Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To Review, or not to Review.....

I don't remember the last time I went to a movie based on the Critics Reviews. 
Yet I still look to see what they are saying....

Yesterday, I wanted to take the girls to see a movie.  But in fine fashion, there are VERY FEW choices that are PG. 

I looked and found Mirror Mirror with Julia Roberts.  I wanted to see that one, so I was kind of excited.  The girls were on board as well.

I started looking up times, and quickly noticed this movie got PANNED!!  Not only by critics, but the audience as well.  There were either 1 star or 5 stars; not much in between.  I started getting nervous.
Because when you are paying for a lot of bad movies, and movies aren't cheap, you get a little stingy.

However, I had already promised the girls and the time was set so it was a go.

When we got there, I was a little down.  I really let these reviews get to me.  My expectations were really low.

As we sat down in the movie theater, the movie started.  The first few minutes I had one eye closed.  And with each minute that didn't suck, I got a little more hopeful.

Halfway through the movie, I asked the girls if they had to go to the bathroom.  Aspen said yes, but she didn't want to miss any of the movie.  THAT is a good sign.  So we stayed put.

In the end, we all (me, Aspen, Avery and Julie) LOVED the movie!!  I could easily sit and watch it again and again!!!  But then again, I'm not a critic.

I realized many things watching the movie; First of all - NO ONE knows what I like better than me!  The critics don't know and the audience doesn't know.
Second of all, it isn't just about the movie to me.  Yes, that is a huge part, but I loved the costumes, the actors, the whimsy to offset the darkness.  It all came together perfectly for me.  (The dresses were nothing short of amazing!).  I was even staring at the dwarfs attire; intrigued by it all!
Third......there is something to be said for going into a movie with exceedingly low expectations!!!  I highly recommend it.

I remember years ago, I was going to see Forest Gump. I had heard SOOOOOO much about the movie, it was bound to be the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!   And it was (and still is) a great movie!  However, my expectations were SO high....that not even Gone with the Wind would have won my heart!

The lesson here is don't listen to critics, because nobody knows you like you!!!

I also think Critics are totally jaded, because they have seen so many movies, that the next big thing has to be so big, it could honestly never measure up to anything in the world.   And critics have to criticize every last angle of a movie until it's beat into the ground!

As for the audience reviews; I could totally see where they are coming from on their reviews, and I couldn't agree or disagree.  That is their opinion.

But nobody has my opinion.  And my opinion was the movie was perfect.....FOR ME!  I loved that it wasn't the traditional story.  I loved the twists.  I loved the costumes....and I loved the ending.

Would love to know your opinion if you see it!!!

Happy Tuesday!

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