Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sifting and shaking

Oh, what's that?  I made a change.  I changed the way my blog looks.


Well, why not?

I woke up earlier than I wanted and I'm feeling a little crazy.

I can't stand the times you wake up in a total panic with all the 'stuff' you have looming over you.

It's that kind of stuff that literally cripples me.

But as I lay there, I realize I'm letting every last bit of 'stuff' loom over me like a big pile ready to fall on my head.  And I do that because for some reason; when I'm awakened, I do it with complete clarity and everything just seems to come flooding forward at once, causing a sense of foreboding and fear.

As I lay there this morning, I started sifting in my mind (because at this point, I had nothing else to do) and separating each thing.  As I started pulling them apart and dealing with one thing at a time it wasn't as overwhelming.  But as I didn't write any of this down, it basically stayed where it was so it can hit me another day.

I once heard that you should keep a pen and paper by your bed for just such situations.  That way, you can write it down, free your mind of it and go back to sleep.

Sounds good in theory.  But to write it down, you have to turn on the light.  And I don't know about you, but once the light is's a done deal.

But I like the idea of it!  Don't you?

When we were on our trip, we tried a few things we had never done before.  Avery was a little nervous at times and I said, "Why?"  She said, "I don't know". 

So I told her what I do when I get scared.  I look at where I am which is 'safe'.  And I take a step at a time until I am comfortable.  If I allow myself time to adjust, it's a much more comfortable situation.

Thankfully, the things we tried weren't that daring, and we all survived.  But I know where she is coming from.  When you don't know what to expect, it is unnerving.

That is how I felt this morning when I woke up .... unnerved.

I really hate when that happens, because then I feel like I have no control of my life.  And I do have some control, I just need to know how to wield it a little better.  And sifting is the first thing I need to practice.

It was a good panic this morning.  I seemed to have a little clarity.  It was nice. 

But now I have to make some serious decisions and go with it.

My first decision of the day was to change the look of my blog. 
I hope it doesn't throw you.  Just trying to keep things fresh!

Hope your day goes great!

Happy Wednesday!

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