Monday, January 16, 2012

Task Master

I recently heard the term Task master.  For some reason it resonated with me.

I often wonder why I have days that go on and nothing gets done.  And the truth is, I'm not in the mood. 

If you all know me....I'm a moody person.  No surprise there.  But what has positively followed me all my life is, if I'm not in the mood to do ain't gettin' done!!!

I'm not happy about that.  It's actually an embarrassing confession.  However, if I don't put it out there, how will I ever conquer it!

I have had the pleasure of "Seers" telling me how it doesn't have to be that hard.  "All you have to do is....."  Or my favorite, "Why can't you JUST do......."

I wrote a whole blog about "Just" people.  It's so easy for them, that they can't possibly imagine how it can't be done.  It's so clear in their world.  If they simply transfer their knowledge or wisdom, "It shall be done!"

But it doesn't work that way!

Just like anything else, it takes doing it over and over and over again to make it "Just" happen!

What I realized is if I can't see it in my mind, it's a swirling ball of stuff that just floats around and I won't be able to get ahold of any of it!  But the truth is, I can't see it because I don't write it down!

There is something very powerful about writing down your goals.  When you see them, they become real.

And as I am a visual person, I realize, if I see it in writing, my mind will automatically start working on it.

So today I will start with a master list of all the things that have been floating around in my mind.  I will check them off as I go, no matter how long it takes me to get done.

As I check them off, I know I will feel a sense of accomplishment.

And for that....I can't wait!

Happy Monday!

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