Monday, March 19, 2012

Tweens abound

So yesterday after the sleepover, I stayed to help clean up.  Somehow I had packed my day in, but never put it on the calendar.  I forgot that Aspen had another birthday at noon - the same time I was supposed to pick up my friends daughter to take pictures for her upcoming event.  It was 11:20 when I left the studio and Aspen still had to take a shower.  Luckily, she got it done and we were off.  I was only a few minutes late getting my friends daughters (can't leave siblings behind).

As it was we had two extra kids.  One was the studio owners daughter and the other was the sibling of my portrait client. 

I love shooting tweens.  I think I'm going to start specializing in them.  They are emerging little beings who are both awkward, and genuine. 

I love doing their makeup and hair, because it is usually done in a way they would never do it!  (I'm not much for hair, but I'm a whiz with a flat iron and can both straighten and curl with the best of them).

When I brought my client into the bathroom to see herself, her jaw dropped and she giggled with delight. 

As I rarely see the studio owners daughter, I did the same for her!  (okay, it was totally for me, but you get the idea!)

I brought them both into the studio and put up a pink backdrop and started shooting.  They were so cute.  I got to see a side of both of them that I loved!!!  They are total players and had a great time.

Now, I have been shooting for well over 20 years, and I still must say; when I see the subject, that is one thing.  But when I see the images, I'm always surprised.

If you think your soul doesn't come through in pictures, you are wrong.  I see way more than you know.  I see embarrassment, anger, disgust, happiness, joy, love, gratitude, etc.... 

As I looked at the images, I literally saw these girls growing up before me.  The first few pictures are always awkward....but the ones that follow are priceless.

I know I ooze about what I do, but it is a true gift.  I had a great time with these girls and I'm grateful to be in their lives and watch them grow.  I adore their moms and am reminded that we are all very blessed with what we have.

It is important to spend each day being grateful for something.
I am grateful for so much!

Happy Monday!

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