Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Elements of teaching

There are some people who are just damn good at what they do.  And they know it!!!  To be honest; there aren't enough of those in the world.

I was watching my daughters dance class last night and I just know this teacher is amazing.  He has changed the vibe of the studio.  He is a fantastic instructor who has attention to detail and his eye on every student individually. 

As I was standing outside, I noticed the class is getting bigger and bigger.  I met a mom out front who said she brought her daughter to this studio just for his class.  She said her daughter dances like no other for him.

He has an air about him that is knowledgeable yet nice.  Many people don't know how to balance their knowledge.   The put their ego in front of it and live there.

He is just a great and kind knowledgeable instructor who just wants it done correctly and delivered with intention.  It's not just about technique...it's about mixing it with passion.

There are teachers that teach facts.  Like everything is a science, even if it isn't.  And there are teachers who teach intention.  They try to instill their passion.

Dance is a mix of everything.  If you teach only one of the elements and forget the rest, you get a dancing robot.  It's imperative to learn all aspects to be a good dancer.  But it should start with passion.

Just like anything, you can learn well, or not.  It starts with a teacher and a student.    If you have the perfect blend of both, the sky is the limit from there.

As I watched this teacher last night I heard him point out certain students who needed a bit more instruction.  He guided them with his knowledge, intuition, passion, and instruction.  I'm in awe watching him.  There are good teachers and there are great teachers.  This one is great!

I would tell you his name, but then the class would just get bigger......

Happy Tuesday

Monday, January 30, 2012

Yay for goals

Yesterday was the first day of girlscout cookie sales.  It's a day I don't really look forward to, because peddling my kids doesn't set well with me.  But as we are part of a group, we will participate as required and at least do our part.  It's money for the troop which helps our girl have a great experience, so off we go!

Each girl has their own goal.  Aspen was initially 100; Avery 53.  We can do this!

Julie took the girls at 9 as I had to work.  By the time I picked them up, Aspen had sold 38 boxes door to door (60 from friends and family) and Avery had sold 20.    Not bad for 2 hours.

When I came home, I remembered a friend of mine offered me up her street in a gated community, where not a lot of little ones live.  So Avery jumped on it, while Aspen stayed home.  (It was a hottish day, so I don't blame her). 

Avery was full of determination.   She wants to earn the gift of 250 boxes (the award is a $5 item, but whatever).  I watched her go door to door all by herself, while I stood at the sidewalk.  She asked every last person (the ones that opened the door anyway) and took the rejections like a princess.  And moved on to the next.

Every new house was the lottery for her...either she won, or she had to play again.  She was excited for the win, even if only one box.  We tallied our way through and added another 26 boxes to her day.  That was only one side of the street.  We never even crossed over. 

As we had run out of all the peanut butters and shortbreads, we decided to head home.  But we had one more house that promised to buy 10 thin mints.  So we went home, loaded up and delivered the last 10.

Then at a friends house, she wanted 6, and another who wanted 4.  Then we roped Nanna into 5 boxes.  So now we are at 71 boxes on day one (and that doesn't count what we have for us yet)!

Her goal was so clear in her mind that she didn't care how many people said no.  She was polite and kept going.

I was so energized and proud watching my daughter go door to door because she has that prize in her head.  It's her goal.

It's amazing how much a good goal can drive us.  But it needs to be concrete and really mean something.  Clearly, Avery's goal is in her minds eye.  I really didn't want to go walking door to door yesterday, because I was tired from working and not sleeping well the night before.  But the energy I felt from her excitement; and the pride I felt from watching her be the little trooper made all my "tired" go away.

She's already surpassed the troop goal.  Now she is on to her personal goal.  And I will do whatever it takes to help her reach her goal.  I came into this looking down at the cookies and eager to be done.... Now I need to go pick up a few more cases so we can keep going.

Funny how that works, isn't it???

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Scars and Seeds

I look back on my life and many things define who I am.  Good, bad, ugly...they are all me.

I know I have said it before, but I think it bears repeating; your history defines you.  It is you.  It is your every decision, your every thought, your every fear.

I have had a couple of interesting days.  On Friday, I worked with a fascinating guy who was as complex yet simple as a dish of spaghetti.  To the eye, he was everything I thought I knew.

But his ingredients were what made him special and unique.  Just as we all are.

We talked about psychology and how our thoughts - or rationalizations, our reality, as it were - are not "fact"...they are a process of our experiences.

One story can be defined a million different ways.  Same situation....a million interpretations.  Just like a recipe.  They are all basically the same, yet so very different. 

My interaction with him spurred my thoughts of my life as I met with an old friend this weekend - and of course, made me think (shocker, I know).

I have known my friend for just about 30 years now.  He knew me "then".  He is a testament to my existence, my history.  He is my history.  He was my first boyfriend.  (before rumors start, this was for business). In my world at a young age, he was my future, my everything.  But as young love is....it didn't work out (shocker again).  He had a fling with my best friend.  My world was shattered.  Everything I was, everything that defined me at that age was gone.

It was a lesson early on; trust no one.

But as the years went on, the wounds began to heal.  And the relationships with "ex" boyfriend and "ex' best friend rekindled.  Life is too short to hold on to such grudges.  (I've heard it said youth is wasted on the young....you are "old" when you realize its truth)

Had I held on to the grudges and the hurts, I would have missed out on so much.

Now, just to qualify; many events happened and many conversations to heal the hurts.  It didn't happen over night.  It happened because my soul needed it to.  I would have been held in a holding pattern unless I was able to let go and move forward. And it took many years and kind efforts on all parts.

As I sat with my friend last night and we reminisced, I realize my life was made richer from these very sad experiences.  Still apologies were spoke, but they weren't necessary.  Youth is truly wasted on the young, however youth is necessary to acquire true and deep appreciation.....as long as that is what you are looking for.

Like any recipe; your ingredients can create an awful catastrophe.  But it can also create an amazing delicacy.  You can always adjust ingredients to balance out the strong or negative tastes.  But you have to want to.  If you just throw away the pot because you feel it has been blown, you give up on the possibility of what could be.

Had I cast away any dealings with these people, I would have missed out on so much.

I had a great night.  I was so grateful I let the ingredients simmer and meld together.  I felt the joy of my forgiveness and the richness of my life.  Today we are friends.

I know people who can't let go.  Or don't have the benefit of reciprocation.  And I know it can leave an awful taste in your "recipe" of life.  And I know all "recipes" can't be saved.

And though it all didn't happen over night.  It did happen.  My history has defined me in a way that I am grateful for. 

However, that said, I will pray my children never suffer such pain.

A mom is a mom is a mom......

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Nom Nom.....

Well well well......
Today is going to be a FUN DAY!!!

Starting it off with the vet. Our little munchkin dog (well, how little can she be when her nickname is "Fat Dog") ripper her dew claw.  It's that funny little claw that hangs right above where our anklebone would be.

Not a great way to start the day!

Today is also cookie delivery for girlscouts.  I'm going to the Mega delivery to help load boxes into cars.  Fun stuff, let me tell you!!!

Last year I had a few friends to do it with, so it was fun.  Today...I get to meet new friends.  It's all good, right?

Well.....I guess we'll see! 

