Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Honest Communication

Yesterday after writing my blog, I got a call from another of my bosses.  She is actually my former boss, and now I'm just partially in her territory, but I'm not officially, "hers".  God, I wish I was.  She is really good at what she does, because there is no doubt in my mind what goes on in her territory.
We had a great conversation, but still, I was left feeling heavy and it really affected my day.  It's hard to lift people up when you are feeling so heavy inside.  But thankfully, my members really helped pull me up.

I know I have said this before, but I really don't have the time or patience to mince words.   Life is too short, and I don't have the brainpower to read betweent the lines of what someone else is "trying" to say!!!

My best relationships in life are the ones who have taken the time to communicate.  There are times I was afraid to say what I felt for fear of hurting someone's feelings, but the bottom line is, I can't help how I feel.  And the sooner I get it out there, the sooner we can move on!!!

Passive Aggressive, in my opinion is the WORST!!!  Sweet to your face....cunning behind the scenes. 

I swear, the more I write about it the more I hope people realize that good old fashioned communication heals so much!  But it has to be HONEST!!!

I know it is hard to do.  And there is definitely an art to communicating.  But for any good relationship, it has to happen!!!

There is a great book that talks about Love Languages.   Many of us are just different, and therefore we have a hard time understanding each other.  However, if we figured out what made the other person tick, that might make it easier, don't you think???

I have learned so much since being married.  Marriage is NOT for sissies, that's for sure!!!  I think we both keep waiting for that happily ever after, but we keep hitting the muck and mire of life. 

I honestly think marriage was set up to help you get THROUGH the muck and the mire.  And the appreciation of having a partner through that is your reward!!  As long as you communicate, that is!!!

I have seen so many relationships fall apart due to lack of communication.  People being afraid to admit stuff, or unable to let their spouse know that they have habits that drive them nuts.  And this stuff just festers and gets worse over the years.  Eventually, the relationship breaks down and falls apart.

If you have TWO willing participants, you have the basis for a good relationship.  However, if one is indifferent....then you have a problem.   You can't persuade indifference. 

As long as you have have hope.

Thankfully, I have a lot of hope in my life!  And for that I'm grateful.

Don't underestimate the power of communication.  Give it a whirl......

Happy Wednesday

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