Friday, August 31, 2012

Yay for Raw foods

So, it looks like the scale is going down.  What a strange phenomena.  In the past week, I have probably gone down 4 lbs.  There must be something to this raw foods thing, because I haven't been hungry and I have been eating about 60% raw foods.

I have been having a smoothie in the morning.  Today's included chard, watermelon, apple, banana, beets, dates and a handful of raw trail mix.  (I can't even fathom the calorie count).  I blend the whole food in my Nutribullet that I just got.  I bought it on a whim and I'm totally loving it.  (not trying to sound like an advertisement).

For lunch, I have been eating salads and the dressing is olive oil an apple cider vinegar.  But yesterday I had a panini sandwich with a fillet of white fish (Chris made) and a leaf of chard (which is VERY tough, I don't recommend it); tomatoes, a piece of cheese and avocado on a low calorie multi grain english muffin.  And dinner has been chicken soup with a big piece of cheese bread (a girls gotta enjoy stuff too). (oh...and I had a piece of my coffee cake.... poison control, you know).

I haven't had the chance to exercise lately, but I have been active.  But I'm still surprised to see the scale going down.  I honestly feel like I was eating less before I started doing this!!!

 I think that just goes to show that your body processes quicker and better with foods it recognizes.

Chris has been on his own little journey.  He's been working with an acupuncturist and doing what he's told.  He's not only lost weight, he looks so much healthier.  And I swear to you it's because he is eating "Real Food".

Losing weight is a journey.  But being healthy is another journey all together.  You can lose weight by cutting calories.  But you can feel better by making wiser choices.

Before we started this processed food revolution, we were forced to eat what we had.  And it didn't include Cheetos.

But somehow along they way, processed foods made their way in and we never looked back. 

Only now, with health issues being what they are for much of America....doesn't it make you wonder just a little bit?

Did you know that food companies meet with Dr.s to find out which foods are most addicting?  They know that some foods (like chocolate) set off the reward triggers in our brains and make us feel good.  And they formulate food based on RESEARCH!!!!!

There is a great book, "The End of Overeating" that has fascinating information in it.  It talks about the food industries and how they work to put out addictive foods.  It's an easy read if you are into it.

The bottom line is it comes down to education and determination.  We should all be making better choices to improve our health.  Don't take it for granted because you have good health.  Nurture it and take care of it for continued good health.

And yes, I'm preaching to myself as the rest of you!!!

Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Do it yourself?

I'm watching the house across the street get a new driveway and front steps.  As my dad was a do it yourselfer I have an appreciation for this process I'm watching.  It actually makes me miss my dad.

Yesterday I was getting gas and I decided to clean my windshield while I was waiting.  My whole car needs a good washing, so the least I can do is be able to see out the front, right?

As I was washing the windows, I thought of my friends husband, who diligently washes his wife's car.  I'm amazed every time I witness it, because he ArmorAll's the dash and everything.  I don't have 'that' husband.  Mine doesn't even wash his own.  He has someone do it for him. 

My car is never clean enough to take to the car wash, if you know what I mean.  I have too much stuff in there to move around, that I don't want to waste the money doing the manual labor necessary to pay someone to finish the job.  Am I weird?

I think being raised with my 'do it yourself' dad has bled into my life and made me believe, if we can do it ourselves, we should give it a go!

But being with my husband for so long, I get his side of things too; why struggle and muddle through something that may take you twice as long as having someone who does it all the time just come in and get it done quickly.

Everything has its place I suppose.  Cleaning the car is a real pain in the butt.  But, it's not THAT difficult.  (that said, my car remains dirty way more often than not).

I live happily when I have a sense of accomplishment.  I think that is why I like to bake.  I get to see it from start to finish; make executive decisions and then enjoy the end result when I pass off my baked goods and see people smiling.   Unfortunately, sometimes the baked goods cost way more than just going to Costco and picking up a ready made item.  But, seriously....where is the fun in that?

I used to like doing little craft projects.  But with life being what it is, I haven't had time to crochet in years, or sew anything.  The last item I did for the Renaissance Faire cost me WAY more than a $30 costume and the frustration level was through the roof.  But my favorite part of that project (when it was totally going south) was when my daughter looked at me and said, "Mom it doesn't have to be perfect, I am going to wear it no matter what!"  Oh, but she's a keeper!!

And when we walked the Ren Faire, I got to admire how beautiful she looked in the dress I made her.

I'm no seamstress, but if you can at least figure out what it's supposed to be, well, then I have done my job.

My house is in desperate need of attention right now.  I walk around all the time and think how we need new carpet (or rather, wood floors or even tile) and much of the upholstery needs a good cleaning.  I'm trying to figure out if we can make this all a family project.  But I know hubby will have none of it.  He's a hirer.  I'm a doer. 

I don't mind cleaning my own car.  It never occurred to me that my husband should even offer.  I kind of giggle when I see my friends husband working away.  And I would be lying if I didn't try to park my car really close, so he could throw a splash on mine 'by accident'.  However, overall, I do like that sense of accomplishment and I am driven a bit differently.

Today I have quite a few do it yourself projects.  However, on this day, I wouldn't mind passing the torch for just a few hours.  But alas, it is not to be. 

So, it's nose to the grindstone and off I go.

Hope your day is great.

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day two.....

So yesterday was interesting.  No coffee, no energy....period!!!

It took me many hours to have any energy.  You never know how addicted you are to something until you remove it from your life.

I was actually surprised at how lethargic I was.  Somewhere around 11, I got a burst of energy and went and did my errands.  As I was driving, I was surprised how clear everything seemed.  I think my morning smoothie was somehow kicking in.

In the afternoon I had a salad for lunch and for dinner I had home made chicken soup.  I felt pretty good.

Right now I'm in a state of evaluating how I feel every second of the day.  My goal is "wellness" and a few days ago, I wasn't well.

I recently saw a picture that I really liked;  it showed prescription bottles and under it the caption was "Band Aid".  Next to that was a picture of fresh fruits and veggies and it said, "Cure". 

I totally believe that.  You CAN cure disease with better food choices.  Most of us just don't know how.

It really is a journey to health.  And though I have been on this path for a few years now; learning is slow!  There is SO MUCH INFORMATION out there, it's hard to disseminate.  So I came to one conclusion; I will learn what applies to ME!!  The rest of the knowledge can come later.

One thing I have heard over and over again is that as we get older, we lose the enzymes necessary to break down certain foods. 

This is a real bummer.  But it explains a LOT!!!  Thankfully, there are enzymes you can buy in pill form.  But if your body is having a hard time with it, it's time to reconsider how important that item is.

Getting older sucks.  It was so much nicer to eat as a child and not think twice about what a twinkie could do to you.  But now, it seems like the worst choice possible for me!!!

But whatever.  I can go through life feeling like crap, or I can do something about it.  Now is my time.

The smoothie was really good.  And when I think about how much nutrition I'm getting, that makes me really happy.

But what makes me happiest is knowing that my stomach is feeling a sense of calm.  That should make the day go down much easier.

Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A word about food and health

Yesterday, I wasnt' feeling so hot.  My stomach was hurting and I felt like I needed to go to the dr.  I hate Drs.  They guess at what is going on with you, or put you through tons of tests until they get to the confirmed diagnosis of "not sure". 

I was talking to my sis n law about the state of health in our society.  It's alarming how truly  malnourished we are based on our food choices.  And the truth is, because of all the processed ways of our foods; even the "healthy" choices are less healthy than they were just a few short decades ago.

