Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Limitations and Delegations

Oh boy, day's started and I'm already behind!  How did that happen???

I got an email first thing this morning that my order that I placed for pictures is not okay.  Had to fix that, and I also realized I didn't email something yesterday because I was in the midst of my business focus.

So, now I am struggling to come up with something to write, and as I sat and thought about it, I realized how many of us are probably affected the same way.

The day starts out and we are already behind.

So, to catch up, I will have to be a bit more efficient and trim where I can!

I was actually quite proud of myself, because something I have wanted to do for years finally happened yesterday; I created one central location for my photo galleries. 

I feel official now. 

I really need things to come together this year.  It's been scattered way too long.  I felt much of it was not within my control.  What I found is I didn't do enough research.  And that is due to lack of time.

I realized this year that I can delegate a lot of my small items.  I don't have to have complete control of everything, but I do have to be willing to pay for services rendered.  Most of what I found is this is doable!!!

Yesterday, while at home my mother in law stopped by.  She drives for meals on wheels.  In the process, she has met the people on her route and knows all their stories.  Some are sadder than others.  But one lady in particular has poor eyesight and she is in need of someone to go over her bank statements to see where she is losing money.  As she can't see, this is tough task.  But even tougher...there's no one in her life to help.

My first thought on that was, "Well there must be a service of some sort to help her??"  Where there's a need....there is a person creating a job!!

But as this woman is older, and she is unfamiliar with the conveniences in our society, she doesn't know where to turn.  It was hard not to ask her address and head over.  But the truth is, both my mother in law and I have busy lives and this is not a task we can take on.

Realizing your limitations is huge in keeping sanity.  Many times I am in the presence of others and my husband can tell I want to jump in and give all.  I merely have to look at those around me (who know me) and they will quickly give me the nod to shut my mouth.  They tend to know when my plate is full better than I!! And for that, I thank them!!!

I'm feeling really good about my progress with my business.  I'm making more decisions in the last week than I have in the last few years.  I'm finally realizing when to say 'Uncl'e and pass it off to the next.

I'm still a work in progress....but I'm well on my way!

Happy Tuesday!

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