Sunday, March 25, 2012

The process of overachieving......

I'm late again today, just like yesterday!!  It's amazing how quickly time gets away from me these days...

I have been working really hard on my offering for a bridal shower, and of course, it's taking me longer than I thought.  Why? you ask?  Well....because I can't do it simple.  I have to complicate every aspect of it and make it harder than it should be.

Why?  you ask again?  Because I am an emotional overthinker.  This is my cross to bear!!!

What are you talking about?  (you ask, yet again....)

Well, I'll tell you. 

This is what happens to me when more often than I care to admit.

Enter; Bridal shower.

The bride is a super special girl.  I'm so excited for her that I want her events to be perfect.  So when asked  if I can bring something, I immediately offered up desserts.  Cupcakes, of course.

I hit Pinterest right away, because buying cupcakes is so cliche.  I want my blood sweat and tears on this, so here I go. 

I found a recipe for Lemon Blueberry cupcakes.  Looks divine, so I make a tester batch and pass them around to anyone who will eat them.  All thumbs up!!  Even hubby ate a couple of them, and he avoids my baking like a cat avoids a bath.

So, I'm now super -even more - excited, because I got a resounding 100% thumbs up.  However....(insert emotional overthinking), my girlfriend told me, "I'm not really a lemon person......." 

....hmmmm........(I start thinking to myself...)  I should definitely bring TWO flavors to the party!!!  And just like that folks, my job got over complicated!!!

Now, it's not that big a deal, because I decided that since the lemon blueberry muffins will be made from scratch, I will just get a box cake mix for the chocolate and call it a day.  (I was very proud of myself at this point, because I CAN make chocolate cake from scratch....I just didn't want to).

While starting the process for the Lemon Blueberry cupcakes, I started thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to vary the desserts (insert more overthinking here).  So, instead of all cupcakes (which would be a snap!), I decide to make......wait for it.......CAKE POPS!!!  I mean WHO DOESN'T LOVE FOOD ON A STICK?????  I'll be the HIT OF THE PARTY!!!!!  (endorphins and adrenaline are on FIRE at this point!)
But stupid round cakepops won't do, so let's try something we've NEVER done before and go with the theme of the party which is love and make HEART cake pops!!!! 

I have a cute little heart mold, I just have to get lollipop sticks, baggies and a "tree" to display them all......

Now....I bake.  The cakes come out lovely, I'm ready to get started on the "pretty" process.

Since I didn't want to slop the icing on, I decided to use my decorating skills (which are perfect in my mind) and pipe on the icing for the lemon blueberry cupcakes.  No problem there.  Very happy with my results.

The "Fun" comes with the overachieving cake pops. 

The process goes something like this; bake the cake, crumble up the cake, add frosting to make the cakepops stick together, freeze them for a few, put a stick in them, melt chocolate, dip the cake pops in chocolate, let them set and then drizzle with white chocolate!!   (Cupcakes would have been done at this point.....)

But what happened was, since I decided to do the heart ones, it didn't go as "smooth" as the normal cake pops do.  A few variables I didn't think of, "Is the size of the heart good enough and will it work with the width of the stick and will they hold up etc....."  (Dry runs are strongly encouraged!!!)

In the end, I finished everything. took longer than I thought, and NO.....I certainly don't regret it.  I want my bride to know how much I adore her and this meant a lot to me to give her a beautiful presentation.  This is a woman who gives so much to so many, that she deserves every ounce of blood sweat and tears I can give her!!!

I did a dry run on the tree.  Gotta make sure that lollipop tree stays balanced.  One wrong pick from the wrong side and it all comes tumbling down.  But I'm confident that it will all be just fine!!!

The only problem is.....Because I decided to overachieve I didn't take one variable into account....Time ran out before I could take care of this......

But lets look at the bright I have something to do when I get home......

Happy Sunday!

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