Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Joys of motherhood

This morning I heard the glorious words, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!".

It was directed right at me with a volume level of about 12.  (10 being the top of the range). 

I took a deep breath, explained that MY poor planning is not what is at fault here, it is her poor planning which made them "late" and it is most certainly NOT MY fault!!!

I explained the series of events in detail that made said child "late" (even though she had 10 minutes to go).  I explained IN DETAIL how HER choices were not the wisest, yet had she made correct choices, she would be on her way and happy as a lark.

But instead, she is standing in front of me screaming at me, and I would surmise, damning me to hell.

Ahhhh....the joys of motherhood!!!

I see people all the time, blaming their parents for their lot in life.  They are quick to point out all the bad they did, and not the good they did, or the sacrifices they made.

Being a parent is ALL ABOUT SACRIFICE!!!

You sacrifice your time - it's not yours anymore, it belongs to your children.
You sacrifice your paycheck - if the kid needs braces there goes your money....who needs a new car, right?
You sacrifice your identity.  You are no longer are "their mom". 

I remember people telling me, "You don't don't have children!" 
I remember scoffing at stay at home moms thinking, "What a CUSH job that is!!!"
I remember having NO patience with any screaming kid and that if "one" ever screamed at me like "that kid" just did to his mom, I would smack them around and wash their mouth out with soap!  HOW DARE THEY!!!!!! I sit, with a child mere feet away from me - screaming like a grizzly bear threatening to kill - and I am calm.  I use my "inside voice" while explaining.  And there is no smacking around and there is no soap in sight.

But I hold the chips...and I'm using them.  I hold her dance future in the palm of my hand.  I hold her play dates, her costumes, her mattress all at my finger tips.  And she knows it!!!

So as I sit calmly explaining why I will not take the blame and why it is actually her fault; I am in complete control.  Then I used the words that I really hated to hear from my mother;

"You really hurt my feelings and I am so disappointed right now......"

It still works.

She left with a heavy heart as she walked to school. 

And do I feel proud of myself????

Actually....I kind of do!

Happy Wednesday!

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