This is where the clash of the personalities can come into play.  Some people are really quick and they do things their own way (what they call the "Right" way).  And then there are others like me, who go with the flow and do what their told.

I don't like to have an opinion at these things, I just want to know what to do, and get it done.

I have been that way all my life.  I was volunteered for this position today, because the people in my life know I won't usually jump in, but I will do it if I'm told.  I have no problem with this,  I surround myself with these people so they will protect me from looking like a total non-participant!

I guess I'm what one would call "A Follower". 

My sister is a leader.  She walks in, takes charge and gets the sh*t done.  I will follow her around and let her direct me.

It takes all types in the world.  If we were all the same, it would be so boring. 

I know today, there will be moms who live and die by the girl scout law.  Who will do anything for their kids and are present in every moment of there days.  There will be moms who are fun-loving and easy going.  There will be moms who aren't so happy to be there, but realize they didn't have a choice.

It will be quite a mix and it will be fine.  I love to watch people, and in my head I'll be making stories up about some of these moms (only the extreme ones I promise). And I'll be glad they are there.  Cuz if I had to do this all alone, I would be lonely.

Get your tummies (and wallets) ready.....here come the girlscout cookies!!!!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Ever have one of those days the alarm clock goes off and you cringe.  You want to lean over to turn it off,  but you are too tired to move.  So you put the pillow over your head and try to nod back off.  But someone has turned the volume unusually high, so it's hard to ignore.

You doze off a little and have a quick dream that somehow ended up with Mark and Brian in it.  Which is wierd, because you have never actually seen them, they are only on the radio....then it hits you....the alarm radio is still playing in the back of your head and infiltrated your dreams.....

Your nose is a little cold, so you know when you throw back the covers, you are going to be hit with ice.  This furthers your desire to stay in bed as the comforter has made your world perfect.

You hunker down  just a little bit more, determined to turn off the radio without actually moving. 

You doze off again for a brief instant....

Then like a flash, you remember what day it is, and that if you throw your schedule off by another minute, you will be late the rest of the day.  This one minute holds the key to a good day or a bad day...

Yet, your desire to move just isn't there.  You could care less and you start to rationalize that no one will die if you don't show up.

But what about the kids.....shoot.  One of them asked me to wake them up so they could finish their homework and since you aren't sure how much time she needs....you have two choices....

Get up - or let her skip school.....

Since you haven't moved at this point - it's a make or break moment.

But the blankets feel soooo good.  And you're so tired.  Just like every other morning.

You think of your cherubs little face and  you see her homework....and you throw off the blankets and let the ice hit you....

It only took 20 minutes of self negotiations, and either way, you lost...

Ever have a morning like that?

I just did.

Happy Friday

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yesterday I started off with a vengeance. I started cleaning out the kitchen and I wasn't going to stop until I was done. I am much better on my own with no distractions, but I can't help but get frustrated and talk to myself in the process. Some of my thoughts throughout the day:

-If they knew what I had to do to clean this and they had to do it, I know it wouldn't get this dirty again ever

-How did we end up with so many?

-Why does my nose have to run every time I clean?  

-Where did that hair come from?

-Who put that there?

-No wonder I couldnt find this...

-I totally get drawer liners now....

-I didn't know we had two of these

-Do we really need two of these?

-Oh money!

-This is SO gonna stay clean this time!!!

Cleaning is not my favorite thing, but contrary to popular belief I AM capable. I just don't get the opportunity very often.

Now that it is done, I have delusions of grandeur that it will stay that way. But I said it last time, too. Truth is, life gets in the way and old habits die hard.

However, I am not giving up on hope.

A girl can dream, can't she??

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wrong side? Or wrongly accused

It would appear that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

It would appear that from the folks in my family....

But I actually just woke up with a to do list in my head. It's trash day, and I need to collect trash around the house. I want to make sure it all goes out, because many times it doesn't. That is not a bad mood thing......it's just a 'to do' thing.

For some reason, my mood tends to set the tone of the house. Because as my husband assumed I was in a bad mood, he snapped into defensive mode, and at that point I realized it's best to just say nothing and keep my head down.

My house has a lot of stuff that needs done, and sometimes it gets to the feeling that it is literally crawling on me and I need to 'get it off'.

As that mood doesn't strike very often, I gotta jump on it when it does!

As I was having breakfast, I reminded my little one that she has girlscouts. She had to finish her girlscout homework, and when I asked where here sash was, all hell broke loose.

(back story here.....she is missing one of her insignia patches, because when I went to iron it on, it melted. You would have though I shot our dog, she was that upset. To date...still no patch)

She started yelling at me at how I ruined her sash and she wasn't going to wear it. I therefore gave her permission to deal with her own sash and all her own patches so she has no one to blame.

I further told her that I was offended and she hurt my feelings. She apologized at a level 8, which I didn't totally accept. And then I noticed she didn't brush her teeth again.....

Suffice it to say, our house will only be filled with fruits and vegetables for her dining delight. I am not playing this game anymore with the teeth. (Serena....your words are haunting me sooner than I thought).

Choose your battles they say. My battle with the sash is over. It is her job now.

My battle with the teeth....that's another story.

Maybe I did get up on the wrong side of the bed.......

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Costa Concordia...it must be said.....

Costa Concordia runs aground.  Passengers flee for their lives in chaos as there was never a drill done to practice this BEFORE the tragedy happens. 

So far at least 13 people lost their lives and 19 passengers are still missing.

And the cruiseline thinks a 30% discount off their "Next" cruise is a kind offering??????  What a generous offering to the SURVIVORS as they are still pulling dead bodies off the ship.  Are you kidding me???  Did they maybe want to let the dust settle a bit before presenting such an asinine offer???

I would have loved to have been in the room when that conversation went down.

You can't fix trauma or death with a 30% discount.  No matter how you try.  You couldn't even fix it with a 100% discount.  When the money starts coming OUT of their pockets to the passengers.....now were talking.......

And to make matters worse; the ship is still on its side in the water, creating haunting images I know I will never forget!!!
It's a modern day Titanic story.
My kids vowed they would never "Cruise" thanks to the Titannic.  I told them things like that don't really happen anymore, and if they did, communication is so much better, the casualty rates would likely not be that bad!  (No I didn't actually say that to my kids, but I was considering a Disney cruise at that time.)

After this, I'm guessing my kids will never see the likes of a ship.  And if they do, they will likely be driving over a bridge as it crosses under, or they will be waving from land as it sails into the sunset.

And frankly, I don't blame them.  The ship hit GROUND, right near the land.  It's the stupidest accident that could have happened.  I'm embarrassed for the captain.

It's literally one of those things that should have never happened.  I'm still scratching my head.  With todays technology where you can have sonar to see where the fish are below you; a ship couldn't have the same offering them guidance from hitting bottom?  YIKES.

I'm with the kids on this one.  I think I'll walk!

My heart goes out to all the passengers.  And even the stupid captain who will have to live with this the rest of his life.

(I'll tell you how I really feel later)
Happy Tuesday......

Monday, January 23, 2012

Movie night (for me....)

I watched a movie last night that started out slow and I found myself debating whether or not to continue.  I hate wasting time on a bad movie.

But as I was playing scrabble on my Ipad, I figured I would just wait it out.

Kind of a typical movie; Husband, wife, kids.  Wife is a medium shot building her way up to a big shot and the family has to pay the price in the meantime....

