Sunday, March 18, 2012

Horning in

This could be short, I don't have much time. I am lying on the floor at a dance studio with about 23 other girls and one other adult.

For now, most of the girls are still asleep. But I shouldn't be surprised, as we didn't go to bed until about 1:3Oam. Some even later. The last movie started about that time. Thank God for silicone earplugs.

The night started at 6pm. A 12 year old birthday party. It was to be a date night for me and hubby. We dropped the girls off among many other screaming, squealing, dancing girls. Among all the bodies, there was one adult. The mom of the birthday girl also the dance studio owner. Everyone who was invited showed up. She sounded a bit surprised by this, but I wasn't. A chance to spend the night at the dance studio for a dancing girl is as good as the golden ticket for Willy Wonkas chocolate factory.

As I looked around at all the girls running and screaming at drop off, I couldn't help but think this party would be better with another mommy(especially if it was me :D). Now I know the dance studio owner is super woman, but I wouldn't wish 23 (actually closer to 26) tween girls on any one person. So I texted her and offered reinforcents (and a camera) if she wanted. (I had no doubt she could handle this on her own, but she accepted my invitation.

Hubby knew I was itching to get back there so when we got home, he quickly loaded my car with a sleeping bag and sent me off with a kiss.

As I walked in the studio, I could see it was dance off time. There were 9 teams dancing various skits. After all the skits were done, they voted for their favorite skit. My little Avery and her partner won. I was so sad I had just missed it because they got almost half of all the votes places. I was told by the girls that it was hilarious. No surprise there given who she was partnered with. Let's just say, class clowns prevailed this time.

After the dance off there was cake - after cake there was another game where this kids heard a word and depending on the word is where they would run. The word could be switched mid run. It was hysterical watching all these girls running back and forth. After that was movie time. At midnight it was scary stories (where we lost half the group). And then another movie at 1:30am. By this time, I had been summoned by the "wanna sleep" girlies so they wouldnt be alone. A couple of them were excited I was there. They kept asking, "are you staying?". And then promptly helped me make my bed. One even left her spot to come sleep next to me.

This morning it is quiet. A couple ran out and ran back in a little loudly and they have been placed at the back of the line for breakfast. You don't wake up sleeping beauties!! (LOL).

I am so glad I offered my assistance and so glad she accepted. No surprise she ended up with more kids than invited, she does happen to be the coolest and funniest mom. If I were a kid I would weasel my way in too. Heck, I am a mom, and I totally weaseled my way in. But that's different, right? ..........RIGHT???

Happy Sunday :D

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