school altogether......Ya a DISNEY day!


I never told her that.

I also didn't tell her that I really wanted grandma to come pick her up because this is my only Pilates day and it's really important to me. 

Actually, I did tell her and her sorrowful face told me it wasn't a good idea - as did one of my friends. 

I guess as a mom, there are times you can't - or shouldn't - call in a sub.

But when you only get 2 days a week to get your own stuff done, giving up even an hour of that time is really hard!!

I have been having real issues lately trying to get in some workout time.  Pilates is the one class I really look forward to, because I can feel the benefits immediately.  With my neck and shoulder issues, it's imperative I work on my posture.  So yes, whine whine whine....I'm really sad!!!

But as a mom, there are some things you gotta do.

I have to remember that Avery has been thinking about this moment for weeks.  She's probably had it played out in her head.  She knows that Aspen got a goody bag full of chewy candies and she's waiting for hers.  She knows that Aspen took time off  school and she's already checked out.  She knows that mommy was with Aspen and mommy WILL be there for her mind, it's rote.

So I will sacrifice my one day a week Pilates class and be by my childs side.  I will hold her hand as they pry off every last brace, and then grind away the glue.  I will be there when they give her the mirror to show her beautiful new smile and pick out her cute little retainer.  She probably has the character picked out for the imprint on her retainer, as well as the colors or pattern.

I will be excited for her and I will take her picture and give her hugs.

And though I will regret another week gone from my class....I will accept my childs excitement and enthusiasm as a perfectly wonderful substitute.

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Limitations and Delegations

Oh boy, day's started and I'm already behind!  How did that happen???

I got an email first thing this morning that my order that I placed for pictures is not okay.  Had to fix that, and I also realized I didn't email something yesterday because I was in the midst of my business focus.

So, now I am struggling to come up with something to write, and as I sat and thought about it, I realized how many of us are probably affected the same way.

The day starts out and we are already behind.

So, to catch up, I will have to be a bit more efficient and trim where I can!

I was actually quite proud of myself, because something I have wanted to do for years finally happened yesterday; I created one central location for my photo galleries. 

I feel official now. 

I really need things to come together this year.  It's been scattered way too long.  I felt much of it was not within my control.  What I found is I didn't do enough research.  And that is due to lack of time.

I realized this year that I can delegate a lot of my small items.  I don't have to have complete control of everything, but I do have to be willing to pay for services rendered.  Most of what I found is this is doable!!!

Yesterday, while at home my mother in law stopped by.  She drives for meals on wheels.  In the process, she has met the people on her route and knows all their stories.  Some are sadder than others.  But one lady in particular has poor eyesight and she is in need of someone to go over her bank statements to see where she is losing money.  As she can't see, this is tough task.  But even tougher...there's no one in her life to help.

My first thought on that was, "Well there must be a service of some sort to help her??"  Where there's a need....there is a person creating a job!!

But as this woman is older, and she is unfamiliar with the conveniences in our society, she doesn't know where to turn.  It was hard not to ask her address and head over.  But the truth is, both my mother in law and I have busy lives and this is not a task we can take on.

Realizing your limitations is huge in keeping sanity.  Many times I am in the presence of others and my husband can tell I want to jump in and give all.  I merely have to look at those around me (who know me) and they will quickly give me the nod to shut my mouth.  They tend to know when my plate is full better than I!! And for that, I thank them!!!

I'm feeling really good about my progress with my business.  I'm making more decisions in the last week than I have in the last few years.  I'm finally realizing when to say 'Uncl'e and pass it off to the next.

I'm still a work in progress....but I'm well on my way!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Monday

Mom, there's nothing for lunch!! 
"How about Tuna sandwich?"  I don't want Tuna
"How about Ham sandwich?"  I don't want Ham
"How about Peanut Butter and Jelly?"  I don't want Peanut butter and jelly.

"Well then what are you gonna have?"

I don't know...there's NOTHING TO EAT!!!!!!

Well.....I offered my help.  I left her downstairs to fend for herself.  When the voice starts going up and down when they talk, and getting louder in the process, it's time for mom to exit stage left!!!

They are old enough to figure it out. 

I was making lunches from kindergarten on.  IF I wanted to eat, that is.  Otherwise, mom and dad would give us money, because it was easier.  For many years I worked in the cafeteria for my food.  Where there's a will, there's a way, right???

I guarantee you when that kid leaves in a few minutes, she'll have something packed and ready for herself.

I know how she feels though.  Sometimes you just "don't wanna" have whatever is in the fridge.  But honestly, I end up making a decision at some point.  And if I don't, I won't die for a day.

Did you know Monday is the day of the week most heart attacks happen???

It's no wonder.  After a weekend of relaxing and hanging, to go back to the grind is a bit stressful.  And if you have a stressful job and you aren't taking care of yourself, could happen to you!

(she just settled on peanut butter and jelly, but can't find the peanut butter....I'm making her try harder to find it).

More often than not, when I go down to "find" something, it was right in front of them.  It's time these kids start digging a little harder and becoming a bit more self sufficient!

Do I sound harsh???

I know some moms jump to it.  "Oh, I'll get it honey, don't you worry!"

Well...this isn't that household. 

Having 4 siblings if you didn't find the peanut butter, it's because the kid who came before you just ate it.  So you had to be fast!  And if you wanted to make sure it was there when got home, then you hid it for yourself.

I'm with little patience these days.  The kids want want want and they don't want to do much to give back....unless that means they get more stuff.

