Sunday, April 29, 2012

Up until 2am

Up until 2am.  At 43 it's not as easy as it was at 23, that's for sure.  But 6 hours of sleep to recover?  Good luck getting through the day.  Especially my day!  I have a 10am family session followed by a 2 hour celebrations meeting followed by dance followed by dinner.  Try that on 6 hours of sleep!

I am NOT....I repeat NOT complaining.  I just can't believe how much I push myself sometimes.  I'm such a nut!!

The day is actually starting out on the right foot; it's overcast.  Perfect for shooting as it alleviates the harsh shadows of direct sunlight.  I just hope the clouds hang in there for another 2 hours. 

I am excited to see my 10am family.  I haven't seen them in way too long, and I can't wait to see their growing baby boy.  It astounds me how fast time is going, I want to eat up every minute!

I'm dually excited to see my friend in a "mom" roll.  I just wish I had more time to spend with them than just this morning as it's too much time in between visits!

But my day is booked; rather squished together, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I have been working harder on being more efficient with my time.  Yesterday, I started working on Avery's renaissance costume.  Not bad given I have only a week to finish it!  (OY).  Julie came over and we muddled through the directions (both scratching our heads at times, because we are NOT seamstresses).  But working together, I realized, where I fall short, is her strength and she can figure out the details while I figure out the general stuff.  We really make a great team.

We needed Avery's body there to help us figure out the sizing and Avery wasn't available, so we had to stop.  But I decided I would bring the pattern to Terrilynn's house so she could pick up where Julie left off.

Now with this costume and our approach; the difference between me and Julie and Terrilynn is this: I fly by the seat of my pants, but I have tons of doubts along the way, so I check myself.   Julie follows the directions and reads them over and over again to make sure she is on target.  Terrilynn just grabs and goes without question and it will get done with a kid or not, because she can eyeball it in her mind!!!

At 2am last night as we were sitting at the table chatting, Terrilynn is pinning the zipper into place on the bodice.  The ZIPPER!!  I was saving that until last, because zippers scare the hell out of me!!!  But to her, it's a done deal.  And to be honest, I was hoping we could do this with Avery to make sure it would all fit her.  But something tells me when Avery wakes up this morning that bodice will be sewn and ready to go for Avery to wear.  Geez Louise, I wish I had TL's talent!!!!

Anyway, I still have the rest of the costume to put together, and I have my skirts I will need to sew.  So, our Sunday night dinner will be accompanied by a sewing machine.  And my mom doesn't know it yet (unless she is reading this now), but she's gonna be co-seamstress tonite!!!  (IF she shows up after reading this).

Another busy week ahead, but a good week indeed.  Hopefully, I will catch a nap in there somewhere today.  Just not sure where. 

Happy Sunday!

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