Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ebb, flow and exercise

I was recently talking to a friend about her workout schedule. I have been struggling to squeeze in time, because it seems my schedule has been getting in the way lately. But as I was looking at my friend, I commented on how great and fit she looks. She said she works hard to look so good. She carves time out every day.

I commented that I used to be able to do that, but my schedule has gotten crazy. And she said to me, "My day is scheduled around my workout. Not the other way around."

Her sentence hit me in the face.

I was so content with my schedule getting in my way, I never stopped to examine how I let my schedule literally sabotage my workout efforts.

I started slipping into my old patterns of, "I'll do it later". And later was quickly finding its way out the door.

As her sentence was only the beginning of my motivation, I started examining the other reasons I had slipped.

Excuses.....all of them......

I just got lazy and less motivated.

Let me tell you....it is really hard to come back from not motivated. I actually got to the point that I didn't care.

I was backsliding, and could care less.

Except for the fact that my job is to motivate.

Ever feel like a fraud?

A couple of my friends would post their workouts on Facebook. At this point, I am looking for motivation.

Finally, I got shot between the eyes. I heard the dose of medicine I needed to make me realize I need to put exercise back in my court.

And so it began. I looked at my 'old' gym, and they had added some new classes. And I could work in at least 30 minutes here and there, which is better than nothing. I feel my motivation coming back. I actually turned down an offer, because it conflicts with my Pilates class.

I am definitely feeling better about myself. And though it will take time to get those sculpted arms back, I do know it is possible.

And though I feel bad that I am not motivated all the time, I was reminded by a neighbor yesterday that life isn't constant. It ebbs and flows and things are never the same.

She has been off track because her mother has been sick. She hasnt had time to think about herself for a while. But she isn't giving up, which is most admirable.

Your efforts will determine your output. Just make sure to keep your expectations in good alignment with it all.

And never never never give up.

Happy Tuesday

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