I heard that most of us are dehydrated.  We simply don't ingest enough fluids to sustain our bodies.  Some people live on diet sodas, many of which have caffeine, which further dehydrates.  I would say for every diet soda you have, you should consume two 8 oz glasses of water to offset the dehydration.

Because our food is so compromised, it's easy to understand why we are becoming a more diseased society.  Food supplements are good, but your body doesn't even utilize 100% of those benefits, so it's still an uphill battle.

Food is meant to help us sustain life!  Fruits, nuts and veggies are a great place to start!!!

Did you know that celery has 23% sodium levels and resembles bones.  And that bones have 23% sodium?
Walnuts support brain function
And everyone knows that carrots are good for eye health
And guess what Avocados help with?
And check this out?
And would you believe sweet potatoes are good for the pancreas?
and ginger is good for the stomach.....
Food actually emulates life!  Now my question is many of you are feeding your systems?
After my session with Paula, I went to Sprouts and got some organic veggies.  I actually made a smoothie this morning with beets, chard, apple, and banana.  I decided to forgo the morning coffee as my stomach has been 'off'.  I can already tell that I made a good decision for my stomach.  It feels calm, and dare I say, "balanced". 
I have a long road ahead of me, but I always say, "Awareness is key". 

What you choose to do with it is entirely up to you.
Happy Tuesday

Monday, August 27, 2012

Frame of Mind

Yesterday I went on a photo shoot.  I wanted a little help so I invited Aspen.  Avery quickly jumped on board.  I don't usually bring  my kids unless I need them and when I do, they "assist" and I pay them a flat fee.  If they do better then I will add at 'tip'.

They have both been helpful in the past, but having more than one at a time is not the best recipe.

We started out strong.  They were excited to help and they were doing a good job.  But then they started doing what kids do; they got bored, or frustrated and decided to check out mentally.  I could see them going down.

Pretty soon it was more of a "mom/child" situation than a 'photographer/assistant' situation and I was getting frustrated.

Then I realized I didn't put them in the right frame of mind to be professional and forget for just a few hours that I am mom.

I came home and was watching a show with Chris about restaurants in trouble and they were talking about the staff in this one particular restaurant.  They mentioned how the bartender is great, but sometimes she uses her work as a therapy session.  And the main waiter was great, but he'd been there so long, he treated the place as it was his own, and did whatever he wanted....

One thing that could keep these people at the top of their game is their "frame of  mind".

I have had a few of those adjustments in my life.  I remember as a kid, I was in love with  my history teacher, and one day he said something that absolutely humiliated me.  He used me (a 12 year old girl) as the butt of one of his jokes and I was perfectly mortified.  I didn't want to go back to his class EVER!!

And as I sat in my misery, I remember thinking, "I'm a student.  It's just my job to learn.  He is just my teacher".  So with that, I walked back into the class every day until the year was over.

It wasn't easy, because I was so embarrassed.  But when I realized my place - the focus of my attention shifted dramatically, and I was able to be successful.

There is a balance to everything.  If you are a bartender, then yes, talking is your job but the goal is to make it more about the customer than you.  After all, they are paying for their drinks, right?

And as a waiter, you can 'own' the place in your mind; but you can do it within guidelines and do it respectfully.

As for my girls, I let them know that I'm not "mom" when shooting.  I'm their boss.

Now, I agree they are too young to get it, but they are in training.  They are really quite good as helpers (and totally adorable to boot),but it is going to take reinforcements over the years for them to 'get it'.  And that is okay.  You have to start somewhere.  And they do give their best.  I just need to be a better boss.

When it comes to my photography, I go into 'work' mode.  I don't have kids, I have a job to get done.  I'm not a wife, I am a photographer.  I'm in a relationship with my client and my job is to give them everything they want, and hopefully a little more.  I will come back to "mom" and "wife" after my job is done.

I realized how serious I was about this years ago, when I was shooting my brothers and their wives.  My sister in law watched me direct everyone around and she looked at me a little perplexed and she said, "You CHANGE when you are shooting".  Very interesting observation from someone very close.  I didn't really think about it before then.  But the truth is; it's necessary.

Imagine if I was in a photo session with you, and I stop to answer my phone to discuss dinner with hubby? Or stop and walk my child to the bathroom and give them a snack.  When I'm on someone elses dime.  It doesn't happen!

It's a frame of mind and a work ethic.

We all have that choice, but sometimes we blur the lines or aren't clear on our roles.

I've worked jobs and I have blurred the lines.  And I paid the price.

It's natural for us to want to be heard and make things about "us".  And for the most part, there is a place for that, and it's okay.  But more often than not; it's NOT about us and we just need to do what needs to get done.

I came into a bridal shower many years ago when I was younger and I was completely distraught because I had just gotten bad news.  I could barely contain my tears.  I had a friend tell me, "If you can't get it together, you need to leave.  This day is NOT about you!!"

Now, she wasn't being rude.  I remember thinking at that time, "Well, the NERVE!!!!"   But she was right.  My heavy heart and tears was going to pull the focus from the bride (Happiest time of her life) to me, (sad depressed and needy).  It wasn't the place for me to be.  Thankfully, I pulled myself together.  But I'm forever thankful for that harsh reality.  It gave me the ability to look at situations and be present.

We all need a checker sometimes.  I'm glad I have been surrounded by strong people who aren't afraid to tell me like it is.  The byproduct of that is I have become the same way.

Check yourself people!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Adjusting expectations

Countdown to school...... Ughhh....

Am I the only one that feels this way?

I know many have gone back to school, because I have had the whoops and hollers from the happy parents.

Though I love the routine, I would be lying if I didn't say that the schedules (or harried schedules) are starting to stress me out.  As of now, I'm not sure I have a good game plan for the upcoming year. 

(does that surprise you?)

My goal this summer was to get organized and get my life back.  But instead, I spent every day enjoying the freedom as much as possible.  I haven't had this much (stress free) fun with my kids in years. 

At the beginning of the summer Aspen loaded up on dance classes.  At first I was stressed; but when I realized I had made myself available for just that reason - so much stress fell off my shoulders.

It felt so good.

Now that school is gearing up, I'm starting to put 'those' glasses on.  As I went into the girls' room this morning, I started looking around at all the disorganization, and realized I didn't do what I set out to do this summer and this is where is bites me.

I'm not a planner.  I'm a dreamer.

It sounds nice, I know.  But there are repercussions to being a dreamer.  But then again when you look at it, there are repercussions to everything.

Last night I was at my girlfriends house for a party.  She has the cutest house, EVER!  She has a dutch door (one of the doors that open top or bottom that you would likely find in the country).  Her house is decorated model style; cute, quaint and very homey.  Every detail is in place.

As we prepared for the party, I could see that 'every detail in its place' was very important to her.    I had to pry her away from the crackers to go sit down and enjoy her guests.  When we sat down to eat, we joked about her 'simple' salad, which had a few different types of lettuce, scallions, goat cheese, tomatoes sunflower seeds and a Champagne Pear Vinaigrette dressing tossed in.  We had a lot of fun!

It's because she is like this that her house is as beautiful as it is.  But what I wanted for her to do was just relax and let the party happen.  Her level of stress was higher than mine would be.

But then again, my house is in such a state of disarray that I just don't invite people over (except my very close friends who will love me no matter what!).

So there you have the two extremes.

