Tuesday, March 20, 2012

technology and dinosaurs

It's so much easier doing my blog on my new laptop.  I'm so excited to have an upgrade!  My last laptop was 6 years old.  I think we can safely equate that to dinosaur years.

Technology changes so fast, it's scary!

Same with my camera's.  Though my Canon 10d still works, the start up time is no better than a click and shoot camera.  With better equipment comes better results, that's for sure!!!

I remember paying $2,700 for a camera body, thinking, "THIS WILL LAST ME FOREVER!!!".  I made the rookie mistake thinking the cost would fill the bill on all needs for my business.  And I was wrong.

Not that it was a bad investment; just that it didn't totally fit in for what I was shooting at the time. 

Now 5 years later, I've been using that body more, when it comes to weddings.  It's a great camera.  And I say the technology is still pretty good.  Becuase in the last 6 months, I have used it more than in the last 5 years.  Everything has its place!

But when people call me and ask, "What kind of camera should I get?"  That's as good a question as "What kind of car should I get?"

There are so many features and so many options available, I don't know where to begin.  I'm likely to ask how you intend to use it

In recent years, my life has been absorbed in the dance studio.  With the girls practically living there, that is also most of what I have been shooting.  And of course, I'm enjoying dance more than anything else.   So with that, my equipment is the fastest shooting equipment I can afford.  If you don't have the right equipment, good luck getting a girl upside down in an aerial with low light.

With age comes experience.  I'm still honing my skills and will continue to do so. 

But I have to say at the bottom of all that, the thing that keeps me going is my passion and love for what I do.  If the passion wasn't there, neither would be my camera.

Happy Tuesday

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