Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Costa Concordia...it must be said.....

Costa Concordia runs aground.  Passengers flee for their lives in chaos as there was never a drill done to practice this BEFORE the tragedy happens. 

So far at least 13 people lost their lives and 19 passengers are still missing.

And the cruiseline thinks a 30% discount off their "Next" cruise is a kind offering??????  What a generous offering to the SURVIVORS as they are still pulling dead bodies off the ship.  Are you kidding me???  Did they maybe want to let the dust settle a bit before presenting such an asinine offer???

I would have loved to have been in the room when that conversation went down.

You can't fix trauma or death with a 30% discount.  No matter how you try.  You couldn't even fix it with a 100% discount.  When the money starts coming OUT of their pockets to the passengers.....now were talking.......

And to make matters worse; the ship is still on its side in the water, creating haunting images I know I will never forget!!!
It's a modern day Titanic story.
My kids vowed they would never "Cruise" thanks to the Titannic.  I told them things like that don't really happen anymore, and if they did, communication is so much better, the casualty rates would likely not be that bad!  (No I didn't actually say that to my kids, but I was considering a Disney cruise at that time.)

After this, I'm guessing my kids will never see the likes of a ship.  And if they do, they will likely be driving over a bridge as it crosses under, or they will be waving from land as it sails into the sunset.

And frankly, I don't blame them.  The ship hit GROUND, right near the land.  It's the stupidest accident that could have happened.  I'm embarrassed for the captain.

It's literally one of those things that should have never happened.  I'm still scratching my head.  With todays technology where you can have sonar to see where the fish are below you; a ship couldn't have the same offering them guidance from hitting bottom?  YIKES.

I'm with the kids on this one.  I think I'll walk!

My heart goes out to all the passengers.  And even the stupid captain who will have to live with this the rest of his life.

(I'll tell you how I really feel later)
Happy Tuesday......

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