Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homework dilemma

Up at 6:40 doing homework. Not mine, mind you....

We had a meltdown last night, and one has to realize when they are at the point of no return. And we were there. It was even a meltdown getting to bed.

No one said getting back to routine would be easy!

I had to go upstairs and explain why we needed to halt the homework. And of course explain that the subject -math happens to be the weakest one in our house.

I was in my 20s before I realized how I learn. I am visual. Books mess with my mind. I literally need someone to show me, and I can succeed. But school and life don't always work that way. Sometimes you are left to fend for yourself and figure it out. And sometimes you fail.

As I sit across from my daughter, I see she has many of my traits. And I can't help but think, in many ways....she's screwed...... (sorry for the poor slang).

She is not as bad off as I was, because she has me. Someone who knows how her brain works. Yet at the same time, I am not equipped with the proper tools to help her in the way she needs to be helped....because I am her mom.

People say all the time (because I am a photographer), " you must have some amazing shots of your kids. I bet they love getting their pictures taken!". And they are shocked at my response, "Oh I hate taking pictures of my kids!". Their faces always look the same when I say that, shock and horror.

But the truth is, most photographers will tell you the same thing. Our kids respond better to strangers taking pictures than to their parents. It is a universal truth! They don't pull the same shenanigans with a stranger as they do with mom and dad.

Well, it's the same with homework. My child has no reservation melting down and showing every ounce of frustration in her body. Lucky me!

And to be honest, I am lucky. If I didn't see where she struggled, I wouldn't realize how much she needs my help.

Last night she needed my help demanding that she go to bed. Enough was enough. And as I sit here this early morning, supporting her as she does her homework, I know last night was the right decision, because she is sitting across from me working effortlessly, without an ounce of emotion. She is well rested.

Sometimes, mama knows best.

Happy Wednesday.

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