Monday, January 9, 2012

Sidetracked? or Derailed.....

Late last night, I started feeling a scratch in my throat.  All night long I felt it getting worse.
3am, we get a knock on the door from an already under the weather Avery to come sleep in our room.

As the night progressed, so did the scratchiness in my throat.....ughhhhhh......

And here I am this morning.  Drinking tea and honey.

Chances are it's only allergies.  And to be honest, how can I complain?  If this is all I get this year....I'm golden!  Many people are cycling the flu through their house, one at a time.

This is all just another reminder that life doesn't always go as planned.
I have known many people who plan incessantly.  They are so convinced their plans will go "as prescribed", only to have a wrench thrown into the mix, completely derailing their efforts.

Did you know that the most important plan to have is a Plan B?

As much as we'd like to plan for everything, we are not in control.  We get to have it sometimes, but overall, it's out of your hands.

I feel bad for people who are so rigid that they can't just "hang".  They are so bound by what "should" be, that they can't relax and enjoy the moment.

I'm kind of the exact opposite.  I rarely have a plan, and just kind of roll with whatever.  That doesn't always work either.  There needs to be that something in the middle where you are moving towards something, but you are ready for anything.

I travel a lot with my mom and Julie.  They take trips just like me.  A couple of weeks ago, when we were trying to get to LA in "good time", we were sidetracked by a shoe sale.  Now, that wasn't on  the plan, but if we were so rigid to get back on the road, we would have missed out on some screamin' deals.  Sometimes the journey is where we need to lay focus. 

Life doesn't always happen the way we want it to.  But it does happen.  And sometimes it turns out better.....if you let it.

Now, I'm gonna go hunker down with my cute litte sicky and sip some tea while watching a movie that I didn't plan for.

Happy Monday

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