My lack of stressing causes me disorganization and her level causes her house to be lovely!!!  (I'm not kidding, when I saw her daughters room, I had to hold back from jumping on the bed just to mess it up just a little).

I would like to find something in the middle.   Let's call it 'Clarity'.
I have millions of great ideas squished in between mud.

This year my goal is to ..........wait for it.........

Get by

I'm going to start with low expectations and go from there.  That way, if I succeed in my low expectations, I can add another and feel successful.  Let's call it reverse therapy!

I think I will feel way better checking things off the list like, "Wake up". 

It's easy to feel like a failure.  Let's have some fun with this figure out how to feel like a winner!!!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oops again.....

I just realized that I forgot to take Avery to dance this past week.  With Aspen dancing so much, I figured we were covered.

What a dork.

I tend to do that with my kids.  I feed one and my brain assumes the other one has been fed.

As much as I try to figure out the way that I think, I'm regularly blown.  My brain can't wrap itself around little details like, "pick kids up from school".  If it's not written down., it doesn't exist.

I recently saw a friend who showed me her paper calendar.  It was a really cute one too.  She said she tried to adhere to electronics but she just needs to write it down!!


I try to explain to my kids all the time, how they are different and their talents are different and they just have to embrace that! 

But at 43 years old, when I hear a friend say something that I thought I was nuts feeling.....It's like she's singing my song!!!

I'm a paper person.  I like touching, feeling and seeing it.  I don't do e-books, because I can't turn the pages. 

I operate differently than many.

But still, it takes me seeing someone with like thoughts, to help me feel not alone!!!

I know I am not the first person to forget to take my kids to dance; or even pick them up from school.

But when you don't do something you know you should, you can't help but feel a little like a failure.

In truth; Avery's schedule is a lot more random than Aspen's.  And as I was shooting all week, I was in "work" mode and didn't really think about anyone else.  Call me selfish....or responsible.  You'd be right in both.

We just settled up the schedules for the girls this year.  It's pretty scary.  I will be calling in reinforcements to help me keep my sanity.  Thankfully I have many.

But I will still forget.  Because that is what I do.

Today I have Chris in charge of the girls.  They both have dance and they will both make it.  I can be found in front of my computer finishing the work that was created this week from my hours of shooting.

I hope your Saturday is productive or relaxing.  Whatever you wish.....

Happy Saturday!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Jumpin in....

Funny thing happened to  me on the way to my blog yesterday.....

I couldn't get in!

I was so bold, I changed the layout.  Yay me; but what I didn't have was access to changing or adding posts.  That layout was totally different and I couldn't find my way.

How silly is that?

I guess my point is, if you are going to make a change; be aware before you do it!

I didn't think anything of it, so I just made a quick change and went with it.    Somehow, with a little perseverance, I got in again last night and changed it.

I laugh at myself, because sometimes I don't think about consequences.  I'm kind of like a kid in that regard.  Very motivated by instant gratification.

I totally see the consequences in being that way, but it doesn't make me change (go figure, that!)

I have a friend (actually, many) who is quite methodical.  She thinks things through and is very precise every step of the way.  I really admire her patience with things.

She takes no shortcuts - EVER.  And her lifestyle is very much thought out and you can see the results.  Her home is beautiful, she takes pride in her job; she's just amazing to me.

And even though I appreciate who she is, I'm still me and I make my 'me' choices.  And I get frustrated a lot.  Isn't that crazy?

Maybe someday I will figure out how to apply it to my life, but until then, I will keep plugging along looking for that immediate gratification (or rush, if you will) and deal with the consequences of my quick judgement.  I'm only 43.  It's bound to happen sooner or later......right???

Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How'd we get here?

You ever look around at your life and wonder, "HOW did I get here?"

Sometimes when I see my teenage self with all my makeup and wild hair, I think about "then"  and then I fast forward to "now".

In my wildest dreams I never pictured myself with kids, or married.  But I don't think I honestly ever pictured myself anywhere!!  I'm not a visionary!!

But I see some of my friends and I see how their lives have turned out and I'm sad for them!!  And I see other people who's lives have gone awry and I just know that in their lives they never said to themselves, "I can't wait to grow up and have my life completely fall apart all around me!!!"

Have you ever heard that???  NEVER!!!

But sometimes we end up 'there'. 

I have said before I'm a witness to life.  I watch those around me; I see what I like and I see what I want to avoid!

Years ago, I was at a wedding; a catholic wedding.  And I remember the priest telling the bride and groom, "In your marriage; the devil will try to pry between you.  He will look for any crack possible and try to make it a wedge.  And you need to be strong in your marriage and tell that devil to "Go to HELL!"

I grew up Catholic and I never heard a priest talk like that.  So, to say I was shocked would be an understatement.  But to say I was amused, would be accurate.  To say it made me THINK....that would hit the nail on the head.

So when my hubby and I married, I brought up things he never thought of, and he wondered why all the fuss.  He would ask, "Why are you worrying about something that hasn't happened???" 

I told him, "I want to PREVENT it from happening!!!"  I am very clear on one thing....  He didn't get it!

But that is okay!  Because I have intentions with our marriage.  I would like it to stay together!!!

In my opinion; one of the main components of marriage is communication. 

As we are in our heads ALL THE TIME, we forget that if we don't bring those thoughts to actual words...they don't exist to anyone but us!!

Have you ever had an argument with your spouse or a friend and won - and they were no where near you??  And then they walk into the room and you let them have it???

I have.

I have learned that to communicate our thoughts , intentions and fears is good.   It opens us up and makes us vulnerable, but it also allows others to connect with us.

If we shut ourselves off, we really do ourselves an injustice. 

I sometimes feel that we all want to conquer the world on our own.  But in truth, I don't believe we were designed that way.  I feel my best when I have my loved ones around me, knowing what I'm going through.  Lending me a shoulder, if you will. 

We are never alone.  We are not the inventors of our feelings.  If you feel them; they have been felt before.  If you close yourself off from those around you, you build a wall; create a crack...and allow a wedge.

If you ever asked yourself, "How did I get here?"  Look back.  I'm sure you will find the answer.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sifting and shaking

Oh, what's that?  I made a change.  I changed the way my blog looks.


Well, why not?

I woke up earlier than I wanted and I'm feeling a little crazy.

I can't stand the times you wake up in a total panic with all the 'stuff' you have looming over you.

It's that kind of stuff that literally cripples me.

But as I lay there, I realize I'm letting every last bit of 'stuff' loom over me like a big pile ready to fall on my head.  And I do that because for some reason; when I'm awakened, I do it with complete clarity and everything just seems to come flooding forward at once, causing a sense of foreboding and fear.

As I lay there this morning, I started sifting in my mind (because at this point, I had nothing else to do) and separating each thing.  As I started pulling them apart and dealing with one thing at a time it wasn't as overwhelming.  But as I didn't write any of this down, it basically stayed where it was so it can hit me another day.

I once heard that you should keep a pen and paper by your bed for just such situations.  That way, you can write it down, free your mind of it and go back to sleep.

Sounds good in theory.  But to write it down, you have to turn on the light.  And I don't know about you, but once the light is's a done deal.

But I like the idea of it!  Don't you?

When we were on our trip, we tried a few things we had never done before.  Avery was a little nervous at times and I said, "Why?"  She said, "I don't know". 

So I told her what I do when I get scared.  I look at where I am which is 'safe'.  And I take a step at a time until I am comfortable.  If I allow myself time to adjust, it's a much more comfortable situation.

