Thursday, March 29, 2012

Different wavelengths

It's kind of funny how the mind can create a million stories with only one piece of information!

This week my mind has been swirling in negative directions, and it's all I can to do keep myself in check.

My husband always shakes his head at me for all the stories and drama I create in my mind!  I'm glad to have him around to give me verbal smacking around to bring me down off the ledge.

It amazes me how different guys and girls are in their thinking.

I had a full blown argument with my husband one day, and I was actually winning.  The only problem was he wasn't in the room.....or in the house for that matter.  But it didn't matter.  I didn't actually need him there, because I could anticipate his every answer. 

The problem came when he walked in the door and I let him have it.  Only thing was...he didn't know it was coming, and he had no idea where I was coming from.  Needless to say, it didn't go very well and wasn't very productive.

We are stuck in our heads.  There is nothing we can do about it.  It's just amazing how we are all wired so differently!!

Girls go off in a million different emotional directions, where guys are pretty straight forward.  Guys have everything in boxes in their brains.  They pull out one box at a time, deal with it, put it back and then move onto the next.

Girls on the other hand, have spaghetti wires in their brain and they are constantly intersecting and getting confused and creating a bigger mess.  It's very frustrating.  I don't know how we live with ourselves sometimes.

If wires get crossed (which they do at least once a month) then watch out!  All hell can break loose and it doesn't matter who's fault it is.

I think we need someone in our lives to keep us in check.  I actually have multiple people all set for different reasons.  If I need sympathy, that's one person.  Justification, another person.  Anger, another person, etc......  I want to make sure I get the support I need, so the right person has to be called at those critical times to make sure I get it all right.

Support is important, no matter who you are. 

Could you imagine having a problem, and no one to call?  I would go insane.  Even when I have a victory, I can't wait to share it!

I'm very blessed to be wired for sound in my life.  I would like to think it all goes both ways.  Reciprocation is important.    But then as I always say, Balance is Key!

I'd like to add more to that, but I have an appointment and I can't miss it!
Hope your weekend is grand!

Happy Friday!!

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