I am not unhappy with my children, don't get me wrong.  I just think it needs to start tipping a little more in our favor from time to time.

That's not asking it???

Happy Monday! (don't die)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rules on vacation

Funny how the creativity flows when you have time to yourself.
But also, funny how your work can follow you anywhere, thanks to the I-crap of the world.

The purpose of taking a weekend away is to take a break from your life. It is time to be with family, focus on each other and leave the normal day to day distractions behind.

That said, I think it is wise to lay some ground rules.......don't push the button!!

Yesterday, we all went to see the Lorax. As we were leaving the theater, I decided to check my phone......And my email, and my facebook........

Yep, I said it......

It's just so easy to do, when it is all at your fingertips and you merely have to push the button.......

And just like that I am in work mode. Not one, but two emails pertaining to both of my jobs......ugh, what was I thinking.

And being a regular I-crap user, these messages were put to the top of my takes nothing to answer them, right?

Until I stopped myself.

I realized they aren't going anywhere. I told my client I would be out of town, so she likely wouldn't be expecting my response. And my boss is only going to ask my advice and do what he wants I waited.

All the way til I got back to the condo.

Gosh how pathetic!

I addressed both issues and moved on. It only took a matter of minutes, but I don't think that is the point now is it?

If you take a vacation, and it is only a should honor it. If not for you, for the sake of your family. In one instant, thanks to my phone, I was no longer present with them. I wasn't listening to their conversations or there thoughts, or anything for that matter.....shame on me!

The rest of the day was great. Girls went in the pool, I read a book, the family had a wonderful dinner together, and then we played "Guess the Score". We listen to movie scores and try to figure out which movie. It's funny how listening to the music from the movie you love can still move you when you hear the music.

It was a great day. I mostly adhered to the rules.

I-crap just makes it so easy to stray......

Do yourself a favor....don't push the button....

Happy Sunday

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I don't know where you are, but where I am, it is a most beautiful day.

I am watching ducks by a pond and they are all clustered together picking though the grass looking for their morning find.

Aspen is snuggled in bed, Avery just finished breakfast, and Chris is out for a walk.

Grandma Lyn is sitting at the table with me, eating her cereal and reading the morning paper. Yes, the actual paper. The predecessor to the Newer news delivery systems; the cell phones, itouches, computers and iPads.

Though I do love seeing the news on my iPad, there is something more tangible about lifting a paper and reading the words. Skimming is much easier when you can see the whole page in front of you. As a former newspaper delivery girl (in elementary school and junior high), I still stand by the paper. But as news isn't my big thing, I will go for the comics.

Today we will be spending our time with the Cunningham clan. It is an annual ritual we have been privy to for a number of years, and we look forward to it. It is a time when the cousins get together with the grandparents and spend precious time. I wish it happened more than once a year.

Grandma lyn has just moved to the comics page. She shared one that made her giggle. I just got read to by a grandma!

You can't pay admission to something like are just one
Lucky person if you get to be present. As I have been writing this, I am taking in the joy I feel because I am here.

Enjoy the moments. Don't overlook them.

Happy Saturday

Friday, March 2, 2012

Back to life

Wow, the last few days were harsh.  I don't know what was going on, but my kids tried to make me laugh and be funny, and I literally had no response!!  I'm so glad to be back from that.

I was feeling pretty lethargic yesterday and I couldn't figure out why.  I realized that I hadn't been drinking as much as I normally do, so on the way to work I picked up a 32 oz Powerade and downed it at work.  I barely got through my first two meetings and when I came home, I picked up Avery and promptly laid down for 40 minutes.  Darn near passed out.

When I woke up, I had an ounce of myself back that slowly grew into a bundle of energy by my 7pm meeting.  By the time I got their, my friend looked at me and was envious of my energy. 

I was so thankful, because the night meetings are really hard.  People come in, they are tired and they are hoping for an ounce of wisdom to help them through the week.  I really applaud anyone who would show up to a Weight Watchers meeting at this time.  And as a result of their low level, I tend to overcompensate with energy and jokes as I think they are all nuts for being there anyway (that late).

I was pleased when we had some serious milestones. Someone reached 25 lbs, another hit her 10% and another simply sat there and said, "I finally get it!" 

It was a really great ending to a tough day.  But doing this job constantly rewards me.  I get to help people tap into their inner strength and I get to witness their great moments!!  It doesn't get better than that!!

So going into the weekend, I see a beautiful day.  The sun is shining, no clouds in the sky, and I'm excited.

Sometimes you have to hit the valleys to appreciate the peaks!  It's not always fun, but it's always worth it.

Happy Friday

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Every so often I hit an emotional wall.  I feel like I'm there now, only  I didn't see it coming.  My family is left scratching their heads as to my mood, because nothing seems to have brought it on.

But here I am left feeling totally empty.

Could simply be hormones, who knows.  But this seems to go a step farther as there are no really happy happy's or laughter to jokes.  It's kind of all forced right now. 

I know that there are times when I emotionally pull back and let my mind go over what it needs to so I can get to the other side.  It seems to happen every 6 months or so.

It's that time to crawl into bed, don't answer any questions and just let it ride.

There is nothing I can do to force it.  

So for the next few days while I'm seeming a bit different, I am.  Nothing of note has happened.  And I'll get through it. 

Just go easy on me and don't ask me a million questions. 

However....hugs always welcome.

Happy Thursday