Thankfully, the things we tried weren't that daring, and we all survived.  But I know where she is coming from.  When you don't know what to expect, it is unnerving.

That is how I felt this morning when I woke up .... unnerved.

I really hate when that happens, because then I feel like I have no control of my life.  And I do have some control, I just need to know how to wield it a little better.  And sifting is the first thing I need to practice.

It was a good panic this morning.  I seemed to have a little clarity.  It was nice. 

But now I have to make some serious decisions and go with it.

My first decision of the day was to change the look of my blog. 
I hope it doesn't throw you.  Just trying to keep things fresh!

Hope your day goes great!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Treadmill Jump

Oh it's so quiet around here. 

We are all awake and eating breakfast.

And we would ALL rather be in bed right now because we are soooooo tired.

There is a difference in this morning.  Usually when we are up early, we are cranky and nipping at each other.  But today we are too tired to even go there.

My schedule is booked until about 1 and Aspen's is booked until 4.  Avery plays tag along with me today so she can me mellow if she wants.  I'm only a little jealous.

Have you ever been on a treadmill?  Have you ever been on it and decided to jump off for a second and put your feet to the side to give yourself a second of rest. . . and then you jump back on with it running at full speed???  That's what it's like after my vacation.  I have jumped back on the fast speeding treadmill that never stopped.  Only I'm too relaxed to get back on and don't have the stamina to keep it going.  I just hope I don't fall off.

My week is already packed.  It's just crazy.  I had an 8am this morning that got moved until 'a little later', which my first little later ended up being 1pm.  But thank God for that, because there is NO WAY I was going to make it anywhere by 8.  (God is good as my mom says).

I'm rather enjoying the quiet this morning.  I'm watching drones go about the house and do what they need to go do get out.  I too, should be doing the same thing, but I'm writing my blog - and as that is part of my morning ritual, well, there you have it!  I'm a drone too.

My goal this summer was to get more organized, and I'll be darned if that didn't totally happen.  I had other short term goals as well, and let's just say, "I'll be darned" again!

I heard a couple of songs recently, that I have heard in a long time, "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney; "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins and "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw.

Let's just say I'm trying NOT to blink, because I don't wanna miss ANYTHING and I want to go for it all like I'm living like I'm gonna die!!!

But life is going just a little too fast for me, or I'm just plain not organized to keep up with it.

School starts in a few weeks and we have to get our act together to make sure we don't drown.

I swear I think people with multiple kids do way better than me with just my two.  They are organized by fire.  They don't have a choice.  I need to realize I don't have a choice and just jump in!!!

I'll get there, eventually.  But first I have to get through my fun schedule.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, August 20, 2012

Vacation Hangover

We are home.  Safe and sound!

I would say our drive home was a nightmare; because we hit a few hours of traffic, but it wasn't so bad. 

Being in the car with kids for any length of time is a recipe for disaster.  They get bored, they complain; they get snippy with each other.  I could say all this.   But the truth is - the girls were amazing!  And it isn't because they had their heads buried in their electrical gadgets.  Not a lot anyways. 
I can honestly say that the girls are good at being 'bored'. 

We are regulars when it comes to car trips.  I'm always asking them; should we take the freeway, or streets?  And they always answer with "STREETS!" 

There is always an adventure down a side street and we love looking for new things.  If I see horses or something interesting, I shout it out like a tour guide.  They don't get the view that I do, and I want them to take in as much as possible. 

Yesterday during our few hour layover (or heavy traffic as it were) I was getting frustrated so we found a way to follow the freeway on side roads.  It was such a nice drive.  We were going between farms and nurseries.  This is country you don't see from the freeway!!!

I love little windy roads.  So much fun.

Towards the end of the night, I was the one getting a little punchy.  The traffic was a bit ridiculous and you are thinking in your head the only thing that can justify this is a multi car pile up or a fatality....  but neither was the case.  Not that I'm looking for fatalities mind you...but the traffic was just THAT bad!

And everyone was pretty well wedged in the car, because we were packed to the brim with our stuff.  It was crazy.  So many hours in a very tight space.

So when we finally pulled in home, we all but exploded out of the car!!!  My mom waddled in slowly as her legs had fallen asleep on her.  The girls were both passed out when we pulled up at 10:30pm.  And Julie unpacked the stuff from my car in no time flat!  She still had to ride herself back home.

When you get home from a trip it's like pulling the air out of a balloon.  You just deflate back into your old life.  We were excited to see Chris when we got home.  He had made us dinner just in case we were home in time, but that will have to wait for tonites dinner! 

It's back to life as usual here.  The girls are getting ready for dance and I have to leave in a few minutes to drop one off and figure out what to do with the other.

I gained a few pounds on my trip and I have to be diligent to reverse the damage.

I have a lot of work to catch up on and I'm pretty low on energy.  I definitely think I need a mini vacation to recover from my vacation.  But is not to be!

I hope you had fun on our trip!!  I would post a few pics from the last day, but I simply don't have time!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last day

It has been said that the best two days of vacation are the first And the last.  And though those days aren't necessarily filled with the most fun....they are filled with the most anticipation!

It is always fun to look forward to something.  I think we need something to look forward to in our lives or we don't have much joy.

We look forward to this trip every year.  It is a time to get away from the humdrum and do things you would never otherwise do.

We have a lake at home with paddleboards - but it took me coming to Tahoe to actually try it.

We have lots of hiking trails at home, but it too Vikingsholm to get us out of our car.

It is amazing how much stuff we have at home but never take advantage.  Disneyland, sea world, legoland, magic mountain. Even the ferry boat at Newport Beach.

But when I think of those things -I think of crowds and purposely avoid doing them.  The irony of this trip is everything we did was full of tourists like ourselves.

How fun would it be to have a weekend vacation and go to Newport and rent a bike for a few hours?  What is wrong with being a tourist in your own backyard?

 Few years ago my sister was here with her family, and they partook in many tourist activities.

I found myself being envious and feeling a bit of the fool for nag taking advantage.  I think the best I do is head down to the beach and sit a spell.....

But being on vacation takes you to another realm.  The realm of possibility.

And now that today is our last day I am filled with excitement about the many touristic opportunities we actually have in our area.

When I realized just how excited the girls got at the littlest of activities, it made me realize how truly fortunate we are.

So my plan is to be a tourist in my own backyard.

The worst thing that could happen is we have a quick days vacation and actually enjoy ourselves.

Happy Sunday

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Viisiting and longer trips

Have you ever gone somewhere, thinking you know where you are going, only to realize later that the map you were looking at was condensed and your trip is going to be a bit longer than you anticipated???

Ya...that was me!

We left Tahoe and I decided to take the northerly route as opposed to the western route and cost us another hour or so longer than I expected.

The benefit of being on vacation is, we have no set agenda, so we considered it a lovely detour. 

We ended up following the Truckee River and watched the tubing people along the way.

One of the things we planned on doing, but figured in the end it was too far, was the Truckee River float.  It looks like fun.....for a mile or so....but something tells me that after that, I would get fidgety. 

As we passed some of the people, we saw a few of the boats having a water fight.  That gave us a chuckle and made me realize with a lot of people that might be a fun adventure.  As we passed, I was okay with the fact that we never made it there.

We headed to Michael's house and wanted to get there in time for Savanna to get out of school (yes, I said 'school'.  Thankfully we have another few weeks of freedom).  Aspen was very excited to see her cousin and her only motivation was to get there in time.  Thankfully, we made it.

