Thursday, May 10, 2012

electronic infiltration

I was listening to Mark and Brian yesterday and they were talking about people on facebook and people who "share".  They said that studies show when people put their information out there, there is a reaction in the brain like a "rush". 

Maybe that is why Facebook is so popular, who knows.

I know for me, when I'm writing I do feel good.  I have always liked writing.  But only recently (in recent years) have I started publishing. it.

I think the rush for people, comes more from responses.  I have heard from so many people they post something and they literally wait for responses.  I'm not going to lie....I have done that too!!!

When I started blogging, I started checking less in the day, because when I started posting my blogs, I felt that the little one-liners were unnecessary.

Sometimes I question my facebook presence at all. 

What's the point?  How many people ACTUALLY CARE who is on?  More often than not, it's a time killer.  I believe our production abilities have gone down, and our abilities to face each other and have an 'undivided attention' conversation are few and far between!!!

Why is this "interference" so important to us?  What would happen if we didn't check for a day??

My mom is bewildered by the fact that I don't watch the news.  I told her, "if it's important enough, I will either get a call, or see it on Facebook".  And sure enough; within minutes of Vidal Sassoons death, I saw it on facebook.

I was contacted this morning on facebook by a friend who is getting married. 

Honestly, with facebook, I don't even need email! (Except to get spam that is.)

It's just interesting to see how we are morphing into electronic monsters.   Even driving, I see people with their heads down, or talking on their phones (illegally, of course).  Do people put ANY boundaries on this stuff?

I am doing my best to keep boundaries with this stuff.  Now, because I have kids, I will check for texts, but for the most part, I try to leave it alone at work.

And, when in the car with the kids, I don't talk on the phone.  I want that to be "chat" time with my kids.  Thankfully, they aren't at the stage of having their faces in their phones when we talk to them.  Mostly it's because there is no data package on their phones.  I'm sure their friends think we are poor, but that's okay.

In my opinion, there is no benefit to giving them access to the entire world at such a young age.  Their time will come, I'm sure.

Until then, I will hold the reigns, and enjoy their little faces as they look 'up' at me, undivided for conversation.

Happy Thursday

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