Something always has to give!  But the question was.....what's it gonna be?

Usually there is a love triangle and things get ugly.  When I watch a movie where kids are involved, I cringe a bit, because I play the fall out in my mind and wonder if I want to continue watching the movie.

But I waited it out anyway.  It was a slow building movie; and the "Tri" in the triangle was Pierce Brosnan....happy to wait this one out!

In the end, after the many broken promises to the family, the mom decides her family is most important, get this....without every breaking her vows.

Very tastefully done. 

She chose her family and made some very tough decisions and stood up for herself to her boss for the sake of saving face with her family.

It made me so happy that this movie took the high road.  I loved that all her priorities came in order and I loved how her commentary through the movie (which I didn't like at first) explained her inner thoughts.  Thoughts we all have about balance and am I doing the right thing!!!

Peoples priorities tend to get out of whack, because their ego gets so big, they forget to actually stop and look around.  They are so devoted to their inner joy,  that they forget who they are taking out in the process.

During this movie, she struggled a lot.  And it took her a while to come to her own conclusion.

Would I watch it again?? Probably not.  The point was made and I'm happy with the movie.  It gave me the perspective I needed.  I just wish more people would come to that conclusion before the damage is done.

Happy Monday

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Responsibilities! To each his own.

All day dance workshop for the girls and they are still in bed. With no concept of time, they will soon be scrambling about screaming at each other or me, doing their best to get their lunches made and breakfast eaten.

If I were a good mom, I would be making them breakfast instead of sitting here writing, but I am not.

There are certain things my kids need to be responsible for, and one thing is prepping for their day. How will they ever get a conch of time if I am doing everything for them. And yes, they have gone to school on occasion with either a small snack for lunch or no lunch at all.

When I was growing up, it was all on us. Our parents worked and couldn't be bothered to ready 5 kids. Sink or swim. I live by the same belief today.

Chris scratches his head at my hands off approach as his mother catered to his every need and sniffle. He thinks I am a meany at times and will try to step in. Notice the use of the word try....

There are times I call him Mr Fussbucket.

It's a bigger picture when your kids have to suffer consequences. Immediate response is always unpleasant but the lifelong less is the key. Give a mana fish, he eats for a day. TEACH a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.

So my cookies are now baked, the girls are moving about the house and now it's my turn to get ready.

All I need to do now, is close out my blog.

Happy Sunday

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Know your game plan

I work on the fly a lot.  My schedule can change any minute; as long as I'm willing and available.

Not all members of this family feel the same way.  Nor do they want to try to change.

Sometimes things come up and you just go for it.  This weekend I had scheduled a last minute session for headshots.  Many times headshots are more urgent than other sessions, so when it comes to scheduling, I become more flexible with headshots.  In other words, I'm more willing to dip in to family time.

The timing was fine until we heard rain was coming.  Then we had to scramble.  My client was fine waiting until next week, but I was working on pushing it sooner. 

We worked out a time for yesterday afternoon, while the girls were at dance. 

My Friday night plans were to drop Aspen at a "dance" and Avery and I would catch a movie.  We did it last week and Avery loved it.

As this client was a friend of my girls I figured they would be excited and be mindful if the plans had changed.  But as it turned out, Aspen still got to go to her dance and Avery didn't get the movies.  By the time we dropped their friend off, it was just enough time to get home get Aspen ready and drop her off. As the next movie time would have been too late; and I could sense Avery was tired, I opted out of the movie..............

but she wasn't ready to budge.

She had it in her mind that this would happen and she was extremely disappointed.  I felt really bad.  It wasn't fair to her that I had jumbled things up.

But at the same time, as an adult, I have to make decisions that aren't going to be popular with the family.   Things don't always work out as we hope. 

I stood strong in my choice, but I was well aware that Avery was the casualty of the night. 

So, I owe her a little date.

That girl gets something in her mind and it MUST happen or their is hell to be paid!!!

If I were a good mommy, I would remember that.  She has a brain like no others! 

I remember when she was 3 years old and I had to call her at my moms house (she was watching them for me) and I said, "Avery, do you remember where I put your little princess DVD player?" 
She said, "You put it up high, mommy.  In our room". 

The thing that got me was it was up there for quite a while.  But she doesn't forget.  Aspen doesn't remember what happened 5 minutes ago.  But Avery remembers everything!

So when being jumbled and forcing my schedule in a new direction, I need to remember the casualties before I make my decisions.  And for the sake of my sanity....plan just a little better.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stuck in holding pattern

This is my 3rd blog of the morning.  The other two are saved for drafts.  Apparently I am angry and I think publicly writing who I am angry at (even though I know for a fact they don't read my blog) is not the best decision at this time....because I am angry.

I can't stand being so upset.  But in short, I'm waiting for responses from said person and there is no response whatsoever, and so my issues will continue to be left unresolved until I can be in contact with this person.

In the meantime, I'm left in a holding pattern, left feeling like I don't matter and that makes me angry.

(I'm writing about it again).

I just hate being angry.

My whole being needs resolution.  I don't like holding things back (in case you haven't noticed in my blogs).

It festers inside of me until it blows and I don't like being that person.

When I have fights with friends I want them resolved.  When I have disagreements with my kids, I am not happy until they understand my perspective and me theirs. 

But life doesn't always work out that way, and sometimes you need to find resolution that is one sided. 

So, today, my goal is to work on resolution.  I need to move forward and I can't wait anymore.

Sorry to blog about something so frustrating, but while talking to my co worker last night, she really hit the nail on the head when she made me realize that I am nothing to this person. 

I can totally handle that.  I don't fit for all people.  But this one needs to get over it, because it isn't personal.

I tried not to write about it, but this is my 3rd blog of the morning and apparently, I needed to get it out!

Happy Friday!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wrapping up at the dance studio

As my 3 day shooting fest comes to a close, I am excited.  Now I get to go through the pictures and find my favorites.  With each day of shooting, many times feeling "Groundhog Day" moments (like Bill Murray in the film), I found myself seeing the same people, asking myself and them, "Did I already shoot this class?"

Then I had kids coming up to me asking if I could come and shoot pictures in their class!!  This always makes me happy!
As a photographer, there are times you feel like a pest.  When I walked into a Pilates class on Monday night, for example, the mom's (who were mixed in with the students) gave me the vulcan death stare from across the room.   I had a couple of actual threats.  To which I informed the moms, "I DO take bribes!!! I can make those picture disappear!

I'm guessing the assumption was they would look awful.  I would have cringed if a camera came into any of my classes too!  I just want to learn, I don't want to be hounded by paparrazi!!!

However, at the end of the day, my goal is to show the best of the best!  And if a mom or two falls under that category, they should be really proud of themselves as they will be displayed as the example!!!

It's not always easy taking pictures.  Things like Hip Hop and jazz are really cool, but if you are just watching and taking pictures, sometimes the dance doesn't translate.  So we had to get creative.  In one class in particular, the girls spent the whole time doing leaps for me!  It was so much fun!!  I love love love these students.  They are so amazing, and so friendly and so respectful it warms my heart.  I can't help but think this dance studio and these teachers have a lot to do with it. 

