Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oops again.....

I just realized that I forgot to take Avery to dance this past week.  With Aspen dancing so much, I figured we were covered.

What a dork.

I tend to do that with my kids.  I feed one and my brain assumes the other one has been fed.

As much as I try to figure out the way that I think, I'm regularly blown.  My brain can't wrap itself around little details like, "pick kids up from school".  If it's not written down., it doesn't exist.

I recently saw a friend who showed me her paper calendar.  It was a really cute one too.  She said she tried to adhere to electronics but she just needs to write it down!!


I try to explain to my kids all the time, how they are different and their talents are different and they just have to embrace that! 

But at 43 years old, when I hear a friend say something that I thought I was nuts feeling.....It's like she's singing my song!!!

I'm a paper person.  I like touching, feeling and seeing it.  I don't do e-books, because I can't turn the pages. 

I operate differently than many.

But still, it takes me seeing someone with like thoughts, to help me feel not alone!!!

I know I am not the first person to forget to take my kids to dance; or even pick them up from school.

But when you don't do something you know you should, you can't help but feel a little like a failure.

In truth; Avery's schedule is a lot more random than Aspen's.  And as I was shooting all week, I was in "work" mode and didn't really think about anyone else.  Call me selfish....or responsible.  You'd be right in both.

We just settled up the schedules for the girls this year.  It's pretty scary.  I will be calling in reinforcements to help me keep my sanity.  Thankfully I have many.

But I will still forget.  Because that is what I do.

Today I have Chris in charge of the girls.  They both have dance and they will both make it.  I can be found in front of my computer finishing the work that was created this week from my hours of shooting.

I hope your Saturday is productive or relaxing.  Whatever you wish.....

Happy Saturday!

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