Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Just got the news of an old high school coach who passed away.

Last week I blogged about how there are times I document the last days of a person's life.  We just saw this man in the last few weeks.  A MOST like able man.  The picture of health and so very gracious.  After our reunion he send me a facebook message to thank me for the invite and for the pictures and said it was nice to have someone there who remembered to carry a camera 'unlike us'....

Thankfully, some of those images will be treasured by the people who got to see him one last time.

I hate that we don't realize it's the last time we will see someone.  Would I have said something different?  I don't know.  But the wonder always starts to creep in.

As I wasn't terribly close to this coach, I do remember him from high school.  Coaches are usually the luckiest of teachers, because they have the chance to get to know each an every student as opposed to other classes where the teachers really don't 'have' to engage that much at all.

Coaches have to learn about you; your strengths, your weaknesses, and how to pick you up when you are down so you can do your best.  So it's no wonder that this man will be missed.

To see him again, I could tell he was just taking it in.  He had a smile on his face the whole time.

In looking back, I wish I had the opportunity to ask him more about his experiences as a coach.  But I didn't think to ask.

But I always find it interesting when a teacher/coach wants to come back to see their students.  In my recollection; most of us were little sh*ts and nothing to write home about....  Especially in the teen years.  It was all about seeing what we could get away with and not get caught.

There were a few over the years; Mr. Kanatsis our french teacher showed up at a few reunions.  I have fond memories of him.

But most teachers have steered clear (in my recent memory) of the reunions.

It's really quite a treat being an adult and revisiting  your teacher.  They always have great stories to tell.

I was touched by his message after the reunion.  He mentioned that is was rewarding to see former students happy and doing well.

I could tell he was gratified and he looked very content.  I hope his life was satisfying and purposeful.  I know he touched many a life over the years. 

Coaches are a very important part of our lives.

Coach Thrash, You will be missed.  Thank you for your service to us and helping us grow.  You have made your stamp on our lives and we are forever grateful!!!

Rest in Peace friend.

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