Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Race to Nowhere

Overscheduled, overtired, underappreciated for their individuality......

Welcome to todays child.

Were our schedules anything like our kids' today???

Not even close.

Nowadays, kids are competing at everything they do.  They can't just be students; they have to be the BEST!!  They can't just attend sports; they have to aspire to be the best they can be!  There is no place for the mediocre, or the challenged.  Those kids are left behind.

Today's kids have to be better than the best!! about the documentary we watched last night.  And THIS....I agree with!!

Kids have no time to be bored.  No time to reflect, or be outside the box thinkers.  And as a result, moms are run ragged taking kids to and fro to all the events that are scheduled.

I know a very small handful of kids in our community, who are equipped with....uh......what's that thing called where you....uhhhhh....

Instead our kids are taught to ingest education and regurgitate it for test's sake.  Not to learn, but to be measured.

I found this documentary particularly interesting, because I realized that my inquiries to my children are more academically based, than personally based.  I have fallen into the trap of "what did you accomplish today and what do you have left to do" rather than, "How was your day, who did you eat lunch with, and what did you talk about???"

I need to realize that my little people are unique individuals who have much to offer in their own, unique and individual ways.  And that I should look at their little souls, not their resumes.

Children will be shaped as we shape them.  Do we want them to conform?  Or do we want them to thrive in the beauty of who they are?  And who they were MEANT to be???

True, a schedule is nice.  But just like anything else; a schedule can 'make' you or break you!!

Let's work on building our children up.  Not chipping away at who they are becoming, because society has conformed them to such......

(getting off my soap box now)

Happy Thursday

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