One of my favorite moments yesterday was when one of the students assigned herself as my assistant.  She walked around with me for a few hours and made sure I was where I was supposed to be, and even took some pictures, of which she was very proud!!!

In the end, she followed me to MY Tap class, and proceeded to take pictures with my camera of me and the class tapping!!  The pictures turned out really cute.   However, as I am the photographer, I have full Veto rights and so in my collage, you will not see MY face in any of the pictures.  Not that their bad, mind you....simply because I don't want to!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Joys of motherhood

This morning I heard the glorious words, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!".

It was directed right at me with a volume level of about 12.  (10 being the top of the range). 

I took a deep breath, explained that MY poor planning is not what is at fault here, it is her poor planning which made them "late" and it is most certainly NOT MY fault!!!

I explained the series of events in detail that made said child "late" (even though she had 10 minutes to go).  I explained IN DETAIL how HER choices were not the wisest, yet had she made correct choices, she would be on her way and happy as a lark.

But instead, she is standing in front of me screaming at me, and I would surmise, damning me to hell.

Ahhhh....the joys of motherhood!!!

I see people all the time, blaming their parents for their lot in life.  They are quick to point out all the bad they did, and not the good they did, or the sacrifices they made.

Being a parent is ALL ABOUT SACRIFICE!!!

You sacrifice your time - it's not yours anymore, it belongs to your children.
You sacrifice your paycheck - if the kid needs braces there goes your money....who needs a new car, right?
You sacrifice your identity.  You are no longer you....you are "their mom". 

I remember people telling me, "You don't understand...you don't have children!" 
I remember scoffing at stay at home moms thinking, "What a CUSH job that is!!!"
I remember having NO patience with any screaming kid and that if "one" ever screamed at me like "that kid" just did to his mom, I would smack them around and wash their mouth out with soap!  HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!

Yet....here I sit, with a child mere feet away from me - screaming like a grizzly bear threatening to kill - and I am calm.  I use my "inside voice" while explaining.  And there is no smacking around and there is no soap in sight.

But I hold the chips...and I'm using them.  I hold her dance future in the palm of my hand.  I hold her play dates, her costumes, her mattress all at my finger tips.  And she knows it!!!

So as I sit calmly explaining why I will not take the blame and why it is actually her fault; I am in complete control.  Then I used the words that I really hated to hear from my mother;

"You really hurt my feelings and I am so disappointed right now......"

It still works.

She left with a heavy heart as she walked to school. 

And do I feel proud of myself????

Actually....I kind of do!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sitting in classes

Yesterday I had to go around to dance classes at MV dance, and take pictures for the dance studio. For years I sat outside the glass, watching my kids learn. I never really heard what was going on on the other side. I never really gave it much thought, as I was just watching the end result.

What I found while being on the "other side" was fascinating.

Each class and each teacher brings a certain flavor to learning.

I thought learning dance was simple counts and repetition. But as with anything else, there is a history to every form of dance, certain dancers of note used in reference, and the instructors interpretation of how to deliver the information.

As I have been at this dance studio for years, it was really fun to be a fly on the wall and watch things unfold before me.

If you are going to be a serious dancer, ballet is necessary. As one teacher told me, if dance is words- ballet is the alphabet. Everything stems from that.

Now I say that, because as I sat in ballet, you can tell the dancers who are there for passion....and those who are just there to 'spell'. It isn't for everyone, but it is necessary.

As I was in lyrical class, references to ballet were present. It really is the foundation of dance. (not to mention excellent posture!)

As I watched the ballet teacher explain certain moves, he constantly gave reference to solidify his point. It was never just 'do this'. There was an explanation of how and why. I was perfectly fascinated.

As I circled to other classes, I found the same sort of thing; practical knowledge with reference and history. These kids have it good.

I find there is more reason to do something well, when you know why you are doing it.

It is clear these teachers love what they do. There is definite passion there. It is also clear that they know their history, which gives each move more weight. I would like to say their information hits home every time - really I would. But for some students, let's just say you can lead a horse to water.....

I have a couple more days of circulating classes and I am really excited. I am thankful to the teachers for letting me poke in. They have been most gracious. But I am more thankful for the knowledge. Clearly, they have a lot to offer, and I have a lot to learn.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Task Master

I recently heard the term Task master.  For some reason it resonated with me.

I often wonder why I have days that go on and nothing gets done.  And the truth is, I'm not in the mood. 

If you all know me....I'm a moody person.  No surprise there.  But what has positively followed me all my life is, if I'm not in the mood to do something....it ain't gettin' done!!!

I'm not happy about that.  It's actually an embarrassing confession.  However, if I don't put it out there, how will I ever conquer it!

I have had the pleasure of "Seers" telling me how it doesn't have to be that hard.  "All you have to do is....."  Or my favorite, "Why can't you JUST do......."

I wrote a whole blog about "Just" people.  It's so easy for them, that they can't possibly imagine how it can't be done.  It's so clear in their world.  If they simply transfer their knowledge or wisdom, "It shall be done!"

But it doesn't work that way!

Just like anything else, it takes doing it over and over and over again to make it "Just" happen!

What I realized is if I can't see it in my mind, it's a swirling ball of stuff that just floats around and I won't be able to get ahold of any of it!  But the truth is, I can't see it because I don't write it down!

There is something very powerful about writing down your goals.  When you see them, they become real.

And as I am a visual person, I realize, if I see it in writing, my mind will automatically start working on it.

So today I will start with a master list of all the things that have been floating around in my mind.  I will check them off as I go, no matter how long it takes me to get done.

As I check them off, I know I will feel a sense of accomplishment.

And for that....I can't wait!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Not a creature was stirring...not even a mouse...

It's so funny to wake up at 8am, bound out of bed because you feel like you are sleeping the day away, go out and see that you are the first up in the house.

We are usually 6:30 or 7am people.  8:00 is late. 

They say a routine is the best you can do for yourself.  Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.  Then you can wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

I'm still waiting for that refreshed feeling!

I don't think I have ever bounded out of bed with mounds of energy - EVER!

I remember years ago,  our friends got married in Alaska.  We were fortunate enough to be there, and we were fortunate enough to have a camping adventure while there. Still one of my favorite trips in my lifetime.

We were with a bunch of wedding party people, so basically, newly introduced.  We were all in the camper sleeping together and one of the girls was getting picked up, because she had to leave us all early.  She was cute with blond hair and generally a happy person.

Me, being the morning grumpalump that I am, tried to sleep through her getting up.  (I am no fun when you disturb my sleep.)  But at the same time I didn't want to be rude and I was awake, so I leaned over and said very quietly "Good morning".  When she said good morning back to me, I don't know why it still resonates with me, but it was as if she was singing it.  Like she was happy to be alive.  I don't think, to that date (or ever since) have I heard the same intonation in a morning greeting......it still freaks me out.

I guess I was shocked that anyone could be so ......pleasant first thing in the morning.

It made such an impact I remember it 15 years later!

I'm NOT that person.  Never will be.

I am tired, disoriented, have been known to bump into walls.  And no one is allowed to talk to me for the first few minutes.  Well, they can try...but they will likely get no response. 

So the fact that I am up in my house after 8am...and no one else is awake, I really want to crawl back into bed.  But I know I will just regret it.  Pajamas, bed, pillows, blankets....all my very favorite things.....

