Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day never appreciate a mother until you have kids of your own!!!  It's so sad......

I remember seeing "stay at home" moms thinking, 'You got a CUSH job!!!  I wanna do that!!

And then when I was pregnant, getting ready to go on Maternity Leave, I was telling my coworkers (all moms) of the plans I had while I was home with my baby.  Most were quiet, but one snickered.  I asked what's so funny.  She replied, "The fact that you think will be ABLE to get all that done!"

I just shook my head and thought, "Whatever, negative Nelly!"

And then the baby came.......

My first memory of early mommyhood is being up with Aspen at 1 in the morning in a tired fog, wondering WHY I needed to be up, changing yet another poopie diaper, and screaming at my husband, "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!!

And then my co workers snicker came flooding forward in my brain!

She was right!
I was exhausted, confused and way out of my league.  I got advice from every mother that I could (but mostly my sister since she lived on the other side of the world and was the only one who would pick up the phone at one in the morning......

I remember calling my mother one day when I was at my wits-end and as she answered the phone I vehemently said, "IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR GRAND DAUGHTER AGAIN, YOU WILL TAKE HER NOOOOWWWW!!!!"   I heard laughter on the other end of the phone......  Humphhhh......

Parenting isn't for sissies, that's for damn sure.

Just when you think you have a day planned for yourself and you are packed up and ready to go to the spa or something wonderful, the phone rings.....and it's the school.....because your daughter just threw up and needs to come home......

On the other side of things, motherhood is wonderful. 

I remember when Aspen was little, I used to carry her in a sling (best invention EVER).  I was out somewhere and getting stressed that my errands were taking longer than they should  I got lost and went in the wrong direction, and I almost started panicking, thinking about Aspen getting stressed.  And as I looked down at her, she was perfectly fine.  I felt a sense of calm come over me as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said, "You're exactly where you want to be!"  Which of course, was with her mother.

Since being a mother, I have realized that the world is a way bigger place than it was.  More issues are concerning to me, especially if they affect my children and their future.  Other issues are less concerning to me, and I engage in drama way less.

I feel like I have a good perspective on things.  My kids are healthy, and thriving.  I'm so proud of them both.

But moreover, I'm blessed with the knowledge of what my own mother must have gone through raising five children.

When I have two attitudes coming at me, I think of her and realize she had that and 3 more behind them!

Because I am a mother, I have learned to realize, I shouldn't blame my mom for things she did that weren't "perfect".  Because now that I am a mom, I see her as a human being, with faults....just like me!!!  I am way more understanding in the choices she made for us.  I get it!!!

But sadly, I didn't get it until I was a mother myself!!!

But.....I get it!  And for that I am thankful!!!

Thank you mom for all the sacrifices you made for us.  All the dishes you cleaned and messes you wiped up and for telling me NO when  I really wanted you to say YES!!!  You knew better (okay...not always, but I get it now).

Thank you for not judging me when I made REALLY STUPID choices.  Thank you for forgiving me when I was short with you (ALLLLL THOSEEEE TIMESSSSSS).

Thank you for treating me like a person as I grew and not like a child. 

Thank you for being my friend and sharing amazing moments with my children.  Thank you for laughing at me when I'm at my wits-end.  You help me see perspective!!

I love you mom!!  I'm thankful for your and I'm glad we have this day to share together!!!

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

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