Saturday, January 28, 2012

Nom Nom.....

Well well well......
Today is going to be a FUN DAY!!!

Starting it off with the vet. Our little munchkin dog (well, how little can she be when her nickname is "Fat Dog") ripper her dew claw.  It's that funny little claw that hangs right above where our anklebone would be.

Not a great way to start the day!

Today is also cookie delivery for girlscouts.  I'm going to the Mega delivery to help load boxes into cars.  Fun stuff, let me tell you!!!

Last year I had a few friends to do it with, so it was fun.  Today...I get to meet new friends.  It's all good, right?

Well.....I guess we'll see! 

This is where the clash of the personalities can come into play.  Some people are really quick and they do things their own way (what they call the "Right" way).  And then there are others like me, who go with the flow and do what their told.

I don't like to have an opinion at these things, I just want to know what to do, and get it done.

I have been that way all my life.  I was volunteered for this position today, because the people in my life know I won't usually jump in, but I will do it if I'm told.  I have no problem with this,  I surround myself with these people so they will protect me from looking like a total non-participant!

I guess I'm what one would call "A Follower". 

My sister is a leader.  She walks in, takes charge and gets the sh*t done.  I will follow her around and let her direct me.

It takes all types in the world.  If we were all the same, it would be so boring. 

I know today, there will be moms who live and die by the girl scout law.  Who will do anything for their kids and are present in every moment of there days.  There will be moms who are fun-loving and easy going.  There will be moms who aren't so happy to be there, but realize they didn't have a choice.

It will be quite a mix and it will be fine.  I love to watch people, and in my head I'll be making stories up about some of these moms (only the extreme ones I promise). And I'll be glad they are there.  Cuz if I had to do this all alone, I would be lonely.

Get your tummies (and wallets) come the girlscout cookies!!!!

Happy Saturday!

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