Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I watched Supernanny last night.  We have it on Tivo, I watched a few episodes; it's a wonder I could sleep after that show.

They always start out the show with tyrants running around, in the form of small children.  The parents shake their heads, uncertain what to do with these little beings and they beg Jo to come and help them.

The story is always the same.....NO DISCIPLINE!!!

It might be easy to judge, (well, lets face it - it's ALWAYS easy to judge).  But what's the point?

The scenario in the show is all too familiar.  Kids running crazy and parents feeling crazy.
The kids are running their parents ragged because the kids are actually running the house.

In one of the shows, the parents had a nanny.  All three adults were inept and in way over their heads.  The nanny was a young hired gun to take care of or babysit three kids; one of which was ADHD.  Two out of the three kids were hitters (the third was too young but on their way) and the parents basically said, they had no clue how to deal with their kids.

The same thing happens in every show.  Jo establishes "The Naughty Spot" - actually USES it! and shows the parents (as well as gives them permission) to use it properly.  The parents usually need to be taught how to discipline, because many HATE to see their kids get upset when the parent wields their power!

She also teaches them to have a routine.  And finally, she teaches the parents to......wait for it....wait for it.....


It's easy to spend the day running around in your routine, but the bottom line is kids need and want our time.  If they don't get it, they act out in some form or another.

Last year when I felt like one of my kids was going astray, I looked to (what I call) The Elders (people who have raised great kids before me) and their advice was all the same (in a very calm manor), "Just keep talking to them".

They didn't say, "Spank them"  or "Buy them something".  They said, "Just keep talking to them". 

Kids have no clue why they are here on this planet, or how to behave....unless we teach them.  And if you don't teach so well with words, then leading by example is a close second. 

You can tell your kids to do right until you are blue in the face.  But if you are acting in hypocrisy and doing the opposite, they will follow your example, because they have watched you day in and day out. 

Monkey see.....Monkey do!!!!!!

As I watched this show, one of my kids was sitting quietly at the table doing her homework, while the other one quietly put herself to bed.  Both kissed goodnight before they went upstairs to bed.

I'm not saying I never need a "Jo" in my life....but I certainly don't need one today!  Because I'm not afraid to let my kids be disappointed and learn from life.  It is what it is!!!

Happy Tuesday!

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