Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Power of Acknowledgement

Yesterday I was talking to a friend who felt they weren't appreciated at what they do!  My heart went out to them, because they are amazing, and well worth many many praises.  And then I wondered how this person can slip under the radar of acknowledgement from their peers.  And it occurred to me that many of the peers probably felt the exact same way!!!

I know when I am appreciative of a person,  they have no way of knowing....unless I tell them.

Acknowledgement and praise is so important on so many levels.

As an individual, we beat ourselves up.  We are always in doubt and often struggling.  Sometimes we need that praise or encouragement from an outsider to let us know we are on the right track,  because we can't see it for ourselves.

Yesterday I got really frustrated with one of  my girls.  I made a negative comment to her, which I instantly regretted.  After we were done, I praised her 10-fold, hoping to undo my negative comment.  But I doubt it worked.  My child needs to be built UP....not broken down.  A skill that I have to remind myself daily!

I bet if I asked you how old you feel inside, it would be less than your actual age!  I myself feel in my 20s, but my body tells me otherwise.

In my soul, I'm still a child.  I feel deeply, and require regular encouragement, because on most days, I'm not sure I'm cuttin' it!!!

I believe the same is true for many of us.  We feel younger than we are, and we need someone by our side to help pull us up when we are feeling down.

As a parent, I feel it is implied that my children know how I feel, so I tend to not say it as much as I should.  However, it's my job to let them know every day and every minute as if it's my last minute on earth!

When I compliment or acknowledge a good deed; I see it on their face.  I see that they are affirmed and feeling good about themselves.  If I said nothing, they would never know.

I still remember the compliments my dad gave me.  They weren't many, but they meant a lot!

We are in our own heads every second of every day.  We assume much.  But everyone knows what happens when one ASS U MEs.........

I, too, feel very unappreciated in many aspects of my life.  And I can pretty much ask any person on the street and they will say the same thing!  I WISH I WAS APPRECIATED MORE!!!!

Last week, I got a small squirrel ornament.  It was given to me out of the blue by someone who sees me 'squirrel-out' many times a day.  It was the most heartwarming and thoughtful gift ever!!!  That someone took the time to think of me in such an endearing way.  I immediately hooked it to my key chain.  I've shown it to everyone.  It makes me smile, every time I look at it. 

It really doesn't take much to acknowledge and appreciate.  But the impact is huge!

Don't assume because you smile at someone, they know how you feel.  Act as if you will die today and you need to let them know!!!  No matter how small!!!  I promise you, if it feels awkward, it will still be worth it. If not to your recipient!

I could go on for days....but I think you get the point!

Happy Thursday

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