Within minutes, Michael was home and it was really  nice to see him.  I had a surprise in store for him; a friend we haven't seen in forever was going to show up at his house for dinner.  The last time she saw Michael was between 25 and 30 years ago.  (It hurts to just say that).

Michael didn't understand why we were planning so much food for dinner.  It was funny to see Molly walk in and then he put two and two together.

I hate to say "as you get older" but it just fits.  As you get older, you appreciate old friends.  And when I say old friends, I mean friends who are older than you who actually look better than you. 

Molly looked the same (actually better) than the last time I saw her!  And to see her was like no time had passed.  As soon as she opened her mouth and started laughing, I was a kid again!!!  Love that girl!!!

I got to meet her husband, Paul and fell in love (not literally...that would be weird)!!  What a great guy!  But I could tell on facebook what a great pair they are.  It was just nice to actually meet him in person.

Titus, the great Dane was immediately drawn to Paul.  I couldn't get Titus to come anywhere near me.   But then I realized that my overanxious desire to have the dog be my friend ruined any chance I had with the dog.  I had to just sit in the wings and watch Titus pass me by. 

It's all good though.  Our visit was so nice and I am so thankful that we had a chance to catch up. 

Life is too short to go that long without seeing people you adore!!!

They mentioned they would be coming down south.  I can't wait to meet up with them again!

This vacation has been a real treat!!!  Today we head into San Francisco with Mic and Christine and the kids!  Should be a great day!!!

Happy Saturday

Friday, August 17, 2012

Vikingsholm Castle

So, yesterday we had a treat.  We got to go to Vikingsholm and see what it was all about.

Initially, we decided against it because it was steep terrain; a mile down the hill to see a house isn't in the cards for my mom.  But yesterday she wanted to stay home and chill, so we went out for a bite to eat at the Red Hut.  I'm so glad for all the suggestions, because I probably never would have gone to the Red Hut as it sounded like a weird place.  However, there are at least 3 within a few miles of us, so I was curious what was behind the doors.

We decided on the one with the soda fountain.  It was a cute little restaurant with lots of nostalgia.  Old pictures hung on the walls and red vinyl covered all the seats. It was very quaint.   Aspen and I ordered Tuna Melts; Avery a hamburger and Julie.....pancakes and bacon.  Why not, right?

It was all very good.

We asked the locals for a good place to for a hike.   They pointed us up the 89.  As it turned out, we fell upon Vikingsholm and decided to go for it.  It was our last day here and we wanted to take advantage.  So we started walking down the hill.  I was proud of the kids for going for it, but I realized they weren't realizing we'd have to go back up after all was said and done.

The further I walked down the hill, the more I wondered how the road got there and did the woman actually use it and if so, was it by car or by foot.   One mile is a loooonnngggg driveway!!!

As it turned out, she did use it.  They had a 1936 Dodge on display in the garage.

The house is visible from the lake, which is where we initially saw it.  It's really quite adorable.

But to see it up front, it looks a little less assuming.
The architecture is Norwegian inspired and designed by the lady's nephew (by marriage) who was of norwegian decent.  The details in the woodwork are amazing.  It goes to show you that good craftsmanship is timeless.
As we walked through the castle, everything (for the most part) was as it was when she died.  When the state acquired the home in the 50s they cleared out a few rooms, but the furniture was replaced, eventually with period accurate replacements.

Overall, it was a fascinating place.  There isn't another home for miles around.  You would wonder what one would do on a day to day basis.

Around the courtyard were servants quarters.  The caretakers of the castle were the only ones there all year round.  And their quarters (weren't shown) were on the opposite side of the courtyard from the main house.

As it turned out, our tour guide was a previous guest of the home.  Mrs. Knight (the owner) owned the home for 15 summers.  Our tour guide spent 14 of the summers at the house as a child.

It was a great day and the walk up, though difficult, wasn't as bad as we thought.  But maybe we felt just a little lighter after having a nice visit to Vikingsholm.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Life as usual

Wow- how does Starbucks do it?  I am in Tahoe, on the California side and I am waiting for coffee.  I actually decided to write while I wait!

This is my second visit here, I swore after the first day I would make my own coffee at home.  But I felt the need to get out this morning so here I am!  At least this time I knew what I was in for and I am ready for it.

If you are a people watcher, this is the place to be.

The first time I came here, the line was out the door.  Though there were a few grumblers, no one left.  When you want your coffee, you want your coffee.

Today there were less people but the wait seems about the same.  As I watch theses people they are content to wait.  Most are on their phones checking this and that....or just checking out as it were.  Not many eyes looking up.

Everyone is complacent.  And most are pretty mellow.  Probably because they haven't had their daily dose yet!  I can relate.  My mornings usually consist of  at least 30 minutes of quiet time before I open my mouth.  I love that time of morning.  So I came here to get it.

Funny how your morning routine gets ahold of you, huh?  I know I am not the only one out there.

This is our last day in Tahoe.  The sky is clear and it is beautiful.  The weather (aside from a bit of rain) has been mild.  We are far removed from the heatwave back at home.  And I am glad.  Because we have no air conditioning to keep us happy.

So trust me when I say I am very content here.

Yesterday we rented a boat.  The lady at the counter was a former mission Viejo resident.

I wondered how she got up here. It I didn't ask.  She has been here for 16 years.  I could tell, because she looked totally relaxed.  How nice is that.

For a second I thought of moving up here myself.  But then I remembered the snow season and decided to stay put.

But I am always curious about people who move.  Mission Viejo is such a nice place to live.  Great people, greet weather, close to the beach and the mountains. And we have a lake.... With paddleboarding and boat rentals.  Maybe I am small minded but I like where I live.

However, Tahoe has been a lovely place to visit.  Especially the Starbucks.

But as we rented the boat yesterday, an let loose on the lake, I had a greater appreciation for the size of this place.  It's huge!  The lake is probably 8 times bigger than Bass Lake and at least 20 times bigger than lake Mission Viejo.

It is completely surrounded by trees and resorts and tons of happy people.

The girls got to go out on a tube on the back of the boat.  And though they had fun, I was a bit nervous.  I felt like I was putting them at risk.  Is that a mom thing?

The other bummer of the tube was - as long as they were on it, we couldn't open it up and go too fast. So like a good mom, I cut their time short and hauled them back into the boat!  It was way more fun going fast on the lake than towing them slowly.

We all loved the experience.

The girls also got to bunjee jump. Not falling off a cliff bunjee... More
Jumping on a trampoline bunjee.  They were so fun to watch.
There is a lot of stuff to do here but more than anything I would like a day to chill.  We still have a few days left on our trip and a lot more planned.

The line at Starbucks just grew again, it is nearly out the door.  Everyone is taking their place in line so I will be kind and free up a seat for the next people watcher out there.

Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Va city

Virginia city.

It is so amazing to me that these old towns are just spattered about and so accessible to the world.  I am also surprised how many Europenas we have seen on this trip.  Apparently ghost towns are big with the Germans this year.  Weird, huh?

It seems like a dot on the map that these people find and pay a lot of money to travel a long way to see.

Most Americans I have talked to haven't heard about Bodie, but people from Germany are popping in like flies.

They are coming to see our history, which was less than 100 years ago, and they have history that spans centuries.  Talk about irony.

But still, it is nice to meet these people and watch them enjoy our neck of the woods.

Virginia City is small compared to Bodie, and it is a little more bustling.  It is full of shops and characters.   And most of the shops are selling the same stuff.....nostalgia!

