Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Waiting with bated breath......

That is what my daughter is doing this morning.  Waiting to find out which team(s) she will be on for the upcoming year. 

They were supposed to find out last week, but as there are so many people, it's no wonder they needed more time.  I can't imagine having that responsibility on my shoulders.

I remember the first year we tried out and I was a little nervous for Avery as she didn't really have the skills necessary to get on a team.  She got on Production and we breathed a sigh of relief.

I believe this will be Aspen's 3rd year on team. 

With each year they get more selective on what they want to do.  They are honing their skills and developing their individual styles.  It is interesting to see what they come up with every year.  I remember the year Aspen said she wanted contemporary.....  I about fell over.

She was a tumbler.  And a good one. 

But something about contemporary interested her and she made the team.  At this time, there is where she wants to stay. 

Contemporary is unique.  I don't totally understand it yet.  Ballet is cut and dry.  But Contemporary is just that.....contemporary.  It doesn't seem to follow any rules (in my understanding of it), and it's a very 'free' form of dance.  I enjoyed last years contemporary dance and I feel the girls executed it beautifully.  Aspen had a great year and all was well.

In the end, I just want them to be happy.  I don't care what form of dance they do, I just want them to want to do it and enjoy it so much that they give their best.

We should all be so lucky to make those choices in our lives. 

Could you imagine a world where everyone was doing what they loved to do?  Wouldn't that be weird???

Well, unfortunately, life doesn't always turn out that way. 

So let them dance, I say!!!

It will be fun to see how the girls did.  I'm a little anxious too, but as a mom, I'm not waiting to get an E Ticket ride to Disneyland....  I'm the one waiting to catch them if they fall.  If they didn't get the team they wanted....  That is not always a fun place to be.

But I have done it before I will do it again.  For some reason my little Avery thinks she should be at the same level of offering as Aspen.  However, Aspen is a dancer through and through.  Avery just likes to dance.  So they get offered their teams accordingly. 

I'm sure she will eventually put two and two together.  But not before her heart is broken a few more times. 

We all go through it on some level, don't we?

So as we wait with bated breath today for the answer, we will still have high hopes that we get everything we want.

That works for me!!!

Happy Wednesday!

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