I'll just sit here and amuse myself with Facebook for a while....and hope I hear a stirring in the rest of the house soon....If not, I'll let the dogs out and they will stir it up for me!!!

Happy Sunday

There are times I wake up and I have to remember what day it is.  I am not fun when I wake up.

It's getting worse as I get older. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Girls night out

I'm up alone.  Last night was a fun night for all.  Chris got a night off, Aspen went to a "dance" (it's really bouncing around that the gym) and Avery and I had a movie night.  Just me and my little girl.

We ran late so we decided to have dinner at the theater.  Never done that before, and wasn't looking forward to it.  But the girls had dance yesterday so we started out late.

As we got to the theater, I always park in the back and away from the theater.  As soon as I got out of my car, the cops pulled in behind my car.  They didn't say a word to me. Like an animal making a kill, their eyes were fixed on something and I tried to figure out what it was.  Both cops got out and left the car running.  Stealthily, they walked toward one of the buildings, and when I looked up, my eyes got bigger.....BofA!!!  CRAP....there's a robbery or something!!!

I scooted Avery away as fast as I could (while also taking in as much as I could) and as we headed toward the theaters we realized the place was surrounded by cops.  But the interesting thing was they made no sound.  They were literally like snakes waiting for the mouse to come in it's biting range.

We took a good few minutes to get to the theater and as we heard no bullets and no one screaming, I surmised it was resolved quietly.

We ordered our tickets for "We Bought a Zoo" and went inside.  There were tons of people, but we got through to the concession stand and ordered or "crap food" for the movie.

As we sat down and I took my first bite of the hot dog, I was pleasantly surprised.  Nathan's Hot Dogs ROCK!  (and I am NOT a hot dog fan). 

The movie was really cute.  A little too serious for Avery, and the first time I started getting emotional I heard her say, "I knew it!" (cuz I always cry).  But there were just enough moments for her to laugh as well.  The cast was perfect; the little boy looked like a mini Matt Damon.  And the little girl looked like a little Avery!  (Can't go wrong with red hair and brown eyes).  She was a witty little thing too.  I wanted to keep her for myself!

After the movie we went over to the book store.  (It's a dad thing....he loved books I love them too.  Only he actually read them when he bought them...but whatever).

Avery found a few that I agreed on and we got them. 

Then we went to pick up Aspen.  She got to go to a gym that has "open hours" for play.  They call this time slot a "dance".  It's for 6th graders and older. 

When I got there to pick her up, the place was full of kids.  Most were bouncing on the equipment, but the whole place was dark with dancing lights as the only illumination.  I wouldn't have been able to find Aspen unless I whistled my "call", or grabbed every kid to see their face.  Parents lined the walls waiting to pick up (as it was closing in 5 minutes).  Thankfully Aspen's friend crossed my path and I asked her to find my child.  Aspen came running in seconds.  I was ready for a fight (which I would have let her win to stay the last 5), but she was ready to go.  She had a great time and I must say, I was a little jealous they don't have this for adults!!  :-(

We went home and snuggled in my bed.  We started watching a movie and all fell asleep.
I got to have a slumber party with my girls.  It was so awesome!

They are still sleeping now, and probably will for a while. 

Chris fell asleep downstairs (because he knew he'd been kicked out) and he's still sleeping too. 

The best part of all....I looked at our calendar to see what was up....and it's completely blank this weekend.  I'm not even sure where to start with that.

Except perhaps breakfast!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's all in the planning!

I like this weeks meeting topic.  It's about planning.

In every meeting, I have had someone who is some sort of planner.  The problem is, the things they plan are for other people.  Yet they have problems planning themselves!  No surprise there.   We are always better at taking care of others than ourselves.......

Why is that????

So many people forget to put themselves on the list.  If your kids have to be at 3 different places at one time, by golly - they'll get there.  If you have to move mountains to make it happen, it's gonna happen!

However, if we have to make serious decisions that will positively affect us.....we pause.  We himmm and hawww  and figure we'll get to it 'tomorrow'!

I have many meeting rooms full of "tomorrow" people who are trying to get there "today".  I applaud them their efforts.  But it's a daily struggle to stay on task. 

I totally get that!!!

However, if you take one skill at a time and start working with it, eventually (if you keep practicing it), it will become part of your life.

When I talk to members who are Lifetime (made goal, stay at their goal weight and weigh in every month), I ask them how planning has come into play for them. 

Their answers are all the same!
Planning is ESSENTIAL to staying on track!

So, how does one go about it??? 

Start with the END in mind!  (per Stephen Covey).

If you know where you are going, you can plan how to get there.  Just like a car ride.  You already have the trip mapped out in your head.  And if you get derailed, you change course until you get there!!!

A little planning goes a long way.  Yes, it takes more time in the beginning, but saves you loads in the end! 

And the rewards???  Well...you can figure that out!

Don't overwhelm yourself with the details...just get started!

Happy Friday!  (the 13th....bwaaahaaaahaaaa)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Power of Acknowledgement

Yesterday I was talking to a friend who felt they weren't appreciated at what they do!  My heart went out to them, because they are amazing, and well worth many many praises.  And then I wondered how this person can slip under the radar of acknowledgement from their peers.  And it occurred to me that many of the peers probably felt the exact same way!!!

I know when I am appreciative of a person,  they have no way of knowing....unless I tell them.

Acknowledgement and praise is so important on so many levels.

As an individual, we beat ourselves up.  We are always in doubt and often struggling.  Sometimes we need that praise or encouragement from an outsider to let us know we are on the right track,  because we can't see it for ourselves.

Yesterday I got really frustrated with one of  my girls.  I made a negative comment to her, which I instantly regretted.  After we were done, I praised her 10-fold, hoping to undo my negative comment.  But I doubt it worked.  My child needs to be built UP....not broken down.  A skill that I have to remind myself daily!

I bet if I asked you how old you feel inside, it would be less than your actual age!  I myself feel in my 20s, but my body tells me otherwise.

In my soul, I'm still a child.  I feel deeply, and require regular encouragement, because on most days, I'm not sure I'm cuttin' it!!!

I believe the same is true for many of us.  We feel younger than we are, and we need someone by our side to help pull us up when we are feeling down.

As a parent, I feel it is implied that my children know how I feel, so I tend to not say it as much as I should.  However, it's my job to let them know every day and every minute as if it's my last minute on earth!

When I compliment or acknowledge a good deed; I see it on their face.  I see that they are affirmed and feeling good about themselves.  If I said nothing, they would never know.

I still remember the compliments my dad gave me.  They weren't many, but they meant a lot!

We are in our own heads every second of every day.  We assume much.  But everyone knows what happens when one ASS U MEs.........

I, too, feel very unappreciated in many aspects of my life.  And I can pretty much ask any person on the street and they will say the same thing!  I WISH I WAS APPRECIATED MORE!!!!

Last week, I got a small squirrel ornament.  It was given to me out of the blue by someone who sees me 'squirrel-out' many times a day.  It was the most heartwarming and thoughtful gift ever!!!  That someone took the time to think of me in such an endearing way.  I immediately hooked it to my key chain.  I've shown it to everyone.  It makes me smile, every time I look at it. 

It really doesn't take much to acknowledge and appreciate.  But the impact is huge!

