Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's hard to believe that it's been 12 years since I brought my daugther home.  My first child.

I have so many memories of her as a baby.  She was so easy going and smiled all the time.  She would stare people down until they looked at her and then she would smile.  She was hard to resist.

She was a chunky, cute, blue eyed angel.  Everyone loved her. 

Now to look back on her pictures it seems a blink of an eye that my first born is now 12 years old. 

I have heard my mom say, "Where does the time go?"  Unfortunately when you are a mom of children and your time is not your own, you ask that question a LOT!!!  But when a birthday comes along, it kind of smacks you in the face!!

She is independant and amazing. She has a great sense of humor (she gets from me, of course) and she is compassionate. In 4th grade, I was approached by many teachers who complimented Aspen's ability to work with the differently abled. This past year, she got an award in her class for making a difference and when I thanked the teacher for her nomination, she said, "She deserves it. She is the first one to help this kid in the class when he struggles". I know the child to whom she was referring. He's mainstreamed but struggles with attention and frustration. It warms my heart that my child could turn a blind eye, but instead it's a no-brainer to step up and help another.

As I look at my 12 year old I can honestly say I am so proud.  She aspires to her future in dance.  She couldn't wait to get on pointe.  And she has plans for her future.  She is so NOT like me!!!

I know most of us are really proud of our children.  But I think sometimes that comes as a bit of a surprise.  For years I have watched other peoples' families and seen their children grow.  I have watched them intently, because I have been told by many, "Oh...just wait; you have NO idea what you are in for".  And though I'm sure that is true; I have seen many families where it's not so bad.  It just is what it is, so they say.

But I know at this moment, my daughter is on the right track.  She is way more than I imagined her to be. 

And I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a bit nervous.  As kids get older, they stray from their parents more.  As my daughter is in her last tween year, I can feel it coming in my bones.  But I have high hopes that my child will just be a bigger version of what she is today. 

A kind, caring, compassionate, talented and amazing girl!

Happy Birthday to a girl I am so proud to call my daughter!
I love you Aspen!!!

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