Thursday, August 30, 2012

Do it yourself?

I'm watching the house across the street get a new driveway and front steps.  As my dad was a do it yourselfer I have an appreciation for this process I'm watching.  It actually makes me miss my dad.

Yesterday I was getting gas and I decided to clean my windshield while I was waiting.  My whole car needs a good washing, so the least I can do is be able to see out the front, right?

As I was washing the windows, I thought of my friends husband, who diligently washes his wife's car.  I'm amazed every time I witness it, because he ArmorAll's the dash and everything.  I don't have 'that' husband.  Mine doesn't even wash his own.  He has someone do it for him. 

My car is never clean enough to take to the car wash, if you know what I mean.  I have too much stuff in there to move around, that I don't want to waste the money doing the manual labor necessary to pay someone to finish the job.  Am I weird?

I think being raised with my 'do it yourself' dad has bled into my life and made me believe, if we can do it ourselves, we should give it a go!

But being with my husband for so long, I get his side of things too; why struggle and muddle through something that may take you twice as long as having someone who does it all the time just come in and get it done quickly.

Everything has its place I suppose.  Cleaning the car is a real pain in the butt.  But, it's not THAT difficult.  (that said, my car remains dirty way more often than not).

I live happily when I have a sense of accomplishment.  I think that is why I like to bake.  I get to see it from start to finish; make executive decisions and then enjoy the end result when I pass off my baked goods and see people smiling.   Unfortunately, sometimes the baked goods cost way more than just going to Costco and picking up a ready made item.  But, seriously....where is the fun in that?

I used to like doing little craft projects.  But with life being what it is, I haven't had time to crochet in years, or sew anything.  The last item I did for the Renaissance Faire cost me WAY more than a $30 costume and the frustration level was through the roof.  But my favorite part of that project (when it was totally going south) was when my daughter looked at me and said, "Mom it doesn't have to be perfect, I am going to wear it no matter what!"  Oh, but she's a keeper!!

And when we walked the Ren Faire, I got to admire how beautiful she looked in the dress I made her.

I'm no seamstress, but if you can at least figure out what it's supposed to be, well, then I have done my job.

My house is in desperate need of attention right now.  I walk around all the time and think how we need new carpet (or rather, wood floors or even tile) and much of the upholstery needs a good cleaning.  I'm trying to figure out if we can make this all a family project.  But I know hubby will have none of it.  He's a hirer.  I'm a doer. 

I don't mind cleaning my own car.  It never occurred to me that my husband should even offer.  I kind of giggle when I see my friends husband working away.  And I would be lying if I didn't try to park my car really close, so he could throw a splash on mine 'by accident'.  However, overall, I do like that sense of accomplishment and I am driven a bit differently.

Today I have quite a few do it yourself projects.  However, on this day, I wouldn't mind passing the torch for just a few hours.  But alas, it is not to be. 

So, it's nose to the grindstone and off I go.

Hope your day is great.

Happy Thursday

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