Friday, August 31, 2012

Yay for Raw foods

So, it looks like the scale is going down.  What a strange phenomena.  In the past week, I have probably gone down 4 lbs.  There must be something to this raw foods thing, because I haven't been hungry and I have been eating about 60% raw foods.

I have been having a smoothie in the morning.  Today's included chard, watermelon, apple, banana, beets, dates and a handful of raw trail mix.  (I can't even fathom the calorie count).  I blend the whole food in my Nutribullet that I just got.  I bought it on a whim and I'm totally loving it.  (not trying to sound like an advertisement).

For lunch, I have been eating salads and the dressing is olive oil an apple cider vinegar.  But yesterday I had a panini sandwich with a fillet of white fish (Chris made) and a leaf of chard (which is VERY tough, I don't recommend it); tomatoes, a piece of cheese and avocado on a low calorie multi grain english muffin.  And dinner has been chicken soup with a big piece of cheese bread (a girls gotta enjoy stuff too). (oh...and I had a piece of my coffee cake.... poison control, you know).

I haven't had the chance to exercise lately, but I have been active.  But I'm still surprised to see the scale going down.  I honestly feel like I was eating less before I started doing this!!!

 I think that just goes to show that your body processes quicker and better with foods it recognizes.

Chris has been on his own little journey.  He's been working with an acupuncturist and doing what he's told.  He's not only lost weight, he looks so much healthier.  And I swear to you it's because he is eating "Real Food".

Losing weight is a journey.  But being healthy is another journey all together.  You can lose weight by cutting calories.  But you can feel better by making wiser choices.

Before we started this processed food revolution, we were forced to eat what we had.  And it didn't include Cheetos.

But somehow along they way, processed foods made their way in and we never looked back. 

Only now, with health issues being what they are for much of America....doesn't it make you wonder just a little bit?

Did you know that food companies meet with Dr.s to find out which foods are most addicting?  They know that some foods (like chocolate) set off the reward triggers in our brains and make us feel good.  And they formulate food based on RESEARCH!!!!!

There is a great book, "The End of Overeating" that has fascinating information in it.  It talks about the food industries and how they work to put out addictive foods.  It's an easy read if you are into it.

The bottom line is it comes down to education and determination.  We should all be making better choices to improve our health.  Don't take it for granted because you have good health.  Nurture it and take care of it for continued good health.

And yes, I'm preaching to myself as the rest of you!!!

Happy Friday!!!

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