We walked into a few stores that sold old time candy.  Sarsaparilla candies to start, and followed with candy cigarettes, , old time drinks, old signs with old tv characters, etc....

We scooped up a few items and moved onto the next store.

And apparently Virginia city is quite the political arena.   It was pretty obvious when I saw the toilet paper with Obamas face on it that these people have their serious opinions.

I am not a political person, but suffice it to say, mom had plenty of commiserations on our visit.  Any time I came out of a store, she was chatting it up with the locals.  I was surprised she didn't ask to stay there.

It didn't take us long to go through the city.  Once you have seen one store, you have seen them all.  But the one thing you can't fake is the smell of the 'oldness' of the town.  There is a smell that authenticates the age.  Old wood.  The sidewalks are uneven, and the boards are old and worn.

I love the smell of old buildings.  That in and of itself is worth the price of admission (if there was one).

The day was nice and relaxed.  We came back to the house and begged the rest of the night.  Which was a bit of a guilty pleasure I must say.

Today we are going to head out onto the lake.  The day is really nice and sunny, but the last few days have started out nice and ended in rain, so we better get going.

It isn't as not as it has been at home, so my pull to get to the lake hasn't really been there.  But as everyone wants to rent the boat, I will go along for the ride.

Hope your day is good,
Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Trying something new

Yesterday we decided to venture out of our comfort zone and try paddleboarding.

I see it at Lake Mission Viejo and I have always been intrigued by it, but as we have only been to our own lake once all summer, I haven't had the opportunity to try it.

Part of the fun of being in a new place is finding where you are supposed to go.  Luckily, we found this place pretty easily.

We got sized for our boards and paddles and headed out to the water.  The first thing that struck me is they gave us very little instruction.  Apparently they had faith that we would just 'pick it up'.    But I've been on a kayak, so how hard could it be, right???

Well did I mention that I have vertigo and balance problems? 

So, to throw me on a board, standing, with no side rails, and a lot of motion might not be the most sound decision I have made in a while.  But - it's and adventure, so what the heck, right?

Now, when we saw the pictures for paddleboarding, all the people were wearing clothes.  Apparently they were confident they weren't 'goin' in the drink' as mom calls it.  So I have my bathing suit under my shorts, and a spare outfit in the car, which turned out to be a good thing......

I gotta say, I was really proud of everyone, because as I looked around, we were all upright.  But I gotta say, it wasn't easy.  You have to be aware of the waves coming at you.  Not large waves, just a lot of bumping around....while you are standing on a board....with a stick......

After a while, we decided to sit down and hold our paddles together and floated next to each other.  It was probably my favorite part of everything.  But as we floated, the water kept pulling us closer and closer to shore, so we had to break off and try to get back together....which didn't work.  So we broke of and started heading back. 

Julie wanted to make sure we got pictures, so she ran back to the car to get pictures of us.  As we had all been sitting on our boards, we had to climb back up.  We was handing the camera off to a guy to take pictures and I stood up and waited.  She got on her board and started paddling to turn her board around and at that time, I don't know what happened, but I took this opportunity to look like a fool and fall off my board.  After almost an hour of staying steady, I lost it.  Dipped from head to toe!  And the worst part is, it was just a few feet of water!!!  It was so cold that I didn't want to climb back on the stupid board, but for the sake of the pictures, I tried!  And failed yet again.

I told Julie I was done!  And off we went!

Not a great ending, but I wouldn't change the experience at all!!  It was a bit more exerting than I thought, even though we didn't feel like it at the time.

After that we found a remote spot and had lunch that we brought from home.  And then we shopped a little.  It was a nice afternoon.  After that, we came home and relaxed for the rest of the night.

We are heading to Virginia City today.  It's an old town by Carson City.

The girls aren't happy about this.  They want to just put on their bathing suits and be at the lake.  But we adults aren't ready to go there......yet.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Exploring blind

Yesterday was a pretty mellow day.  We stayed home in the morning.  We decided to go through our pictures and send them to CVS to get printed.  We are working on scrapbooks along the way and we needed some pictures to fill the pages.  After we sent them over online, we headed out to see what was around and then pick them up on the way back. (which was an adventure in and of itself, because we sent them to the 'wrong' CVS and had to go on an adventure just to find them.)

Our first stop was to one of the shopping villages.  We saw an area with outdoor vendors and we wanted to check it out.  But we stopped along the way at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and a few more stores along the way.  The girls got to sit in a 1936 Ford that apparently had a V8 engine!  The girls were giddy

When we got to the outdoor market, I was stopped by a booth with a bunch of dips.  It wasn't the dips per se that stopped me, but the cute lady working her booth.  She had a bag of pretzels and handed you a stack to try the dips to your hearts content.  If you ran out of pretzels, she gave you more.  It didn't seem to bother her how many times you wanted to try her stuff, she was willing to let you stay as long as you like.  She had a southern accent and the personality of Dolly Parton.  I was happy to stick around. 

Her dips were wonderful; we all chose our favorites.  She had garlic, artichoke, spinach, dill, ranch, name it!!!  She makes them all from scratch.  You buy the season packet and prepare them however you like.  She makes them herself; dehydrates all the ingredients and packages them up!  We all picked our favorites and moved on.   Julie found a cute hat that totally suited her.  After that, we were pretty much done.  It was mostly crafty stuff and we didn't really have a need for any of that!

We got back in the car and headed north.  We aren't really familiar with Tahoe, and to be honest; to find an entrance to one of the beaches was quite a feat.  It's not as easy as Bass Lake (where we usually go) and the lake is so much bigger than we are used to (I believe 72 miles around) that we are a little overwhelmed by its size. 

As it appears, you need to turn down some of the bigger streets and park in a commercial parking lot to enjoy the sand.  We decided to pull in really quick (none of us were prepared for a beach day) and examine one of the main beaches. 

Parking was interesting.  You grab a ticket to park in a really small spot and pass all the tourist stores and restaurants before you get to the sand.  Where we were at was one of the Marinas where they launch and rent boats.  We stepped onto the sand, looked around and headed back towards the car.  Along the way we peaked into the stores but quickly headed back out.  It's pretty much the same stuff you would find in any tourist town.  Just the name on the items is different.

It's been pretty hot here.  And when I say pretty hot, I'm talking upper 80s to low 90's. 

When we asked the rental people where the Air Conditioner was, he looked at us like he misunderstood.  Turns out, it's not common to have an air conditioning unit in this area.  The temperatures rarely need it.  Can you imagine???

Then I asked him where the screen doors are for the front and back door (again...a funny look).  He said "we" don't usually open the doors for air; just the windows.  At this point we were both giving each other a look.  With all the bugs here, and the beauty of the area and the fresh air; I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to keep their doors open to enjoy the day!!!  But the place we are staying is absolutely adorable.  It's a 3 bedroom - 2 bath home.  It has some high tech offerings and a completely top of the line kitchen.  Thanks to the water damage this home recently had, everything in is is brand-spanking new!!  Which makes me nervous, because they must not have known we were coming!!!

But that's okay.  We are enjoying this home and it's beauty - screen doors or not!!

We ended our night on the back patio, scrapbooking with all our pictures.  It was a nice cool night and we had a very relaxing time!!!

Today, we were planning on doing some beach stuff, but it's been raining a bit, so I think we need to figure something else out. 

It's kind of strange not knowing what is offered here and I feel like we are going to miss something.

