Sunday, January 15, 2012

Not a creature was stirring...not even a mouse...

It's so funny to wake up at 8am, bound out of bed because you feel like you are sleeping the day away, go out and see that you are the first up in the house.

We are usually 6:30 or 7am people.  8:00 is late. 

They say a routine is the best you can do for yourself.  Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.  Then you can wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

I'm still waiting for that refreshed feeling!

I don't think I have ever bounded out of bed with mounds of energy - EVER!

I remember years ago,  our friends got married in Alaska.  We were fortunate enough to be there, and we were fortunate enough to have a camping adventure while there. Still one of my favorite trips in my lifetime.

We were with a bunch of wedding party people, so basically, newly introduced.  We were all in the camper sleeping together and one of the girls was getting picked up, because she had to leave us all early.  She was cute with blond hair and generally a happy person.

Me, being the morning grumpalump that I am, tried to sleep through her getting up.  (I am no fun when you disturb my sleep.)  But at the same time I didn't want to be rude and I was awake, so I leaned over and said very quietly "Good morning".  When she said good morning back to me, I don't know why it still resonates with me, but it was as if she was singing it.  Like she was happy to be alive.  I don't think, to that date (or ever since) have I heard the same intonation in a morning still freaks me out.

I guess I was shocked that anyone could be so ......pleasant first thing in the morning.

It made such an impact I remember it 15 years later!

I'm NOT that person.  Never will be.

I am tired, disoriented, have been known to bump into walls.  And no one is allowed to talk to me for the first few minutes.  Well, they can try...but they will likely get no response. 

So the fact that I am up in my house after 8am...and no one else is awake, I really want to crawl back into bed.  But I know I will just regret it.  Pajamas, bed, pillows, blankets....all my very favorite things.....

I'll just sit here and amuse myself with Facebook for a while....and hope I hear a stirring in the rest of the house soon....If not, I'll let the dogs out and they will stir it up for me!!!

Happy Sunday

There are times I wake up and I have to remember what day it is.  I am not fun when I wake up.

It's getting worse as I get older. 

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