Don't assume because you smile at someone, they know how you feel.  Act as if you will die today and you need to let them know!!!  No matter how small!!!  I promise you, if it feels awkward, it will still be worth it. If not to you....to your recipient!

I could go on for days....but I think you get the point!

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sinus Shminus.....

It's hard to formulate thoughts, when you have a bunch of snot pressing up against your brain!  Yes...I said it!

But I always have something on my mind, which makes it easy to write.  Usually I just sit and start writing and things pop into my head.

Today....it's snot! 

I'm cracking myself up over here.

Aspen is home "sick" today.  I don't like leaving a middle schooler home, because the work just seems to pile up, but I will have her do her homework regardless.....

She started coughing the minute I got up.  I let everyone sleep in....because I myself didn't want to budge.

There are just some mornings you get to pull the "mom card" and use it.  If I had my choice, I would send her to school and use it on a healthy day and take them to Disneyland.  But it's funny how that just hasn't happened.

This time of year, many people are sick.  I know the flu is going around, and thankfully, we haven't caught it.  Which is interesting, because we are all in contact with so many people a day, there are a million chances to get sick.  I encountered 100ppl yesterday at work alone and at least 100 more at the dance studio.

I have an assignment next week to take pictures for dance, so I took my camera last night to get a few sample shots for lighting purposes.

It's hard to walk into a space with a camera and a bunch of students who know who you are and what you do (or in this case, are about to do).

The teacher quickly told the kids to pay no attention to me, and then did his best to carry on with class.  The class was a tap class.  And it's a good thing this guy has a loud voice, because with all the little feet that can't keep still on a wood floor....let's just say your voice needs to carry.

Sometimes as a photographer, you don't see what you caught until you go home.  As I was just going for lighting, I didn't really care what I got, I just wanted to see if the exposures would work.

As I got home and looked at the images, again, I am just looking for lighting and composition, so I'm not paying much attention to the content.  However, as my daughter is looking over my shoulder she spots her friend in the shot.  I go back to the image and we bust out laughing!!!  This girl is an actress on all levels.  She's all about the fun, and can't miss a moment to show it.

The funny thing about the picture is, the teacher was working really hard to get his point across.  He was showing foot placement and trying to give the information substance.  I was very impressed as I listened to him try to get his point across.  Unfortunately, as some of the information's quality comes with life experience that these girls don't yet have; this is what we get.....

His words will sink in eventually, I'm sure. Just not tonite

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I watched Supernanny last night.  We have it on Tivo, I watched a few episodes; it's a wonder I could sleep after that show.

They always start out the show with tyrants running around, in the form of small children.  The parents shake their heads, uncertain what to do with these little beings and they beg Jo to come and help them.

The story is always the same.....NO DISCIPLINE!!!

It might be easy to judge, (well, lets face it - it's ALWAYS easy to judge).  But what's the point?

The scenario in the show is all too familiar.  Kids running crazy and parents feeling crazy.
The kids are running their parents ragged because the kids are actually running the house.

In one of the shows, the parents had a nanny.  All three adults were inept and in way over their heads.  The nanny was a young hired gun to take care of or babysit three kids; one of which was ADHD.  Two out of the three kids were hitters (the third was too young but on their way) and the parents basically said, they had no clue how to deal with their kids.

The same thing happens in every show.  Jo establishes "The Naughty Spot" - actually USES it! and shows the parents (as well as gives them permission) to use it properly.  The parents usually need to be taught how to discipline, because many HATE to see their kids get upset when the parent wields their power!

She also teaches them to have a routine.  And finally, she teaches the parents to......wait for it....wait for it.....


It's easy to spend the day running around in your routine, but the bottom line is kids need and want our time.  If they don't get it, they act out in some form or another.

Last year when I felt like one of my kids was going astray, I looked to (what I call) The Elders (people who have raised great kids before me) and their advice was all the same (in a very calm manor), "Just keep talking to them".

They didn't say, "Spank them"  or "Buy them something".  They said, "Just keep talking to them". 

Kids have no clue why they are here on this planet, or how to behave....unless we teach them.  And if you don't teach so well with words, then leading by example is a close second. 

You can tell your kids to do right until you are blue in the face.  But if you are acting in hypocrisy and doing the opposite, they will follow your example, because they have watched you day in and day out. 

Monkey see.....Monkey do!!!!!!

As I watched this show, one of my kids was sitting quietly at the table doing her homework, while the other one quietly put herself to bed.  Both kissed goodnight before they went upstairs to bed.

I'm not saying I never need a "Jo" in my life....but I certainly don't need one today!  Because I'm not afraid to let my kids be disappointed and learn from life.  It is what it is!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sidetracked? or Derailed.....

Late last night, I started feeling a scratch in my throat.  All night long I felt it getting worse.
3am, we get a knock on the door from an already under the weather Avery to come sleep in our room.

As the night progressed, so did the scratchiness in my throat.....ughhhhhh......

And here I am this morning.  Drinking tea and honey.

Chances are it's only allergies.  And to be honest, how can I complain?  If this is all I get this year....I'm golden!  Many people are cycling the flu through their house, one at a time.

This is all just another reminder that life doesn't always go as planned.
I have known many people who plan incessantly.  They are so convinced their plans will go "as prescribed", only to have a wrench thrown into the mix, completely derailing their efforts.

Did you know that the most important plan to have is a Plan B?

As much as we'd like to plan for everything, we are not in control.  We get to have it sometimes, but overall, it's out of your hands.

I feel bad for people who are so rigid that they can't just "hang".  They are so bound by what "should" be, that they can't relax and enjoy the moment.

I'm kind of the exact opposite.  I rarely have a plan, and just kind of roll with whatever.  That doesn't always work either.  There needs to be that something in the middle where you are moving towards something, but you are ready for anything.

I travel a lot with my mom and Julie.  They take trips just like me.  A couple of weeks ago, when we were trying to get to LA in "good time", we were sidetracked by a shoe sale.  Now, that wasn't on  the plan, but if we were so rigid to get back on the road, we would have missed out on some screamin' deals.  Sometimes the journey is where we need to lay focus. 

Life doesn't always happen the way we want it to.  But it does happen.  And sometimes it turns out better.....if you let it.

Now, I'm gonna go hunker down with my cute litte sicky and sip some tea while watching a movie that I didn't plan for.

Happy Monday

Sunday, January 8, 2012

13 years of Marriage

A friend recently sent me a photo of a sign; Love is blind...but Marriage is a real eye opener!!!

Boy ain't it the truth!  Marriage isn't for sissies, I tell ya!  I think Chris and I would have traded each other in MANY times over the years!!!

So what keeps us going???

Well, I am not gonna sit here and tell you that it's been great!  But I will tell you it's been a ride...and it's been worth it.

Marriage is a funny thing.  When you marry; you pick a life partner.  That means you want them there with you through the good, the bad and the ugly. 

Within a year of our marriage, I knew I chose wisely.  We became pregnant.  And then we lost it.  At that point we weren't sure what was going on, we were both a little scared that kids weren't in the cards for us.  But thankfully, within a short period of time, we became pregnant again with Aspen. 

Shortly after that, we found out my dad was sick.  When he died, it devastated me.  Thankfully, I was there with my dad.  Within minutes of my phone call (from up north), Chris was booked on a flight to meet us.