Yesterday we saw the gondola that takes you to the top of the mountain.  I remember taking that when we went skiing last time, but I don't remember being afraid of it like I am today!!!  Is that what age and kids do to you??? 

I'm sure we will head up the mountain at some point.  But for now, I think I'll dig around on the Internet to see what I can find.

The lake is a given.  We will get there at least one day if not more.  But I really want to explore all this place has to offer.  So today will be a bit more of exploration and hopefully we will land some fun experiences.

Hope you Monday is great!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


What a day in Bodie!!!  So interesting to think a down is left, basically abandoned!!!  It was a functioning gold mining town from about 1875.  And once reached a population of 10,000 people.  The last known residents left after WWII.  It became a historic state park in 1962.

It is in the most random of places!!  As we drove up the 395, there was a lot of nothing on all sides of us, but trees and brush.  The road to Bodie is a quick turnoff at 270.  If you blink, you'll miss it.

Once you turnoff, the road is about 10 miles in ( roughly 7 miles paved and 3 miles of dirt). 

As soon as we turned to this remote road, the stories started formulating in my mind about how they chose such a remote place and how did they find gold?  Who chipped open a rock and found wealth enough to attract a town of people to come and set up camp?

Gotta love history!  But the question is, who's telling the story correctly?

As we tooled around the town, mom decided to wait for us at the front of the park where people are coming and going.  As she was perched, she met a lot of fascinating people, one of which had parents who actually lived in Bodie!!  

According to this gentleman, some of the history wasn't totally accurate.  But when the town saw the real story, they weren't interested in change the accuracy of the history.  Interesting, huh?

So whose history are we getting?

It's a well known fact that history is all subjective.  I honestly believe that most of the information we get is a 'form' of what happened.  And for the most part we are okay with that.

But what I found interesting is that even when faced with the facts, the historical society of Bodie didn't change their 'facts'.  And I'm guessing because it either wasn't interesting enough, or if they went and changed the 'known' history, it would cause much doubt to future guests.

So they left it as it was!!  Crazy!!! 

It didn't really matter to us.  The fact that a town was left standing in 'arrested decay' was interesting enough to us!!!

You would think that people would take little souvenirs and there would be nothing left of the town, but the truth is, people leave it as is for a reason.  There is a well known curse that if you take something from Bodie - even rocks from the land - you will be cursed with bad karma.

In the museum there is a notebook of actual letters from patrons who returned the 'God forsaken' items because of the bad luck that followed them home.

Some even reported seeing ghosts of the town trying to warn them from taking items.

It was all very fascinating.  So when we got back to the car, we made sure to shake every last dust particle from our socks and shoes.  There was no way we were going to be followed by bad Karma!!!

And as we drove out the rain came to make sure the dust on my car stayed in the city as well.  Someone was looking out for us it seems!!!

Today we are in Tahoe.  Not sure what today holds, but we'll keep you posted!
Happy Sunday

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day one

Day one of our trip; we got off without a hitch.  On the road by 10 and arrived in Lee Vining by 4pm.    One thing I found is; the 395 is an interesting highway.  Miles and miles of nothing, until you come upon a small town, slow down to 35mph for about a mile and then speed back up to 80. 

I always wonder who it was that decided, "Nope....THIS is the place!"  and built a town.  And who decided to follow, and why?  These towns are so random it's almost comical.  But they are definitely quaint.

Lee Vining is just such a town.  As we approached, we were all excited to get to our hotel.  But we drove straight through, not seeing our hotel, to just about a mile out of the actual town.  As we pulled up to the hotel where we were to stay, I got a "yikes" feeling in my gut.  The first thing that came to mind was a refugee camp.  There was a long building of rooms that had doors in them.  The building looked pretty small, and the structure itself was cute, but what was weird to me was how the people standing their looked. 

I'm not one to judge, but no one looked happy and they all looked bored.  As my eyes glanced back and forth to each one, I wondered which would come into our room at night and steal my children.

As I didn't make the arrangements for this trip, I was hesitant to say anything to Julie.  But then if you  know me, I didn't hesitate long.

I told her the place gave me the heebee geebees and I wasn't sure if I felt comfortable staying there.

We turned around and went into town to see what else was available.  We saw a hotel that had a 'vacancy' sign and figured we would be in luck.  However, we needed to cancel our old reservations and if that wasn't possible it was a significant financial loss.  So as we drove back to the heebee geebee hotel, I told Julie we should give it a chance and see what comes of it.

As we walked in there was (I'm not kidding) a 13ish year old girl at the front.  She was going to help us check in; we had two rooms.  Well they couldn't have put the two rooms farther apart and as my mom was going to be alone in one of the rooms, I told them this was a major concern.  We told them we needed to find other accommodations and they were very nice.  They said, "You'd better go check and make sure you CAN find other accommodations before you cancel with us." (gulp)

Thankfully, we came to a hotel that could fit all of us in one big suite and here we stayed.  The other hotel let us cancel as they were certain they would be able to fill the rooms that we let go!

As we settled in for the night we started painting nails and doing scrapbooks.  We enjoyed our time together with no TV or electronic gadgets.   It was so nice.

We went to sleep and all was well......

Until about 3am when Avery woke up with an upset stomach. 

One thing you don't know about me; I'm pretty useless in the middle of the night. 

I went with her to the bathroom and laid with her on the floor.  I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for a bit there.  But eventually, she threw up.  My poor baby!!!  I wondered what the morning would bring as we planned a long day at Bodie....the town with NOTHING around it!!!

Thankfully, after she threw up, she went to bed.  Nothing more than that.  It must have been something she ate.

We woke up to the most beautiful sunset.  Avery woke up feeling fine. 

I'm sure today will be an exciting adventure and I can't wait to see what the day holds for us. 

We are off to Bodie and then heading to our long haul destination in Tahoe where we will be for most of the week.  I'm loving the outdoors!!

Happy Saturday

Friday, August 10, 2012

Headin' out

So, I signed off of my blog yesterday, 'Happy Friday' - which is great, because it was actually Thursday.  But it was my Friday because today we are leaving on our annual girls trip so it officially starts my vacation.

We leave in a few short hours. 

You would think I am packed,  but I haven't really started.  For some reason this drives my husband crazy.  He is very linear and I am not.

I don't stress too much when I travel.  As long as I have a pair of shoes, shirt, pants, hat, sunglasses and a jacket (along with my purse, then I'm covered.  The rest is just gravy.

I have to think things through as I am heading out the door.  If I pack everything a day or two before my trip, I will forget things like a razor or shampoo.  But on the morning of, as I go through my daily routine, I gather as I go.  And by the time I have my routine wrapped up, everything is packed.

I'm not organized.  No secret, no surprise.

I have piles around me as I write.  My brain is putting together my list.

I have food stacked by the door, I just made my coffee, so the coffee pot will be cleaned and put by the door and when Julie gets here, she will systematically pack the car so it all fits.  Because her brain works like Chris' and that helps a lot.

When I go on vacation I go into 'camping' mode.  I don't care if I wear clothes two days in a row (as long as they don't get dirty, of course), and my hair is usually in braids with a hat and glasses. 

As one of five children growing up you learn to be flexible and go with the flow a bit more.  Chris was one of two and he was the firstborn, so he has to take care of everything.  He has no idea how to deal with a fourth born, so he shakes his head a lot.

Yin and Yang.....

We are heading up to Bodie for starters.  Bodie is an old ghost down that has been left in "arrested decay".  It's like Calico on steroids.  We will be there for a day and then head to Tahoe.  Can't wait.

