Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life getting in the way????

What are you willing to settle for???

We all have wants in life.  And as we get older, we let many of them go.  I talked about this a little bit last week. 

But I can't help but wonder why do we let our true wants go for the sake of age, life getting in the way, or lack of beliefs.

We all do it on some level, but most of us just take it for "rote" in life.  It is what it is.

We all deserve the BEST!  But we end up with what we get, which in the end is what we believe we deserve, and therefore.....settle.

Let's take marriage as an example.  You get married because you have high hopes.  You want to be together "forever" and your life will be fabulous because you said "I Do".......right???

Okay, so lets fast forward a bit. It's been a year;  you have kids.  Kids are VERY demanding and don't accept,"Later" when they are 10 months old, crying and hungry!  (They train us early, don't they?)

Fast forward another few years.  Kids are in school and have activities.  Now, you are running the kids everywhere, because they have to all be at the same place at the same time.  So you take piggy back and one parent goes with one kid while the other parent goes with the other kid.  It's okay if the parents don't come together.  You are working as a team for the greater good of all!!!  The romance can come later!

Fast Forward; the kids now are older and drive on their own and they don't need you as much as they used to.  However, you (the couple) are so far removed from each other that it's just become a part of your life that you don't worry about the fact that you barely talk!  And initiating a conversation....forgetuhboutit!!!!!!

Fast forward; you are empty nesters and you look at eacher in such an empty way, that you almost feel the need to shake hands and re-introduce yourselves to each other......


I know that most of us aren't there yet; but I HAVE seen it happen. 

Is this what you set out for when you got married?  NO WAY!!  But life got in the way, and you "ended up" there. 

Life will get in the way, no matter what.  But if you are living a life you didn't set out to live, it's time to stop; re-evaluate, and make a plan to be happy!!! 

Yes, I used marriage as an example (and don't go reading into mine; I'm fine!), but the point is, we all set out for something in life and then we let "life" get in the way and we suffer because of it!

Don't give up what you want, for what you want right now!!  Keep the fire burining bright and be happy in  your soul.  You deserve nothing less!!!

Happy Monday!

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