He was never one for death, dying, funerals or "viewings".  I wasn't sure what to expect from him.  But what showed up was a big shoulder to cry on, and a pillar of support.  It made everything so much easier knowing I had someone to lean on in this horrible time of my life.  My dad had just walked us down the aisle barely a year earlier.

After the birth of Aspen, we became pregnant within the year.  And lost it again.  But we quickly became pregnant with Avery.  During the pregnancy with Avery, we discovered mold in our house and had to live in demo for nearly 8 months. 

When tragedy happens, many emotions are on your sleeve.  You are confused and doing your best to process what is going on.  You wonder how you will go forward.  If you have the wrong partner, this could go badly.

If you choose wisely, you grow with each experience.  Thankfully, Chris and I have grown.

Over the years, we have watched some of our close friends divorce.  With each divorce I was thrown, completely.  I didn't see it coming.  My heart was broken for the couples who split.  I dissected their relationships, and realized that their weaknesses were our strengths.  Communication.

Funny enough, I am usually the first to shut down and walk away.  But thanks to the tenacity of my husband, that isn't an option.  If he does one thing well, he finishes an argument. 

One thing he has in common with my dad...he can go from serious and angry to a sarcastic joker in 0-60 seconds.  We can have an all out argument.  But when its done...it's done.  And he throws in a joke.  Just like my dad used to do.  It's probably one of my favorite qualities.

We still laugh together.  We raise our kids together.  We have Sunday dinner with family. 

Over the years, we have learned that tragedy will happen.  But we don't have to let it rule our lives. 

Marriage isn't for sissies at all.  It takes a lot of work, but in the end it's worth it. 

Chris, you have taught me so much over the last 13 years.  Thank you for being my partner.  Thank you for making me laugh.  Thank you for hearing me.  Thank you for managing the small details and thank you for being a great father to our kids.   Happy Anniversary.  I love you.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The family wall

I'm up.   I don't wanna be....

On Saturdays I'm like a teenage girl.  I want to sleep in!  But I offered to help out at work for a few hours and so here I am.

I would like to say I got enough sleep, I was out way before 11 and up at 7.  That's at least 8 hours.  But my body feels like it could have used more.  Maybe 5 more minutes would have helped.

I think something hit us all last night, because as we were sitting at dinner, we all seemed to hit the wall.  Aspen was resting her head on the wall of the restaurant, Avery was fidgety, Chris had no patience for anything and I could literally feel myself fading by the second.  By the time we left the restaurant I couldn't wait to get home and get my pjs on and hunker under a blanket.

The girls went upstairs, never left their rooms and when I passed by at 9pm, the were both out.  I was IN bed by 9:30 and faded off somewhere after 10.  Very weird.

I think you just need a down day sometimes.   I know we just had "vacation" and maybe that contributed to everyone's exhaustion.  With the weeks events ended, we could finally breathe a sigh of relief.  And we all did it together.

But this morning we are all gearing back up.  The girls have an Ortho appointment, and I have to work.

This afternoon will be play time for us.  Chris will be gone and I'm going to steal them away to play.

I don't mind getting the necessary things done; but if it isn't balance with a little bit of play, then whats the point?

Happy Saturday

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ideas a'brewin'!!!!!!

I'm feeling creative juices flowing.  My mind swirls with possibilities. 

I want to do a creative photo shoot with dancers and stage makeup and an obscure background.  It would have to be on location somewhere, and as yet, I'm not sure where.

I am piecing together something fun.

I'm still finding my niche in photography.  Families, kids, and events will always be in my agenda, however, I really want to branch out. 

With my schedule, it's hard to get creative.  Creativity takes time.  For some people it's just "there".  But for me, it takes time to cultivate and brew.  Unfortunately, with my "Squirrel" mentality, it takes me longer than others.

However, I have always been attracted to theatrics.  Colors, patterns, makeup....they excite me beyond belief. 

From an early age, I played with makeup.  It was always spread on my floor in front of my wardrobe mirror.  I used to sit on the floor for hours playing with the different colors.  I guess you could say I have a knack for it. 

But last year, something kind of clicked.  I have been playing inside the box and I need to start expanding and pulling out of my comfort zone. 

And.....I need "victims".   Someone who isn't afraid to step up and play and possibly have it all fail.

I think I will be picking a date and I will start collecting my staff.  I need a makeup artist (I have one in mind, just need to see if she's available), a hair person,  a few dancers, a bunch of costumes and some assistants.

Sounds big.  Sounds intimidating.  But more importantly sounds FUN!!!!

It's been on my mind long enough that it's time I pull it out.

Yes, I'm thinking "in Blog" and you are my witness.
My point in all of this is if something has been nagging at you quietly for a long time, start thinking about it more and working towards making it happen.

No one said it would be easy.  But it would be worth it.

Happy Friday!

I'm gonna make sure this idea brews over until it's done. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tap Tap Tap.....

Talk about going out of your comfort zone....

Yesterday I did Pilates in the morning, and tap at night!

I have to say, I was coaxed into both. And I have no regrets.

I am not an idea person. I usually follow ideas planted into my brain.  Thankfully, I surround myself with a lot of gardeners!

There are times we just don't think about other possibilities.  We settle into our comfort zone, and go with it for as long as we possibly can.  Unfortunately stagnancy is a problem in our culture.

As I stood with my new tap shoes last night, all I wanted to do was make noise.  I love the tap tap tap sound that my feet make every time they move.

But as the teacher started instructing and the most basic of the moves, a shuffle step, I realized, it's not as easy as it looks.  If you move your feet back and forth, you are only rubbing the plates on the floor.  It literally takes a flick of the ankle to get that "Tap" sound.  I was floored at how frustrating this was, and I flashed back to Aspen at 3 years old learning to skip in class. 

I watched her go around the room, not quite getting it, and I realized at that time, that we literally need to "Learn" everything!!!  True; some things come naturally.  But certain movements do not.

Skipping took Aspen a while, but she was super cute as she was learning.

And I can assure you, as I stood in my tap shoes, with my tongue out of my mouth, between my teeth, lips pursed....I did NOT look as cute as Aspen did as I learned to shuffle.

Thankfully, we moved on quickly to other steps and I wasn't quite so lame.

Pretty soon, I was finding myself a bit hot under the collar, and dare I say.....sweating!!!  For what?  It wasn't like the movements were anything huge.  But the concentration level and the use of the new muscles in ways they haven't been used before did it for me!

By the end of the class, we did a little combination and we got to repeat it a few times.  With each try I was a little more confident.  And on the final try, I think my tongue was back in my mouth!

It is awkward going from a completely capable adult, to a total dependent.  But the feeling of victory is universal!  I survived my first class, and had fun in the process.  I was excited that my new tap shoes will see another day.  And I will do my best to practice the moves taught to me, so I can move forward next week. 

I'm so glad I have my 9 and 11 year olds to help me learn!  This could be a fun ride!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homework dilemma

Up at 6:40 doing homework. Not mine, mind you....

We had a meltdown last night, and one has to realize when they are at the point of no return. And we were there. It was even a meltdown getting to bed.

No one said getting back to routine would be easy!

I had to go upstairs and explain why we needed to halt the homework. And of course explain that the subject -math happens to be the weakest one in our house.