Along the way we will plan a day in San Francisco and hopefully make the Winchester Mystery house on our way home.  Should be fun.

We have taken a trip every year for the last 4 or 5 years.  It's been a great experience every time.

Hopefully this next week I can blog with pictures.  I'm sure I will be taking PLENTY!!! 

I hope your week is fabulous.  I can't believe we only vacation a few times a year.  It's a lot of work to get to one good week!!!
Happy "actual" Friday!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sweet anticipation......

Yesterday the tension mounted throughout the day while we waited for news on which kid gets which team(s).  I ran down my phone battery checking my mail. 

I sat across from my brother and sister in law who I haven't seen in quite a while and I would grab my phone every few minutes to hit "Refresh" in my mail.  I was a terrible visitor!

And then the email came...."We need more time".......

We had an answer.  Not "the" answer.  But "an" answer.

I felt a sigh of relief.  I could put down my phone and go about the rest of my night.  It was fine by me.

Sometimes you just need an answer.  Good or bad, it's a form of closure.

I think it's good to have to wait sometimes.  It's kind of like a Christmas.  Opening presents is great, but how many times have you opened or peaked at a present, only to be disappointed? 

Wasn't the anticipation, the HOPE of the gift more fun than the reality???

But many of us are used to immediate gratification and we go for it.  The problem with immediate gratification is that there is nothing really earned or learned.....  You just get what you want. 

And then what?

I have stated it many times before; we are living in a society of over privileged and un satisfied children. 

They have everything they want and no appreciation for it other than it's more 'stuff' that they have surrounding them.

The stuff doesn't fill the soul.  Earning it does!!!

I remember one morning that Avery came downstairs wanting breakfast.  She said she wanted eggs.  I told her to help herself.  She said, "I don't know HOW!!"  And she got really upset.

So, I showed her step by step and I stood next to her.

Next thing I knew, this kid was unstoppable!!!  Every morning, she would get up, grab an egg and a pan and get to work.  And as if that wasn't enough, she wanted to be like daddy, so she started trying to flip the egg in the pan!

One morning, Avery flipped her egg and she said, "Where's daddy, I want to show him"  I said, "He's  already at work".  Her face fell sad.  I told her we would video her and send it over.

Talk about pride! She was so proud of herself for her accomplishments that she started making omelets better than the rest of us.

To hand her a plate of eggs means nothing. 

To create and enjoy her eggs is a sense of pride!

See the difference?

They say if you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; but teach a man to fish, he will eat for life.

We need to teach our children to fish.....

I know it's so much easier to just do it for them, but what is gained from it? 

I remember being in Norway when my nephew was about 3 years old.  He wanted to use a knife to cut an apple.  His dad sat behind him, with his hands over my nephews showing him how to cut the apple.  It didn't take him long to get the hang of it. (not that he was cutting apples every day, but he was more knowledgeable about how to properly use a knife).

My husband wouldn't let the kids near a knife for about 8 years.......Guess who's still cutting their meat???  (love you babe).

My point is basically this.... to earn is to appreciate.
To be given is to covet more stuff.....

Give kids something to be proud of.

When the list comes for their teams, my girls will have earned what they got.  The wait - the sweet anticipation - is good for them.

Yes, I'm a little anxious too, but I have a whole world of other stuff to worry about.

Happy Friday

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Waiting with bated breath......

That is what my daughter is doing this morning.  Waiting to find out which team(s) she will be on for the upcoming year. 

They were supposed to find out last week, but as there are so many people, it's no wonder they needed more time.  I can't imagine having that responsibility on my shoulders.

I remember the first year we tried out and I was a little nervous for Avery as she didn't really have the skills necessary to get on a team.  She got on Production and we breathed a sigh of relief.

I believe this will be Aspen's 3rd year on team. 

With each year they get more selective on what they want to do.  They are honing their skills and developing their individual styles.  It is interesting to see what they come up with every year.  I remember the year Aspen said she wanted contemporary.....  I about fell over.

She was a tumbler.  And a good one. 

But something about contemporary interested her and she made the team.  At this time, there is where she wants to stay. 

Contemporary is unique.  I don't totally understand it yet.  Ballet is cut and dry.  But Contemporary is just that.....contemporary.  It doesn't seem to follow any rules (in my understanding of it), and it's a very 'free' form of dance.  I enjoyed last years contemporary dance and I feel the girls executed it beautifully.  Aspen had a great year and all was well.

In the end, I just want them to be happy.  I don't care what form of dance they do, I just want them to want to do it and enjoy it so much that they give their best.

We should all be so lucky to make those choices in our lives. 

Could you imagine a world where everyone was doing what they loved to do?  Wouldn't that be weird???

Well, unfortunately, life doesn't always turn out that way. 

So let them dance, I say!!!

It will be fun to see how the girls did.  I'm a little anxious too, but as a mom, I'm not waiting to get an E Ticket ride to Disneyland....  I'm the one waiting to catch them if they fall.  If they didn't get the team they wanted....  That is not always a fun place to be.

But I have done it before I will do it again.  For some reason my little Avery thinks she should be at the same level of offering as Aspen.  However, Aspen is a dancer through and through.  Avery just likes to dance.  So they get offered their teams accordingly. 

I'm sure she will eventually put two and two together.  But not before her heart is broken a few more times. 

We all go through it on some level, don't we?

So as we wait with bated breath today for the answer, we will still have high hopes that we get everything we want.

That works for me!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Just got the news of an old high school coach who passed away.

Last week I blogged about how there are times I document the last days of a person's life.  We just saw this man in the last few weeks.  A MOST like able man.  The picture of health and so very gracious.  After our reunion he send me a facebook message to thank me for the invite and for the pictures and said it was nice to have someone there who remembered to carry a camera 'unlike us'....

Thankfully, some of those images will be treasured by the people who got to see him one last time.

I hate that we don't realize it's the last time we will see someone.  Would I have said something different?  I don't know.  But the wonder always starts to creep in.

As I wasn't terribly close to this coach, I do remember him from high school.  Coaches are usually the luckiest of teachers, because they have the chance to get to know each an every student as opposed to other classes where the teachers really don't 'have' to engage that much at all.

Coaches have to learn about you; your strengths, your weaknesses, and how to pick you up when you are down so you can do your best.  So it's no wonder that this man will be missed.

To see him again, I could tell he was just taking it in.  He had a smile on his face the whole time.

In looking back, I wish I had the opportunity to ask him more about his experiences as a coach.  But I didn't think to ask.

But I always find it interesting when a teacher/coach wants to come back to see their students.  In my recollection; most of us were little sh*ts and nothing to write home about....  Especially in the teen years.  It was all about seeing what we could get away with and not get caught.

There were a few over the years; Mr. Kanatsis our french teacher showed up at a few reunions.  I have fond memories of him.

But most teachers have steered clear (in my recent memory) of the reunions.

It's really quite a treat being an adult and revisiting  your teacher.  They always have great stories to tell.

I was touched by his message after the reunion.  He mentioned that is was rewarding to see former students happy and doing well.

I could tell he was gratified and he looked very content.  I hope his life was satisfying and purposeful.  I know he touched many a life over the years. 

Coaches are a very important part of our lives.

Coach Thrash, You will be missed.  Thank you for your service to us and helping us grow.  You have made your stamp on our lives and we are forever grateful!!!

Rest in Peace friend.