Monday, May 7, 2012


I was in bed by 9:30 last night.  Asleep by 10.  This morning I was up at 5:49......  Alert awake.  But when I saw the clock, I outwardly sighed and tried to go back to bed.

Always a mistake.....

At 6:30 when the alarm clock went off I was in a sound sleep, not wanting to get up, dead tired....

That ever happen to you?

I adore my sleep.  And I nap as often as I can! (daily that is).

I don't know why some people can get through the day without a thought of a nap.  And to be honest, until I met a friend who raved about her naps, I thought something was wrong with me.

We are all just different.

Two of us in my house here, need naps.  Two, don't even think about it.

I believe it's a DNA thing.

On the way home from Ren Faire, Avery and I passed out cold.  Thirty minutes later, when we arrived at dinner, we were up.  We are two peas in a pod.  Aspen played on a celtic doo dad that we got from the ren faire. 

I wish I didn't feel the need to nap, but my brain just starts shutting down and my eyes get droopy.  I have been that way all my life. 

I remember when I worked as a teller at a bank, I would take my lunch breaks under the teller stations (there was a 'dead' space there).  I would literally curl up on the floor.  I don't know why I didn't feel weird about it, but pretty soon, some of the other girls would take turns after me!  I considered the vault, but they wouldn't let me in.  Go figure!

Anyway, I'm up now, and planning my day. I'm sure I'll be good until about noon, or right after lunch, when I will have to put my head down for about 20 minutes.

I'm sure something IS wrong with me..or my DNA as it were.  But as there is nothing I can do about it, I will simply roll with the tide....and bring my pillow.

(Did I just blog about naps??) 

(Did you just read it?)

Happy Monday

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