I was in my 20s before I realized how I learn. I am visual. Books mess with my mind. I literally need someone to show me, and I can succeed. But school and life don't always work that way. Sometimes you are left to fend for yourself and figure it out. And sometimes you fail.

As I sit across from my daughter, I see she has many of my traits. And I can't help but think, in many ways....she's screwed...... (sorry for the poor slang).

She is not as bad off as I was, because she has me. Someone who knows how her brain works. Yet at the same time, I am not equipped with the proper tools to help her in the way she needs to be helped....because I am her mom.

People say all the time (because I am a photographer), " you must have some amazing shots of your kids. I bet they love getting their pictures taken!". And they are shocked at my response, "Oh I hate taking pictures of my kids!". Their faces always look the same when I say that, shock and horror.

But the truth is, most photographers will tell you the same thing. Our kids respond better to strangers taking pictures than to their parents. It is a universal truth! They don't pull the same shenanigans with a stranger as they do with mom and dad.

Well, it's the same with homework. My child has no reservation melting down and showing every ounce of frustration in her body. Lucky me!

And to be honest, I am lucky. If I didn't see where she struggled, I wouldn't realize how much she needs my help.

Last night she needed my help demanding that she go to bed. Enough was enough. And as I sit here this early morning, supporting her as she does her homework, I know last night was the right decision, because she is sitting across from me working effortlessly, without an ounce of emotion. She is well rested.

Sometimes, mama knows best.

Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Alarming awakening....

Nothing like getting woken up at 5:30am to a weird smell in the house. 

I was sleeping soundly, and all of a sudden I see Chris at the door looking around.  I didn't know what time it was - just that I shouldn't be up just yet!  I asked him what was up and he said, "Something is burning".  So we ran through the house in a bit of a panic.  The alarms weren't going off, so I was thinking gas leak (even though we have carbon monoxide detectors).

Turns out our DVR couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide.  We are sad.  It will be missed.  And WE will live to see another day!!!

It's always hard to go back to sleep when you have to be awake in an hour.  Your sleep is never the same and you wake up groggier than you were an hour earlier.

I would like to say we all bounced out of  bed in anticipation of our regular routine schedules.  However, the best I can say is we are up!

Avery is usually always first.  She can't wait to get to her day.  It's like there is a party out in the world and it can't start until she arrives.   She loves her friends and definitely thrives on the social aspect of life!!!

Aspen is a little more introspective.  She knows she will get there when she gets there and she will evaluate the situation when she does.  She's not going to worry about it before and she isn't going to dwell on it afterwards.  (Just like her daddy!!!)

It's funny how you can snap back into your routine.  The last few weeks have been an amazing and wonderful time (well, for me anyways).  I actually took a few days off (completely) and enjoyed the day.

It's hard letting go, but it's hard getting back into it.

But I'm excited to get to work and be back on a structured schedule!
Hopefully, you all are feeling the same!

Happy Monday! (Well, Tuesday.... :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Settling back to reality

Well, this is the last day (for a while) that I get to sleep in.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my days off.  I really took a step back this holiday and appreciated at bit more family time and pulled myself away from the computer.

I learned a few things......

Initially, pulling away from the computer was inconvenient.  It wasn't my intention.  However, with all the Tech-NOT-ogy I am surrounded by; the decision was made for me and I had to roll with it.  And I realized that it is really easy to "hide" from the world when you have an Iphone/Ipad to keep you busy.

We are turning into a shut in world with all this stuff. 

A few weeks ago, I got picked up on at Starbucks.  At first I thought, "Wow...I must be looking hot or something!"  And I took the compliment.  However, in looking back, at the time "said guy" was walking past me and I smiled at him, I think I was literally the only one NOT buried in my electronic business!!  And as he passed again, I smiled, yet again...because my phone was tucked in my purse. 

I giggle sometimes when I watch people in public places.  You can almost see the transition of "oh wow...I'm so vulnerable sitting here doing nothing, I think I will pull out my phone and dawdle while I wait for something else to happen!" 

With the invention of the Internet, I think we have become increasingly paranoid and therefore look a people as "potential" threats.  Not literally.  But I do believe we are losing the ability to simply smile and say hi!!!

I love to smile and say hi to people on the street.  I like to meet their eyes and see what they are about.  You can tell a lot by looking at someones face.  If they have had a hard life, it is worn and tired.  If they are happy, it is bright and cheery, fewer lines on the face.

I am enthralled with how our lives become so apparent on our skin.  I love to examine it and make stories about people and what their lives have done to them to bring them to this point.

We are an interesting lot.  We all have a story.  Some are more interesting than others.

As we settle back into our routines this year, take the time and put down your phone.  Look around and connect.  It just takes a second.  And it is a very good practice!!!

And who knows.... maybe someone will pick up on you!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year (ya didn't see THAT one coming, did you?)

Well, it's about 1pm.  I'm still in my pjs just now sipping on a cold cup of Starbucks, because I just couldn't get to it until now.......you can surmise why, I guess......

Tis a new year.

Tis a new chance for a new beginning.

What are you going to do about it????

I've recently talked about chunking it down, but I really want to focus on levels of expectation.  It seems every year we start out hoping it's better than the next.  And more often than not, it's exactly the same or worse than we had hoped.


So my question is "Why?"

What are we doing every year that we actually miss the mark?  Are you actually working your expectations, or just hoping they will fall into your lap?

I work in a job where there are people who hope to see things happen and those who make it happen.

And whether it's in losing weight, getting a job, making your job better, or aspiring for greater things, it all comes down to one thing.....a GOAL!!!!

Most people make resolutions.  Here's the definition of a Resolution: a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.

Now here's the definition of a Goal: the end toward which effort is directed .

A resolution is vague, at best!  A goal actually pulls you toward it!!!

There are big goals and little goals.  There is reality and there is hope.  If you are realistic about your goals, you make steps to get to the top.  If you resolve to get there (Resolution), you can hang out if you wish.  But if you have a GOAL to get to the top, the momentum will eventually pull your towards it as long as you are working in that direction.  Literally, your every effort and decision must be based on that goal!

When you go to college, you expect to be there at least 4 years.  The map is laid out for you based on your desired degree.  It's been done for so many centuries, it's rote.  No one things about that being a goal.  It just is.

But if you aspire to something that is not laid out, how do you go about it???  Start with the end in mind.  And go backwards until you have mapped out the beginning, middle and end.   Small goals in between will pull you in the right direction, and in the end, you will be were you want to be!!!

It's that simple!  But there's a hitch......are you ready???

It has to mean something to you!

I always talk to my members about the bridal goal.  When a girl gets married and she buys a dress that is too small, there is no other option than to lose the weight by a certain date.  And since she wants to look beautiful, she WILL do it!!!  That is a bridal goal. 

Most of us can't find that kind of inner motivation, so we have to take really small steps to get there.  And sometimes we have to readjust our goals, which is okay!

But having an actual goal will give weight and consequence to your every decision.  So a goal is a must!

So if this year didn't go as well as the last few that you wanted....then take a look and see what you would change.  Then make a GOAL and get moving.....

However, if you are feeling a little lazy like myself today.....you can resolve to do it later!!!

Happy New Year!!!  Make it a great one!!!