Sunday, April 22, 2012

Okay, I think I can admit it now; I'm one of those crotchety old people who don't like change!!

I have logged onto blogger for the last few days and it's taken me to this weird page.  Turns out it's the new layout!  DUDE......REALLY????  I just got used to the old one??

Facebook is the same way.  It keeps changing and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. 

My brain needs an OBSCENE amount of information before it can put something together or make sense of it.  It's really bothersome.

I almost got fired once, because I couldn't put all the pieces of my job together.  It turned out that I was trained poorly, and the necessary pieces were crucial for my brain to make it all work.  Before I left that job, they had ME training the new people.  When I get it....I GET it!!!  It's just a really slow process getting there!

I always laugh at my friend who is truely getting crotchety.  I guess as we get older, we get settled in our ways.  And whether it's a groove or a rut, it is what it is and when it changes it sets off a stroke-like reaction in our brains and we can't handle it.

So, when does this happen to us???  And why is it we become less open to change?

I do love trying new things, don't get me wrong.  But when I go onto my Blogger dashboard, and the colors, and layout and icons have changed....well, I need answers!!!  I almost didn't blog today, because I was a little miffed!

But I got over myself, watched the tutorial, realized I hadn't done anything; it was done to me.....and I am pressing forward for the greater good of all!!!  (LOL)

I find it funny that I'm at this place in my life!  Not funny ha ha.....but funny, "how did I get here?"...........

When you get to my age funny isn't always ha ha.  And the stuff that isn't funny (like your kid running into a screen door), becomes hysterical!  It's sick, I tell ya!!!

But what are you gonna do about it, right??  I'm aware of it, and I try to keep my reaction to a minimum.  Nothing more I can say on that!!!!

Change in and of itself is usually good...... a little warning would usually be nice.

That's all I'm saying!

Happy Sunday!

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