Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Media

Some days you look inward got nuthin.

That's how I'm feeling today.  No real words of wisdom and nothing profound entering my mind.

However, I did have an interesting conversation with a friend not long ago.  He said his company might be looking for Bloggers.  I thought, "Well, I blog....."

But why would a company be looking for bloggers?  If one is blogging, they are doing their own thing.  To blog for someone else doesn't sound "right" to me!

However, I wouldn't lie, if someone wanted to hire me based on my blog, I'm all over it.  I guess you could consider it's my writing resume, right?

Social media has become HUGE in our society.  It's "THE" thing for your business.  But there are so many forms of social media it's overwhelming, and dare I say, a little scary.

We are all so checked in to our electronic gadgets that it's become the main way to advertise.  I recently realized I am way behind on the curve for this one.

So when I sat down to evaluate which way to go, my head started spinning and peasoup flew out of my mouth.  (okay, not really, but you get my point).

There's Facebook, Tumblr, Myspace(is that still around?), Twitter (which I still don't get), blogging (this one I get) Youtube, and many more of which I am unaware, I'm sure!

If you have a business and you aren't engaged in this stuff, you are behind the times baby!!!

Owning is a business is fun, but can be very overwhelming.  It's literally about 95% administrative and 5% of what you love.  It just is what it is.

The last few weeks I have emersed myself in learning this, and I feel I'm only inches ahead of where I was. 

Sometimes it feels like I'm a hamster on a wheel....running my fool tail off and not getting anywhere.

But then there are days I can't believe how far I have come.  It's a mind game, I swear!

I love what I do, and I am thankful to all who hire me.  My focus this year IS my business, and I'm determined to figure out this social media game and get on the bandwagon.  It's kind of fun, if you think about it!!!

Happy Wednesday!

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