Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Monday

Mom, there's nothing for lunch!! 
"How about Tuna sandwich?"  I don't want Tuna
"How about Ham sandwich?"  I don't want Ham
"How about Peanut Butter and Jelly?"  I don't want Peanut butter and jelly.

"Well then what are you gonna have?"

I don't know...there's NOTHING TO EAT!!!!!!

Well.....I offered my help.  I left her downstairs to fend for herself.  When the voice starts going up and down when they talk, and getting louder in the process, it's time for mom to exit stage left!!!

They are old enough to figure it out. 

I was making lunches from kindergarten on.  IF I wanted to eat, that is.  Otherwise, mom and dad would give us money, because it was easier.  For many years I worked in the cafeteria for my food.  Where there's a will, there's a way, right???

I guarantee you when that kid leaves in a few minutes, she'll have something packed and ready for herself.

I know how she feels though.  Sometimes you just "don't wanna" have whatever is in the fridge.  But honestly, I end up making a decision at some point.  And if I don't, I won't die for a day.

Did you know Monday is the day of the week most heart attacks happen???

It's no wonder.  After a weekend of relaxing and hanging, to go back to the grind is a bit stressful.  And if you have a stressful job and you aren't taking care of yourself, could happen to you!

(she just settled on peanut butter and jelly, but can't find the peanut butter....I'm making her try harder to find it).

More often than not, when I go down to "find" something, it was right in front of them.  It's time these kids start digging a little harder and becoming a bit more self sufficient!

Do I sound harsh???

I know some moms jump to it.  "Oh, I'll get it honey, don't you worry!"

Well...this isn't that household. 

Having 4 siblings if you didn't find the peanut butter, it's because the kid who came before you just ate it.  So you had to be fast!  And if you wanted to make sure it was there when got home, then you hid it for yourself.

I'm with little patience these days.  The kids want want want and they don't want to do much to give back....unless that means they get more stuff.

I am not unhappy with my children, don't get me wrong.  I just think it needs to start tipping a little more in our favor from time to time.

That's not asking it???

Happy Monday! (don't die)

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